Basic projects utilizing just React.js
Be comfortable with React syntax, learn to utilize ES6 more, work with different API, make API calls...
- Stack - React
- API - IP Detection:
- API - Open Weather:
- add basic styles
- Stack - react, redux
- API -
- User should be able to search for place
- User should see fetched data on the front end
- It should fetch data based on GEO location
- needs complete project redo
- Stack - react
- API - The Movie DB:
- Basic styling, connect sass with CRA, need to add more styles later
Deep dive into redux, relearning again
- Try to create store, and connect react with redux, use redux thunk for managing fetched data
- Learn more about - actions, reducers, selectors, dispatching actions to store, creating store etc.
- Stack - react with context api, or redux
User should search for music video of choice, it should search for lyrics
On initial load user should see splash screen explaning the app, it should have redirect link or button
Possible features to add?
- User should mark music as favourites
- Some sort of dashboard for marking favourites, show all favourites
- Stack - gatsby.js, react
- Use gatsby.js blog starter kit
- Move TIL repo to gatsby blog
(?) Future project