A development toolkit for SAF's Laravel Developer
$ composer require toanna/saf-laravel-toolkit
$ php artisan saf:init
Folder structure:
After connect with your remote, run this to setup:
$ php artisan saf:git-hooks-init
Create an Abstraction Interface to app/Abstraction/
$ php artisan saf:abstraction ExternalServiceInterface/IFileUploader
Create a Business Logic Class to app/Business/
$ php artisan saf:business CreateFileBL
Create a Business Service Class to app/BusinessService/
$ php artisan saf:business_service CreateFileBS
Create a Controller Class to app/Representation/Http/
$ php artisan saf:controller TestController
Create an API Controller Class to app/Representation/Http/Api
$ php artisan saf:api_controller FileController
Create a Dependency Class to app/Dependency/
$ php artisan saf:dependency Repositories/SQLFileCreator
Create a Domain Model Class to app/Common/DomainModels
$ php artisan saf:domain_model File
Create an Eloquent ORM Class to app/Dependency/Repositories/Eloquent/
$ php artisan saf:eloquent FileEloquent
Create an Exception Class to app/Common/Exceptions/
$ php artisan saf:exception ValidationException
Create a Form Request Class to app/Representation/Http/Requests/
$ php artisan saf:request CreateFileRequest
Create a Resource to app/Representation/Http/Resources/
$ php artisan saf:resource
Create a Artisan Command to app/Representation/Console/Commands/
$ php artisan saf:console AbstractionMakeCommand
Example in app/config/logging.php
'stack' => [
'driver' => 'stack',
'channels' => ['daily', 'elastic'],
'elastic' => [
'driver' => 'custom',
'via' => Toanna\SAFLaravelToolkit\Common\Logging\ElasticLogger::class,
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => 9200,
'level' => 'debug'
- Thắng Lê thang.le@saf.com.vn
- Toàn Nguyễn toan.nguyen@saf.com.vn