"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
- Abraham Lincoln I guess.
cd ~
git clone git@github.com:toakleaf/.dotfiles.git
cd .dotfiles
source link.sh
Anything file dropped in /links/
, VSCode/
, or .config/
will get symlinked to ~/
when you execute link.sh.
Any existing symlinks will get overwritten.
Any existing files will get copied in place with date stamps and replaced with symlink.
Run source mac_init.sh
to set system defaults.
Run source brew_init.sh
to install apps (via brew and cask).
Run source mac_update.sh
to update apps in brew/npm/app store
- reload zsh
source ~/.zshrc
- change node versions
nvm install [whole number of version for latest]
code save-ext
will output your extensions to file
- Install Node.js from https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- Update to the latest version of npm
npm install npm -g
- Make a new folder for the npm global packages
mkdir ~/.npm-packages
- Tell npm where to find/store them
npm config set prefix ~/.npm-packages
- Verify the install
node -v
&npm -v