This module is a chart renderer and uploader to Slack. It's easy to share charts of CloudWatch on Slack. You can render charts for datapoints of CloudWatch, and can upload chart images to channels of Slack.
Tested with node-4.3.1 and npm-2.14.12.
$ npm install [--no-spin]
NOTE: v0.1.2 doesn't work with npm-3.x due to here
Set four environment variables.
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-northeast-1 │~
export SLACK_API_TOKEN=bbbb-xxxxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyyyy-zzzzzzzzzzz-aaaaaaaaaa
Try this, of course change channel name as you have.
SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME=#api-test ./bin/slack-cloudwatch-chart <EC2-instance-id>
A few seconds later, You can see a chart on the channel.
Please add the below snippet.
chart = require "aws-cloudwatch-chart-slack"
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /cloudwatch (.+)/i, (msg) ->
[id, params...] = msg.match[1].split(" ").map (e) -> e.trim()
console.log "cloudwatch: #{id}"
console.log " #{}" "#{}", [id, params...], (err, file)->
if (err)
console.error err.stack
msg.send err.message
For arguments and available options, see here.
By default, metric is CPUUtilization
and namespace is AWS/EC2
cloudwatch i-12345678
You can give metric and namespace at 2nd and 3rd arguments.
cloudwatch main-db FreeableMemory AWS/RDS
Multiple IDs can be given seperated with ,
cloudwatch i-xyza5678,i-abcd1234
is to specify a AWS region.
cloudwatch i-abcd4567 --region us-west-2
has Maximum
, Minimum
, Average
, Sum
and SampleCount
cloudwatch i-abcd1234 --statistics Maximum
Duration and period also can be given with --duration
and period
cloudwatch i-abcd1234 --duration 3days --period 1hour
Regarding AWS/EC2, you can filter EC2 instances with some tags.
Next example is that site
is dev
and role
is webapp
or db
cloudwatch "tag:site=dev,role=webapp|db"
$ gulp
The gulp default task is to complie watching change of sources.
are compiled and saved under dist
$ npm test
$ gulp test
The 1st one is to run test once, the 2nd one watches change of sources.
$ npm run lint
Linting with ESLint.
$ npm run typecheck
Run type check with flow.
dist/render.js Generate a png file
dist/print-stats.js Retrieve stats with aws-sdk CloudWatch.
| stdin
spawn: dist/gen-chart.js Generate a .js file for c3 and a .html file.
| Load the .html file with phantomjs and render a chart as .png
| filename
dist/upload.js Read file.
| Upload it to Slack with a REST API.
unlink the file
Print stats using aws-sdk. Environment variables for AWS are referred.
$ node ./dist/print-stats.js [options] <instance-id>
Generate a png image and show the path.
$ cat <stats-file> | phantomjs ./dist/gen-chart.js
calls print-stats.js
and gen-chart.js
$ node dist/render.js <instance-id>
$ node dist/upload.js ./.97516-1454216914841.png
{ ok: true,
You can prevent removing temporary files with two options.
$ node dist/render.js i-003bb906 --filename a.png --keep-html --keep-js
The options preserve temporary files a.png.html
and a.png.js
You can open the html file and see the chart rendered by c3.js.
$ open a.png.html
- Fork me (
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Pass
npm run typecheck
- Pass
npm run lint
- Add test cases for your changes
- Pass
npm test
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create your new pull request