Cooking recipe application.
Live demo here.
Foodieland is a fullstack application that you can find delicious cooking recipes and read interesting food articles. It is a fully responsive template and works perfectly on all screen sizes and mobile devices. Admin panel provides a clean, friendly user interface and many various functionalities including Add / delete / edit recipes and articles, Manage and observe all messages.
- Nextjs - version 12.2.5
- Typescript - version 4.8.2
- Node js - version
- Mongoose - version 6.6.5
- Tailwind css - version 3.1.8
- React Query - version 3.39.2
- Next auth - version 4.18.7
Follow the following steps to get development environment running.
Clone 'foodieland.git' repository
git clone
Install dependencies
npm install
start development server
npm run dev
Project is: complete .
Created by @tohiidd - feel free to contact me!
This project is open source and available under the MIT license.