Update procedure and description of link data for TogoID.
Pair of database IDs in the tab separated value (TSV) format.
Resolve dependencies of update procedure and preparation of common input files for each source DB.
- Prepare: For each config/source-target configuration, prepare common input files of the source database to extract information (if any).
- Prepare: Compare the timestamp and/or file sizes of remote files with local files previously downloaded.
- Update: If the timestamp is newer than previously generated link data (TSV), execute the update procedure.
- Update: For the databases which don't have timestamp (e.g., the data source is a SPARQL endpoint), execute the update procedure only when the TSV file is older than given age (e.g., >7 days).
- Convert: If the timestamp of RDF data (TTL) is older than previously generated link data (TSV), execute the convert procedure.
A list of datasets (source and target datasets used in the 1st and 2nd columns of the TSV link data, respectively).
# Dataset name (in snake_case) for TogoID which can be a subset of original database divided by the category.
# Human readable label of the dataset (intended to be used in a Web UI)
label: Enzyme nomenclature
# Database identifier provided by the Integbio Database Catalog https://integbio.jp/dbcatalog/
catalog: nbdc01883
# Primary category of the database (category must be defined in the TogoID ontology)
category: Function
# Regular expression used for automatic detection of the dataset from identifiers given by users.
# If only a part of the user input should be recognized as an identifier, use a named capture to indicate the part.
regex: '^(?:EC:)?(?<id>\d+\.(?:(?:-\.-\.-)|\d+\.(?:(?:-\.-)|\d+\.(?:-|n?\d+))))$'
# URI prefix (intended to be used as a URI prefix in RDF)
prefix: http://identifiers.org/ec-code/
# (Optional) ID format that can be options for output (intended to be used in a Web UI)
format: ["EC:%s"]
# Example IDs which are accepted by the TogoID service (thus different types of IDs can be included)
- ["","","","","","","","","",""]
- ["EC:","EC:","EC:","EC:","EC:","EC:","EC:","EC:","EC:","EC:"]
# (Optional) Command to create an id-label tsv file
method: sparql_csv2tsv.sh -w $TOGOID_ROOT/bin/sparql/ec_label.rq https://rdfportal.org/sib/sparql
label: HGNC
catalog: nbdc01774
category: Gene
prefix: http://identifiers.org/hgnc/
label: PubChem compound
catalog: nbdc00641
category: Compound
prefix: 'https://identifiers.org/pubchem.compound/'
label: PubChem substance
catalog: nbdc00642
category: Compound
prefix: 'https://identifiers.org/pubchem.substance/'
Update procedure of link data and metadata for pair of datasets with their relation including definitions of forward/reverse predicates for RDF generation.
# Relation of the pair of database identifiers (e.g., hgnc-ec)
# Forward link (source to target), predicate must be defined in the TogoID ontology
forward: TIO_000028
# Reverse link (target to source)
reverse: TIO_000029
# Example file name(s) of link data (only for testing)
file: sample.tsv
# Metadata for updating link data
# How often the source data is updated
frequency: Bimonthly
# Update procedure of link data (can be a script name or a command line)
method: sparql_csv2tsv.sh query.rq "http://sparql.med2rdf.org/sparql"
Recommended to use Dublin Core's Frequency Vocabulary DCFreq terms to specify the update frequency.
TogoID ontology (TIO) is introduced to semantically describe the datasets and the relations between datasets in TogoID.
- ruby and rake (default bundle in ruby)
- docker described below or install all dependent UNIX commands used in the config.yaml files
To update and convert all files:
% rake >& `date +%F`.log
To update and convert all files in parallel:
% rake -m -j 4
To update all TSV files:
% rake update
To convert all TSV files into Turtle files:
% rake convert
To update a 'output/tsv/db1-db2.tsv' file:
% rake output/tsv/db1-db2.tsv
To obtain a 'output/ttl/db1-db2.ttl' file:
% rake output/ttl/db1-db2.ttl
Build locally:
$ git clone https://github.com/dbcls/togoid-config
$ cd togoid-config
$ docker build -t togoid:test .
$ docker run -it --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd)/input:/togoid/input -v $(pwd)/output:/togoid/output -w /togoid togoid:test rake -m -j 16 update
Or by using a container hosted on GitHub container registry
$ git clone https://github.com/dbcls/togoid-config
$ cd togoid-config
$ docker run -it --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd)/input:/togoid/input -v $(pwd)/output:/togoid/output -w /togoid ghcr.io/dbcls/togoid:3455a5a rake -m -j 16 update
To test the syntax of the config YAML file:
% ruby bin/togoid-config config/db1-db2 test
To update link data (output/tsv/db1-db2.tsv) from the data source:
% ruby bin/togoid-config config/db1-db2 update
To generate a RDF/Turtle file (output/ttl/db1-db2.ttl) for the given link data:
% ruby bin/togoid-config config/db1-db2 convert
To summarize all config settings:
% ruby bin/togoid-config-summary config/*/config.yaml > config-summary.tsv
% vd config-summary.tsv
To see the database update frequency:
% ruby bin/togoid-config-summary config/*/config.yaml | cut -f1,16
To see the database update method:
% ruby bin/togoid-config-summary config/*/config.yaml | cut -f1,17
- dot command in graphviz
To visualize config relations:
% ruby bin/togoid-config-summary config/*/config.yaml | ruby bin/togoid-config-summary-dot > togoid.dot
% dot -Kdot -Ppng togoid.dot -otogoid.png
% open togoid.png
The option --id
indicates to include identifiers of nodes (dataset IDs) and predicates of edges.
% ruby bin/togoid-config-summary config/*/config.yaml | ruby bin/togoid-config-summary-dot --id > togoid.dot
Also try some other visualization layouts and options:
% dot -Kcirco -Ppng togoid.dot -otogoid.png
% dot -Kfdp -Ppng togoid.dot -otogoid.png
The figure in this repository is generated by the following commands:
% ruby bin/togoid-config-summary config/*/config.yaml > docs/dot/togoid.sum
% ruby bin/togoid-config-summary-dot --id docs/dot/togoid.sum > docs/dot/togoid.dot
% dot -Nshape=box -Nstyle=filled,rounded -Ecolor=gray -Kdot -Tpng docs/dot/togoid.dot -odocs/dot/togoid.png