Tools for Clojure/ClojureScript applications.
We like to write our programs in Clojure Common .cljc
files. We dislike all the interop that needs to be coded in such files, we want abstractions instead that handles all the interop for us. This includes the interop needed for handling CLJS and CLJ ways of namespace importing, e.g. the clojure test library.
We also added the is=
function because we suffered a lot from the optional msg
argument in the default clojure is
function. This lead to incorrectly typed test forms resulting in a passed test, like the following: (is (= (* 2 2)) (+ 2 2)) -> true
We are strong believers that examples are excellent documentation. Our inline function tests serve as excellent examples, as they are guaranteed to be up to date. In the future we might generate this readme to include the examples here. In the mean time, have a look in our source files (they are not that big).
empty->nil [coll]
index-of [coll x]
remove-one [el coll]
seq-contains? [coll x]
error [message]
ceil [x]
cos [x]
floor [x]
round [x]
sin [x]
get-random-int [seed max]
get-random-uuid []
(obviously non-pure)random-nth [seed coll]
shuffle-with-seed [seed coll]
take-n-random [seed n coll]
deftest [name & body]
error? [actual]
is [form]
is= [actual expected]
is-not [actual]
testing [string body]
now []