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RemixJS Portfolio Site

A simple portfolio site created using RemixJS


Clone and install dependencies

git clone
cd remix-portfolio

npm install

To run development server:

npm run dev

Adding Projects

Projects are stored as .md files within app/projects. Each project should include in the frontmatter:

  • title: Title of the project
  • thumbnail: Thumbnail image link of the project (width of 300px)
  • description: A short, one-line description about the project
  • detailedDescription: A short paragraph describing the project
  • githubLink: Link to github repository of the project
  • demoLink (optional): Link to a demo website showcasing the project
  • screenshots: An array of links to images for the project (width of 1280px)
  • date: The date of the project (used to sort)

Use Squoosh to optimize images.


Update the domain within sessions.server.ts, and then push to github. Vercel will automatically handle deployment.

  • The domain doesn't include https:// (e.g.


After the website was mostly complete, I ran the Lighthouse Audit on the webpage using the following options:

Section Value
Mode Navigation
Device Mobile
Categories Performance, Accessibility, Best practices, SEO

The results were as follows:

First, solve the non-performance issues:

  • Insufficient contrast between background and foreground (some of my muted text were too light)
  • Links do not have a discernable name (A link just named "Details" is not super specific. Modified it to become "Details about <project>")
  • Document does not have a meta description
    • Added a { name: "description", meta: "page description" } to each page (replacing page description with the appropriate page description)

This improved the lighthouse scores to 100 except for performance. Now to tackle performance issues:

  • Eliminate render-blocking resources

    • Initially, I was loading the "Inter" font from google by adding
      <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin="anonymous" />
      <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin="anonymous" />
      <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

    This did not really improve my performance. However, downloading the font and serving it locally improved performance tremendously.

    @font-face {
        font-family: "Inter";
        src: local("Inter"), /* important to put local in front if the user already has the font installed locally */
        url("/fonts/inter/Inter-VariableFont_slnt,wght.ttf") format("truetype");
        font-style: normal;
        font-display: swap;

    Include a preload hint in the root.tsx file as well:

    <link rel="preload" href="/fonts/inter/Inter-VariableFont_slnt,wght.ttf" as="font" type="font/ttf" crossorigin="anonymous">
  • Largest Contentful Paint element took a long time to load (hero image)

    • Converted the hero image to .avif and .webp while keeping the .png as a fallback. Not using .jpeg due to transparency in the image. Then used a picture element to correctly render the image
              className="mx-auto h-[300px] w-[300px]"
  • Large layout shifts

    • Due to images taking some time to load, and then pushing the other elements away. This was solved by giving an explicit width and height to the images, or using aspect-ratio
  • Avoid enormous network payloads

    • Images below the fold were being loaded, causing the bandwidth to be very high. Solved by giving <img loading="lazy" />
  • Reduce unused Javascript

All these improvements gave the following result:

Additional Notes

  • Images should be sized exactly so that cached images do not suddenly "snap" into their correct dimensions. This is due to images being cached and loading immediately, then the CSS loading to properly resize the image.
