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Kubernetes workshop 20th Feb 2019

This repo contains the files, documentation and exercises used in the Kubernetes workshop held at adidas HQ in Amsterdam on the 20th of February 2019.


The goals of this workshop are:

  • Understand what is Kubernetes
  • Understand the most commonly used concepts/terms associated with k8s
  • Learn how to write k8s manifests
  • Learn how to handle deployments and upgrades of an application
  • Learn how an application is scaled manually or dynamically

Getting started

Make sure you have docker, and kubectl installed.

  • Fork this repository,
  • Clone it

Running & Building the container locally

  • docker build -t lauriku/k8s-workshop .
  • docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 lauriku/k8s-workshop
  • Browse localhost:3000

Prep environment

Option #1:

Assuming you have gone through the adidas RBAC process for setting up your k8s configuration, you just need to point your kubectl (set default context) to the dev cluster:

  • kubectl config use-context dev-dub

Option #2: Kubernetes through Docker for Desktop

Through the Docker for Desktop icon on your OS X, go to Preferences -> Kubernetes Enable Kubernetes and click on Apply. This will set up a single-node k8s cluster for you locally to play on.

Once the installation is done, you can run the following command:

  • kubectl config use-context docker-for-desktop

Workshop Exercises

The first thing to do is to write manifests for the Kubernetes manifest is a description of a desired state of a resource. Three different resource types are going to be needed for this workshop, deployment, service and ingress.

Templates for the manifests can be located under the deploy/ folder.

1. deployment.yml

a. Give the deployment resource a name. This can then be used to later access the resource, to update or delete it for example.

  name: lauriku-app

b. Start writing the template: spec for the deployment. This defines the Pod template that describes which containers are to be launched. In order for other resources to route traffic to the pods, the pods need a label.

        app: lauriku-app

c. Next, define the containers to be run in these pods. The container needs a name, imageand a containerPort. The image field refers to the image now stored in the docker hub repository. The containerPort should the same port that container exposes, and the process inside the container listens to.

        - name: lauriku-app
          image: lauriku/k8s-workshop:latest
            - containerPort: 3000

Now, you should be able to send this manifest to the Kubernetes API, so that it can start building your application.

kubectl apply -f deploy/deployment.yml

You should be able to see the pods starting by writing kubectl get pods.

To see that the pod has started properly, you can check the logs with kubectl logs <pod-name>

2. service.yml

a. Like the deployment, the service needs a name and a label. The name is important here, as it will be used to link it with the ingress in the next step.

  name: lauriku-svc
    app: lauriku-app

b. The spec of the service needs definitions on what port to map to which container, and what protocol to use. targetPort is the port that is exposed by the container, and where the service will direct traffic to. port can be any port, but for simplicity we'll use the same here.

  type: NodePort # add this only if using Kubernetes from Docker for Desktop
    - port: 3000
      targetPort: 3000
      protocol: TCP

c. Lastly, the service needs a selector, to know which pods to direct traffic to.

      app: lauriku-app

The service manifest can be applied the same way as the deployment, so

kubectl apply -f deploy/service.yml

And kubectl get service -o yaml should now show detailed information of it.

Accessing your application in local env

$ kubectl get service
NAME          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
kubernetes    ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP          5d
lauriku-svc   NodePort   <none>        3000:31248/TCP   1d

So here, you can see that your service is mapped to use port 31248, and you can access it through http://localhost:31248

3. ingress.yml (you can skip this if using local env)

a. For exposing the service in the dev cluster, we need an ingress controller:

  name: lauriku-ing
  annotations: / "false"

b. Then the spec. For the ingress, this is a set of rules that determine what services traffic is routed to, based on routes for example. To get a working ingress (nginx) configuration, we need to add a host declaration here as well.

  - host: lauriku-app.<namespace>.<cluster-hostname> # please use an unique name here
      - path: /.*
          serviceName: lauriku-svc
          servicePort: 3000

Here we just route all traffic to port 3000 of the lauriku-svc service.

Finally, apply this manifest with kubectl apply -f deploy/ingress.yml. It can then be inspected by kubectl get ingress lauriku-ing -o yaml.

Accessing the deployment

You should now be able to access the deployment through the specified hostname.

4. Scaling the deployment

There are a few ways to do the scaling, the quickest being the kubectl scale command.

Try the following:

kubectl scale --replicas=4 deployment/lauriku-app && \
kubectl rollout status deployment/lauriku-app

This controls the deployment object in Kubernetes directly, but of course if there's a new kubectl apply from the repo, the changes would be overwritten. The deployment.yml can be updated with:

  replicas: 4

And then applied with kubectl apply -f deploy/deployment.yml.

5. Upgrading the deployment

Once we have an existing image, an upgrade can be performed by just editing the existing deployment. This can be done with the kubectl set image command.

But first, adjust the update policy for the deployment a bit. Add the following to the deployment manifest:

      type: RollingUpdate
        maxSurge: 25%
        maxUnavailable: 25%

And then apply the policy with kubectl apply -f deploy/deployment.yml.

Then, you can fire up the RollingUpdate by setting the image of the deployment to the new one:

kubectl set image deployment/lauriku-app lauriku-app=lauriku/k8s-workshop:v2 && \
kubectl rollout status deployment/lauriku-app

6. Rolling back the deployment

Oopsie, you made a mistake. How do you roll back the deployment?

You can check the history of a deployment by kubectl rollout history deployment/lauriku-app, and inspect each revision with the --revision flag, so for example:

$ kubectl rollout history deployment/lauriku-app --revision=1
deployments "lauriku-app" with revision #1
Pod Template:
  Labels:	app=lauriku-app
    Image:	lauriku/k8s-workshop:latest
    Port:	3000/TCP
    Host Port:	0/TCP
    Environment:	<none>
    Mounts:	<none>
  Volumes:	<none>

Looking here, we can see that revision #1 has the previous version of the image. So the rollback to this version could be done with: kubectl rollout undo deployment/lauriku-app --to-revision=2. Just saying rollout undo deployment/<deployment_name> without --to-revision, will perform a rollback to the previous version.

Editing resources live

Instead of always editing the resources and then applying the changes, you can also edit them live if needed.

Try your hand in editing a manifest "live", by doing the following:

KUBE_EDITOR="vim" # or if you want to use VScode, 'code -w'
kubectl edit deployment/lauriku-app

7. Resource requests and limits

You can limit the resource usage of different pods, with resource limits and requests. Requests are used to reserve a certain amount of cpu/mem resources when a pod starts.

Add the following to the deployment manifest:

        - name: lauriku-app
              memory: "128Mi"
              cpu: "5m"
              memory: "256Mi"
              cpu: "10m"

And apply the manifest with kubectl apply -f deploy/deployment.yml.

8. Horizontal Pod Autoscaling

For the HPA to work, we need a HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource. You can create this to deploy/hpa.yml.

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: lauriku-app
    apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
    kind: Deployment
    name: lauriku-app
  minReplicas: 2
  maxReplicas: 10
  - type: Resource
      name: cpu
      targetAverageUtilization: 30
  - type: Resource
      name: memory
      targetAverageUtilization: 50

Apply this with kubectl apply deplo/hpa.yml.


Content for the k8s-workshop






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  • JavaScript 76.1%
  • Dockerfile 23.9%