SEG-Y is a file format for seismic image data. It is also known as SEGY or SGY.
Issues and sample data welcome.
using System;
using Unplugged.Segy;
var reader = new SegyReader();
ISegyFile line = reader.Read(@"RMOTC Seismic data set\2D_Seismic\NormalizedMigrated_segy\lineA.sgy");
ITrace trace = line.Traces[0];
double mean = 0;
double max = double.MinValue;
double min = double.MaxValue;
foreach (var sampleValue in trace.Values)
mean += sampleValue / trace.Values.Count;
if (sampleValue < min) min = sampleValue;
if (sampleValue > max) max = sampleValue;
Example data is courtesy of the Rocky Mountian Oilfield Testing Center and the U.S. Department of Energy
Resources on the SEG-Y format: