This repository contains code for learning disentangled representations of dynamical environments.
Initially, this project was developed for the paper Learning Group Structure and Disentangled Representations of Dynamical Environments, however this is not the official supporting code (which can be found here)! Instead, this repository provides a framework for extending this work to more complex environments and is provided as-is to support future work and, hopefully, be of general interest and use 😄.
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(a) GridWorld | (b) 3DCars | (c) 3DShapes |
Comparing ground truth with reconstructed images for the built-in dyanamical environements. Note that each of these environments can be configured wuth additional generative factors, but we restrict these example to a few illustrative cases.
We consider representation learning of dynamical environments to be the task of learning: (i) to encode static observations (i.e. images) in a latent space and (ii) how actions evolve this latent representation such that it remains faithful to the ground-truth in the observation space. Our approach, as formalised in the above mentioned paper, is to use spherical latent spaces (where observations are encoded as unit-norm n-dimensional vectors) and represent actions as unitary (i.e. norm-preserving) rotations.
Moreover, we aim to find not just a faithful representation of the environment, but a disentangled representation as defined by Higgins et al. (2018). At a high level, a distentangled representation is one where the generative factors of the environment (e.g. 'North-South' and 'East-West' in (a) GridWorld, 'wall_hue' and 'orientation' in (c) 3DShapes, etc.) can can be independently identified and modified in the latent space encoding. Our work proposed a regularisation that, when applied to the learned representations of actions, encourages this disentanglement.
The goal of this project is to provide a framework for modelling the systems described above that is both compact (everything can be configured, initialised, trained and tested in only a few lines of code) whilst still being tractable and extendable. To this end, the examples above require only four lines of code.
dataset = GridWorld(...) # or Cars3D(...) or Shapes3D(…)
rep_learner = DynamicRepresentationLearner(dataset, ...)
(though you'll have to turn the images returned from .test(...)
into a GIF yourself...).
The underlying neural networks require PyTorch. For the three environments provided, 3DCars and 3DShapes require PIL and h5py, respectively, to load the images (GridWorld has no additional requirements).
Otherwise, all other required packages - numpy, matplotlib, seaborn if you want pretty plots etc - are standard, however full details of the environment used locally during testing are provided in environment.yml.
It should be as simple as cloning the repo. However, the data for 3DCars and 3DShapes is not included by default. These datasets are publicly available (original papers can be found here and here, respectively). For simplicity, they can be downloaded into this project run the relavant bash scripts found in the scripts folder.
>>> git clone --recursive
>>> cd dynamical-disentanglement
>>> scripts/
>>> scripts/
In lieu of an extended discussion here, two notebooks are provided to introduce the project.
- introduction.ipynb: Introduces the key components of the repository and gives a few simple examples of how they work.
- representation-learning.ipynb: Uses the project to learn representations of dynamical environments. This notebook can be run either locally or on Colab (where it will first import and set-up the project).