Simple backup script for a self hosted Ghost blog. It should be run from an external host (not from the Ghost server itself). The script creates two backup files and dumps them into the current directory with datestamps.
- The first backup is a JSON file exported through the web interface containing blog settings and data
- The second backup is the Ghost content directory compressed into a file through an SSH connection
How to run script:
- Edit and fill in following variables:
dns="" # domain name used for blog web_login_user="" # admin user login for Ghost web_login_pass="" # admin user pass for Ghost header_client_secret="" #the client_secret parameter passed in the http header (random for every ghost install) remote_content_backup_path="" # full path to Ghost content directory (e.g. /home/ghost/content) ssh_login_user="" # ssh user with access to remote_content_backup_path
- Execute script: ./
The header_client_secret value can be obtained by examining the http header that is transmitted during logging in through a web browser. This is unfortunately uniquely generated for each ghost install.
Cron example (requires ssh key authentication for ssh_login_user):
0 1 * * * cd /home/user/backups/ && /bin/bash /home/user/