The grails inviter plugin allows you to quickly import contacts from various social networks and mail providers into your application.
You can see it in action at
It is similar in functionality to the following social sharing plugins:
- OpenInviter - PHP
- Plaxo Social Widget - Web
- Jainrain Engage Social Sharing - Web
The main difference of this plugin is that it uses Groovy / Grails and can be deeply integrated quickly and easily to any grails site. When possible, the plugin uses each platform's authentication to comply with the policies set by each provider ( rather than scrapping address book information ).
Under the hood, the plugin uses the excellent Scribe oAuth library by Pablo Fernandez.
The plugin currently supports the following networks
- Facebook - writes invitation on user's wall
- Google - retrieves email
- Yahoo - retrieves email
- Twitter - sends a direct message
- LinkedIn - sends a linkedIn message
- Windows Live - sends an Invitation
This plugin is considered early alpha and should not be used in production.
Currently, Facebook APIs do not provide a mechanism for directly messaging users. As a result, this plugin implements an invitation by writing on a friend's wall ( similar to the AirBnB invite friends invitation ). The drawback of this approach is that if friends mark your post as Spam or hide it, your application might be flagged as spam.
A better alternative is to use the send dialogs provided by facebook instead of this plugin.
This plugin uses the 4.1 version of the windows live connector as the 5.0 version does not provide a way to access emails or send invitations ( ).
The plugin includes four tags to make the process of inviting/import friends easy.
This tag creates a link that will point to the desired social network or email provider to initiate the invitation process.
provider - name of the provider
pick - true/false if true the displayed form will be only to pick contacts (without sending invites).
default: false
<iv:invitationLink provider="facebook">
This is a link to send invites to your facebook friends
<iv:invitationLink provider="google" pick="true">
This is a link to choose between your google contacts
This tag embeds a friend selector from the list of contacts retrieved from the social network. Selected friends are stored in a javascript array called addresses and, if specified, in a hidden field on the same page called addresses.
contacts - list of contacts
<iv:contacts contacts="${ contacts }"/>
The contacts tag. You must also include the inviter css, js and jquery files for this tag to work properly.
<g:javascript library="inviter" plugin='inviter'/>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href="${ resource( dir:'css', file:'inviter.css', plugin:'inviter') }" />
This tag creates a submit form to interact with the contact selector and sends a message to the invited person.
provider - name of the provider, e.g. facebook
link - the link to embed to the invitation message
subject - in emails, the subject of the invitation message
message - the message to embed
canEditMessages - if enabled, this allows the message to be sent to be customized
redirectUrl - the Url to return the user to after invitations have been sent
For facebook:
description - the description of the link to be sent
caption - the photo caption
picture - the image to attach
<iv:messageForm provider="${ provider }"
subject="join grails inviter"
description="grails inviter"
caption="picture caption"
message="join grails inviter"
This tag creates a submit form to interact with the contact selector and tell to a custom action which friends user has chosen.
In this case the real processing of the contacts, is left to the app.
controller [required] - name of the controller as in g:form tag
action [required] - name of the action as in g:form tag
provider - name of the provider, e.g. facebook
link - the link to embed to the invitation message
subject - in emails, the subject of the invitation message
redirectUrl - the Url to return the user to after invitations have been sent
For facebook:
description - the description of the link to be sent
caption - the photo caption
picture - the image to attach
<iv:messageForm controller="${ controller }" action="${ action }"
provider="${ provider }"
subject="join grails inviter"
description="grails inviter"
caption="picture caption"
The plugin includes a service called TestInviterService. Use:
<iv:invitationLink provider="test"> This is a link to test contacts </iv:invitationLink>
The test service returns a list of 20 contacts with emails.
In test/apps you can find a demo app using Greenmail Plugin to display mail messages not actually sent.
For most cases, you want to create your own views.
The views you can overwrite are:
- inviter/contacts.gsp : the view with the 'invite friends' form
- inviter/pickContacts.gsp : the view with the 'pick friends' form
- inviter/sent.gsp : the view displayed after invites have been sent.
