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No fuss Linear Programming solver

from pivotal import minimize, maximize, Variable

x = Variable("x")
y = Variable("y")
z = Variable("z")

objective = 2*x + y + 3*z
constraints = (
    x - y == 4,
    y + 2*z == 2

minimize(objective, constraints)
# -> value: 11.0
# -> variables: {'x': 4.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 1.0}

maximize(objective, constraints)
# -> value: 14.0
# -> variables: {'x': 6.0, 'y': 2.0, 'z': 0.0}


Pivotal is not aiming to compete with commerical solvers like Gurobi. Rather, it is aiming to simplify the process of creating and solving linear programs thanks to its very simple and intuitive API. The solver itself uses a 2-phase Simplex algorithm.


Python >=3.10 is required.

Install via pip:

pip install pivotal-solver



Variable instances implement __add__, __sub__ and other magic methods, so you can use them directly in expressions such as 2*x + 10 - y.

Here are some examples of what you can do with them:

x = Variable("x")
y = Variable("y")
z = Variable("z")

2*x + 10 - y
x + (y - z)*10
-(x + y)
sum([x, y, z])

X = [Variable(f"x{i}") for i in range(5)]

Note that variables are considered equal if they have the same name, so for example this expression:

Variable("x") + 2 + Variable("x")

will be treated as simply 2*x+2.

The first argument to minimize and maximize is the objective function which must be either a single variable or a linear combination as in the examples above.


There are three supported constraints: == (equality), >= (greater than or equal) and <= (less than or equal). You create a constraint simply by using these comparisons in expressions involving Variable instances. For example:

x = Variable("x")
y = Variable("y")
z = Variable("z")

x == 4
2*x - y == z + 7
y >= -x + 3*z
x <= 0

There is no need to convert your constraints to the canonical form which uses only equality constraints. This is done automatically by the solver.

minimize and maximize expect a list of constraints as the second argument.


The return value of minimize and maximize is a 2-tuple containing the value of the objective function and a dictionary of variables and their values.

The functions may raise pivotal.Infeasible if the program is over-constrained (no solution exists) or pivotal.Unbounded if the program is under-constrained (the objective can be made arbitrarily small):

from pivotal import minimize, maximize, Variable, Infeasible

x = Variable("x")
y = Variable("y")

objective = 2*x + y
constraints = (
    x + 2*y == 4,
    x + y == 10

    minimize(objective, constraints)
except Infeasible:
    print("No solution")

Iterations & Tolerance

minimize and maximize take two keyword arguments max_iterations and tolerance. max_iterations (default math.inf) controls the maximum number of iterations of the second phase of the Simplex algorithm. If the maximum number of iterations is reached a potentially non-optimal solution is returned. tolerance (default 1e-6) controls the precision of floating point comparisons, e.g. when comparing against zero. Instead of x == 0.0, the algorithm considers a value to be zero when it is within the given tolerance: abs(x) <= tolerance.


  • Currently, all variables are assumed to be nonnegative i.e. x >= 0.

TODO (Contributions welcome)

  • ✔️ Setting tolerance & max number of iterations
  • (WIP) Arbitrary variable bounds, e.g. a <= x <= b
  • (WIP) Support for absolute values using Python's abs()
    • in the objective function
    • in constraints
  • MILP solver with branch & bound


Setting up

git clone
cd pivotal
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e ".[dev]"

Running tests



A high-level Linear Programming solver





