Sidecar service on Go for webapp which expose some metrics in Prometheus format.
- Go 1.17+
Default location for custom file metrics is /upload
docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 -v `pwd`/upload:/upload --name webapp-sidecar to4kin/webapp-sidecar:latest
Sidecar for WebApp to provide Prometheus metrics
webapp-sidecar [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
start Start WebApp Sidecar
version Print version
-h, --help help for webapp-sidecar
Use "webapp-sidecar [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Start WebApp Sidecar with config file
Simply execute webapp-sidecar start -c path/to/config/file.toml
or skip this flag to use default path
webapp-sidecar start [flags]
-c, --config-path string path to config file (default "configs/webappsidecar.toml")
-h, --help help for start
bind_addr = ":3000"
upload_folder = "upload"
check_folder_interval = 2
metrics_path = "/metrics"
# HELP files_count The number of files in upload folder
# TYPE files_count gauge
files_count 1
# HELP files_size_total The total size of files in the upload folder
# TYPE files_size_total gauge
files_size_total 0