Use the example within the plugin to guide you.
To add a new provider, simply create a service with a name ${provider}InviterService
implementing needed methods: look at FacebookInviterService and TestInviterService for
examples of a service using email and one using custom API.
See DemoInviterService in the test app to see an actual implementation.
The plugin requires credentials to be added to each provider used by your application.
Please read the Authentication Credentials section on how to configure each social network.
Plugin uses following keys: = Find friends :
grails.plugin.inviter.contacts.selectAll = Select all
grails.plugin.inviter.contacts.clearSelection = Deselect all
grails.plugin.inviter.invitationForm.submit = Invite friends
grails.plugin.inviter.pickForm.submit = Pick friends
To fully customize i18 for your app, overwrite the keys and declare (before the call to inviter.js - so probably before you declare <r:require module="inviter"/>
Its value is used as placeholder in the search form.
<script>var INVITER_FILTER_BLANK = '<g:message code="" />';</script>
The following section describes where to get each authentication values needed for this application. You can use the config.groovy file included in this plugin as a reference. However, these authentication tokens only work with the site.
NOTE: You have to explicitly enable any single provider
You need to sign up to facebook and add the Developer application
Create a new application. Make sure you enter the website you want to enable the inviter plugin via Web -> Site URL and Domain
Click on the About tab for your application, you will see your key and secret in the form:
App ID:
App Secret:
add these to config.groovy as
grails.plugin.inviter.facebook.enable = true
grails.plugin.inviter.facebook.key = 'your APP ID'
grails.plugin.inviter.facebook.secret = 'your App Secret'
You will need to add your domain to google by going to Manage your Domains
Add your domain and go through the validation step. This would involve adding a meta tag to your site's index page.
Once you have added and verified your domain, click on Manage
You will see your consumer key and secret in the form:
OAuth Consumer Key:
OAuth Consumer Secret: mIE865434SREFEJ9BYoz0k9
add these to config.groovy as = true = 'your oAuth Consumer Key' = 'your oAuth Consumer Secret'
You will need to login to your Yahoo account and add a new application
Select that you'll application will need extended permissions and ask to be able to read from the Contacts API.
Next, you'll have to verify your domain by adding a html file to your document root.
You will get a confirmation with your key and token like this:
Consumer Key: key
Consumer Secret: secret
Application URL:
App Domain:
Add this to your Config.groovy as = true = 'Your key' = 'Your secret'
You will need to add a new application in Twitter
IMPORTANT: Make sure you select that you want your app to have Read, Write and Direct Message permission if you want to use the send message functionality.
Consumer key G8rCU7AHBsZAbeLUAPddQ
Consumer secret BKbt1ygWu0q4xsLuJ8ddfYvegojVHz2GXn1Z5leoXN8
add these to config.groovy as
grails.plugin.inviter.twitter.enable = true
grails.plugin.inviter.twitter.key = 'Your Consumer Key'
grails.plugin.inviter.twitter.secret = 'Your Consumer Secret'
You will need to get credentials by adding a new application
Once you have completed the details for this page, you will get a key and pass,
API Key:
Secret Key:
Enter these to config.groovy as
grails.plugin.inviter.linkedin.enable = true
grails.plugin.inviter.linkedin.key = 'your API Key'
grails.plugin.inviter.linkedin.secret = 'your Secret Key'
You will need to first create an application on the Windows Live Manage Applications site.
After entering the name of your application, you will get a confirmation screen like the following:
Application name: Grails Inviter
Client ID: 0000000040063240
Client secret: DribhiR753AieFnvWOfhXlFbF2NjAOtt
Enter these to config.groovy as
grails.plugin.inviter.windowslive.enable = true
grails.plugin.inviter.windowslive.key = 'your client id'
grails.plugin.inviter.windowslive.secret = 'your client secret'
0.3 - Custom changes by enr
0.2.1 - Select All and Deselect All.
0.2 - Added a test service for local testing Moved test project into a test directory
0.1 - Initial Release