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HTTP REST API server in Node for blink(1) devices

Supports plug and unplug of blink(1) while server is running.

Uses new node-hid@0.5.1 so works with Node 4.x.


Install globally and use on the commandline:

npm install -g node-blink1-server
blink1-server 8754   # starts server on port 8754

Or check out and use via npm:

git clone
cd node-blink1-server
npm install
npm start 8754

Supported URIs:

  • /blink1 -- status info about connected blink1s, lastColor, etc.
  • /blink1/fadeToRGB -- fade blink(1) to a color. query args:
    • rgb -- hex color code (e.g. "#ff00ff") [required]
    • time -- fade time in seconds (default: 0.1)
    • ledn -- LED to control (0=both, 1=top, 2=bottom; default: 0)
  • /blink1/blink -- blink a color, query args:
    • rgb -- hex color code (e.g. "#ff00ff") [required]
    • time -- fade & blink time in seconds (default: 0.1)
    • ledn -- LED to control (0=both, 1=top, 2=bottom; default: 0)
    • repeats -- number of times to blink (default: 3)
  • /blink1/pattern -- blink a pattern of colors, query args:
    • rgb -- hex color codes separated by a comma (,) (e.g. "#ff00ff") [required]
    • time -- time in seconds between colors (default: 0.1)
    • repeats -- number of times to blink pattern (default: 3)
  • /blink1/on -- turn blink(1) on to full-on white (#FFFFFF)
  • /blink1/red -- turn blink(1) red (#FF0000)
  • /blink1/green -- turn blink(1) green (#00FF00)
  • /blink1/blue -- turn blink(1) blue (#000000)
  • /blink1/yellow -- turn blink(1) yellow (#FFFF00)
  • /blink1/cyan -- turn blink(1) cyan (#00FFFF)
  • /blink1/magenta -- turn blink(1) magenta (#FF00FF)
  • /blink1/off -- turn blink(1) off (#000000)


$ blink1-server 8754 &
$ curl 'http://localhost:8754/blink1'
    "blink1Connected": true,
    "blink1Serials": [
    "lastColor": "#FF0000",
    "lastTime": 1.5,
    "lastLedn": 0,
    "lastRepeats": 0,
    "cmd": "info",
    "status": "success"
$ curl 'http://localhost:8754/blink1/fadeToRGB?rgb=%230000ff&time=2.5&ledn=2'
    "blink1Connected": true,
    "blink1Serials": [
    "lastColor": "#0000ff",
    "lastTime": 2.5,
    "lastLedn": 2,
    "lastRepeats": 0,
    "cmd": "fadeToRGB",
    "status": "success"

$ curl  'http://localhost:8754/blink1/pattern?rgb=%23ff0000,%23ffffff,%230000ff&time=.2&repeats=8'
    "blink1Connected": true,
    "blink1Serials": [
    "time": 0.2,
    "colors": [
    "repeats": 8,
    "cmd": "pattern",
    "status": "success"


% DEBUG=Blink1Service node main.js