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Tamer Tas edited this page Feb 28, 2017 · 3 revisions

Creating Templates

At the top-level of your repository include an optional "project.json" file that contains the default values that you'd like to substitute

    "Name": "example-project",
    "Author": "Tamer Tas",
    "Email": "",
    "PrintHomeDir": true,
    "License": [
        "GNU GPL v3.0", 
        "Apache Software License 2.0"

Now, create a template folder inside your template repository that contains all the files that you'd like to be part of your project template. When using a template, the contents of this folder will be parsed and copied to the target directory requested by user

my-template directory:

├── project.json
└── template
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── {{Name}}.go
    └── {{time "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006"}}.log


{{if eq License "MIT"}}
// MIT License

{{else if eq License "GNU GPL v3.0"}}
// GNU GPL v3.0 License

{{else if eq License "Apache Software License 2.0"}}
// Apache License


README file:

This project was created by {{Author}}.

This project is under the {{License}} license.

For more information please send an e-mail to `{{Email}}`.

{{if PrintHomeDir}}
During the project creation the home directory path was `{{env "HOME" | toLower}}`.

File/Directory Name Templating

File/Directory names can also be templated:

  • {{Name}}.go file will be example-project.go.
  • {{time "Mon_Jan_2_15:04_2006"}}.log file will be formatted with the given example time format using the current time. It will become Mon_Dec_14_15:08_2015.log


  • Defined values are by convention, capital CamelCase and functions are lowercase camelCase.
  • The user will be prompted for a choice for each value in the project.json template
  • Only the contents of the template folder will be copied.
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