This project is a web-application being developed to support people with a deficit in their central auditory skills with or without hearing loss, i.e. users of cochlear implant or hearing aids. Intended to be used by children older than 7 years, adults, elderly subjects; anyone who wants to improve their auditory skills, training their brain to improve the understanding of what is heard. It is projected to contain several series of media exercises, which should be added incrementally. The tool structure and usage could be organized in the same way as other tools like .
- Additional description with links to analogous applications:
- Scientific basis of the project:
We use latest technologies and best practices, so developers will get to know new tools and their usage, obtaining a useful experience. We will review your code, give you advice to improve it and listen to your suggestions. Most importantly being an open source project you can show your work in it to any person interested, proving your development expertise with actual examples of your work flow and code samples in a live application.
- Front-end developers: Ember, Angular.
- Server-side developers: Kotlin and Java. Components, REST and algorithms.
- DevOps: Continuous integration and delivery.
- UX: Creative designers for UX research and prototype testing. Your ideas how to improve user retention are welcome.
Join us! Learn something new, try your skills, prove yourself, get experience and get ahead!
- Back-end: KOTLIN/java + Spring boot. Rest api as integration layer.
- Front-end : TBD - Ember, Angular.
- DB: Postgres in production, H2 for testing.
- for epam developers: Just click on “JOIN TEAM” button in and we will get in touch with you shortly.
- for all other developers: you can send an email to or directly to describing your interests or any questions you may have. our project skype chat: || || ||
- Install node v10 or above
- Install yarn 1.19 or above
- In order to make any commit you need Husky dependency be installed (you can use frontend build to get it)
- Install Docker
Run following commands: linux/mac:
cd ./frontend/ && yarn && node ./node_modules/.bin/ember serve
for windows:
./node_modules/.bin/ember serve --port=4201
FE dev server now accessible at http://localhost:4200/
The project uses postgres 11.5. Documentation Currently for local development we use postgres docker image To install docker:
To run docker use the following command:
- on linux:
docker run -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=brn -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$PG_PASSWORD -e POSTGRES_USER=$PG_USER postgres:11
- on windows:
docker run --name postgres_dev -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=brn -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$PG_PASSWORD -e POSTGRES_USER=$PG_USER postgres:11
$PG_PASSWORD and $PG_USER are environment variables and could be replaced directly or added to your operation system how to add in win10. Alternatively, you can just replace the variables by "admin", the default user and password for development: docker run --name postgres_dev5 -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=brn -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin -e POSTGRES_USER=admin postgres:11
- Run command 'gradle build' from main project folder to build project with tests.
- Use when running spring project, in command line or change it in
- Application.kt is the main class to run application.
Note that if you are using IntelliJ, you may want to use version 2019.2 and later to avoid issues with new kotlin plugin.
Use format 'EPMLABSBRN-# issue description' or 'Merge description'. Issue number must be in range [0-1999]
just run Application.kt after launching database in docker.
- Please refer for details to kb resources: or
- Always use Ctrl+Alt+L in IDEA to update code formatting before committing!
- Use
gradlew ktlint
command to check code style. If this task fails, the related report with error details can be found in the 'build\reports\ktlint' folder. - It is also possible to use
gradlew ktlintFormat
command to fix code style errors automatically. - Please note that if
gradlew ktlint
task fails, project build will fail also.
- Open file docker-compose.yml and change SPRING_PROFILE to "dev".
- From console, from project's folder, execute:
docker-compose up --build
Alternatively, use daemon mode (no console output):
docker-compose -d up --build
REST API will be accessible at http://localhost:8081/api/swagger-ui.html
docker useful command: docker ps -a -q for show all containers docker stop idContainer for stop running container docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) Remove all stopped containers
- Get a task assigned in JIRA (for epamers) or issue ( you choosed and discused with @ElenaSpb.
- Create branch from dev with the codename of your task, i.e. EPAMLABSBRN-1.
- Implement your task, do not forget to write tests. Remember to follow project's coding standards: or .
- Create pull request with task name and description about what was done.
- Notify the team in our skype chat and wait for reviews. At least one reviewer is necessary, but more can be added in a case by case basis.
- The task gets merged by a project mantainer.
our application is run on &&
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE text.