To test the integration of Sentiance together with React Native Background Geolocation
constant in file src/task/GeolocationTask.js
import BackgroundGeolocation from 'react-native-background-geolocation';
import DeviceInfo from 'react-native-device-info';
import Log from 'react-native-device-log';
const APP_IDENTIFY = '****'; // << -- here
export default class GeolocationTask {
Is only a string identifier to separate information on the server side
To view the information, go to
Configure the access keys in the files
- (void) initializeSentianceSdk:( NSDictionary*) launchOptions sentiance:( RNSentiance*)sentiance {
NSString *APP_ID = @"***"; // << -- here
NSString *SECRET = @"***"; // << -- here
//user linking disabled
//SENTConfig *config = [[SENTConfig alloc] initWithAppId:APP_ID secret:SECRET link:nil launchOptions:launchOptions];
public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
private static final String SENTIANCE_APP_ID = "***"; // << -- here
private static final String SENTIANCE_SECRET = "***"; // << -- here
private final RNSentiancePackage rnSentiancePackage = new RNSentiancePackage();