Version 0.0.1
This plugin is ZF1 port of EdpSuperluminal module for ZF2.
Copy the library folder over your library folder
Connect the plugin to your front controller
<?php Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->registerPlugin(new Tf_Controller_Plugin_Superlumibnal());
The cache is stored in path stored in ZF_CLASS_CACHE constant.
So ideally you define it in your index.php file
<?php define('ZF_CLASS_CACHE', APPLICATION_PATH . '/cache.php'); if (file_exists(ZF_CLASS_CACHE)) { include ZF_CLASS_CACHE; }
The cache is generated on every request, so you may conditionally add/remove it based on anything you like - e.g.: based on request params, time, server, etc.
BEWARE! Any request generating the cache will be VERY SLOW. To feel the speed, disable the plugin and leave the cache file.