This is a module for CMS Made Simple™. The module manages and displays bookings for resources.
This module is not yet production-ready.
- supports booking-requests for administrator approval, and direct recording of bookings
- flexible repeat-bookings definition e.g. Thursdays in June 6:00..8:00
- table and text-list views of bookings
- user classes for differentiated display of bookings in table view
- resources can be (multiply) grouped, and group-members can inherit group properties
- optimal scheduling of bookings of group members
- resource availability completely customisable
- slot-lengths completely customisable
- flexible fee(s) definition e.g. $10 per hour for Thursdays in June 6:00..8:00
- user classes for differentiated fees
- supports pre- and post-payment, or no payment, for resource usage
- can work with any online payment gateway for which a suitable interface-class is available
- can work with the Notifier module to communicate with bookers and responsible admins
- reporting about resources and users
- data import/export
- timezone tolerant
Further information may be found at the module's forge-page.