Shaft is a workflow engine to be used as a "shaft" of other workflow engines for the Common Workflow Language (CWL).
The main purpose of this engine is to be embedded in more enhanced workflow engines such as ep3 and therefore it focuses on supporting CommandLineTool and ExpressionTool documents in local machines.
- Easy to deploy (statically-linked binary)
- Enable to take inherited process requirements and hints via input object
- it is necessary to integrate shaft with other workflow engine that supports
- it is necessary to integrate shaft with other workflow engine that supports
The CWL specification says that the step processes in a workflow must inherit requirements and hints declared in the parent workflow.
To integrate shaft with other workflow engine for Workflow
, shaft can take inherited requirements and hints via shaft:inherited-requirements
and shaft:inherited-hints
in the input object. They must have an array of process requirements that are inherited from the parent workflow.
Examples: Inheriting
# based on class: CommandLineTool cwlVersion: v1.0 hints: ResourceRequirement: ramMin: 8 inputs: in: string outputs: out: type: File outputBinding: glob: out # requirements: # EnvVarRequirement: # envDef: # TEST_ENV: $( baseCommand: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo $TEST_ENV"] stdout: out
in: "hello test env" shaft:inherited-requirements: - class: EnvVarRequirement envDef: TEST_ENV: override
Execution result:
$ ./bin/shaft --quiet tests/tools/env-tool1-noenv.cwl tests/jobs/env-job.yml | jq . { "out": { "basename": "out", "checksum": "sha1$cdc1e84968261d6a7575b5305945471f8be199b6", "class": "File", "dirname": "/workspaces/shaft", "location": "file:///workspaces/shaft/out", "nameext": "", "nameroot": "out", "path": "/workspaces/shaft/out", "size": 9 } } $ cat out override
Examples: Inheriting
but not overriding requirements in the process-
class: CommandLineTool cwlVersion: v1.0 hints: ResourceRequirement: ramMin: 8 inputs: in: string outputs: out: type: File outputBinding: glob: out requirements: EnvVarRequirement: envDef: TEST_ENV: $( baseCommand: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo $TEST_ENV"] stdout: out
test/jobs/senv-job.yml (same as previous example)
in: "hello test env" shaft:inherited-requirements: - class: EnvVarRequirement envDef: TEST_ENV: override
Execution result:
$ ./bin/shaft --quiet tests/tools/env-tool1.cwl tests/jobs/env-job.yml | jq . { "out": { "basename": "out", "checksum": "sha1$b3ec4ed1749c207e52b3a6d08c59f31d83bff519", "class": "File", "dirname": "/workspaces/shaft", "location": "file:///workspaces/shaft/out", "nameext": "", "nameroot": "out", "path": "/workspaces/shaft/out", "size": 15 } } $ cat out hello test env