This is a simple example of what a proportional system would look like in the US House. Each state has its delegation doubled, and one-half of the delegation is to be appointed proportioanlly. The Presidential vote-share is used as the party-line share, in the absense of better data (not every state has senate elections every cycle, and unconstested or unbalanced house races make the house popular vote a flawed metric.)
Note that, in both the original and proportional systems, smaller states tend to be less proportional. This is a natural consequence of a smaller delegation, and a correction factor will be introduced in the future.
./ <year> [--latex]
Where <year>
is the year you want to generate maps for (only 2012 and 2016 are currently available), and [--latex]
enables generation of a LaTeX table of results.
This is an example of the program on the 2012 election. First, the existing misrepresentation map:
And then the proportional map: