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Northcoders News API


API to use in the Northcoders News Sprint during the Front End block of the course.

Database written in PSQL, and interacts with it using Knex.

Step 1

Download repo open in Vs code or similar

Step 2 - Create Knex file

In main directory create file named knexFile.js

add/copy that code:

const { DB_URL } = process.env;
const ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';

const baseConfig = {
client: 'pg',
migrations: {
directory: './migrations',
seeds: {
directory: './db/seeds',

const dbConfig = {
production: {
connection: `${DB_URL}?ssl=true`,
development: {
client: 'pg',
connection: {
database: 'nc_news',
username: 'your username for Db',
password: 'your password for Db',
seeds: {
directory: './db/seeds',
migrations: {
directory: './db/migrations',
test: {
client: 'pg',
connection: {
database: 'nc_news_test',
username: 'your username for Db',
password: 'your password for Db',
seeds: {
directory: './db/seeds',
migrations: {
directory: './db/migrations',

module.exports = { ...baseConfig, ...dbConfig[ENV] };

(if u are using Mac Os delete username and password from test and development)

Step 3 - Run scripts in your terminal in that order:

  1. npm run setupDb
  2. npm run migrate
  3. npm run seed
  4. npm run testApp (to see written tests)
  5. npm start (to start local server)


GET /api/topics
POST /api/topics

GET /api/articles
POST /api/articles

GET /api/articles/:article_id
PATCH /api/articles/:article_id
DELETE /api/articles/:article_id

GET /api/articles/:article_id/comments
POST /api/articles/:article_id/comments

PATCH /api/comments/:comment_id
DELETE /api/comments/:comment_id

GET /api/users
POST /api/users

GET /api/users/:username

GET /api

You can test App in insomnia or postman, web browser, etc.

just copy and paste url: http://localhost:9090/api/

Route Description

GET /api/topics
Responds with
  • an array of topic objects, each of which should have the following properties:
    • slug
    • description

POST /api/topics
Request body accepts
  • an object containing the following properties:
    • slug which must be unique
    • description
Responds with
  • the posted topic object

GET /api/articles
Responds with
  • an articles array of article objects, each of which should have the following properties:
    • author which is the username from the users table
    • title
    • article_id
    • topic
    • created_at
    • votes
    • comment_count which is the total count of all the comments with this article_id - you should make use of knex queries in order to achieve this
Should accept queries
  • author, which filters the articles by the username value specified in the query
  • topic, which filters the articles by the topic value specified in the query
  • sort_by, which sorts the articles by any valid column (defaults to date)
  • order, which can be set to asc or desc for ascending or descending (defaults to descending)
If time (the following will make pagination easier when you get to building your front-end application)
  • accept the following queries:
    • limit, which limits the number of responses (defaults to 10)
    • p, stands for page which specifies the page at which to start (calculated using limit)
  • add a total_count property, displaying the total number of articles (this should display the total number of articles with any filters applied, discounting the limit)

POST /api/articles
Request body accepts
  • an object containing the following properties:
    • title
    • body
    • topic
    • username
Responds with
  • the posted article

GET /api/articles/:article_id
Responds with
  • an article object, which should have the following properties:
    • author which is the username from the users table
    • title
    • article_id
    • body
    • topic
    • created_at
    • votes
    • comment_count which is the total count of all the comments with this article_id - you should make use of knex queries in order to achieve this

PATCH /api/articles/:article_id
Request body accepts
  • an object in the form { inc_votes: newVote }

    • newVote will indicate how much the votes property in the database should be updated by


    { inc_votes : 1 } would increment the current article's vote property by 1

    { inc_votes : -100 } would decrement the current article's vote property by 100

Responds with
  • the updated article

DELETE /api/articles/:article_id
  • delete the given article by article_id
Responds with
  • status 204 and no content

GET /api/articles/:article_id/comments
Responds with
  • an array of comments for the given article_id of which each comment should have the following properties:
    • comment_id
    • votes
    • created_at
    • author which is the username from the users table
    • body
Accepts queries
  • sort_by, which sorts the articles by any valid column (defaults to date)
  • order, which can be set to asc or desc for ascending or descending (defaults to descending)
If time (the following will make pagination easier when you get to building your front-end application)
  • accept the following queries:
    • limit, which limits the number of responses (defaults to 10)
    • p, stands for page which specifies the page at which to start (calculated using limit)

POST /api/articles/:article_id/comments
Request body accepts
  • an object with the following properties:
    • username
    • body
Responds with
  • the posted comment

PATCH /api/comments/:comment_id
Request body accepts
  • an object in the form { inc_votes: newVote }

    • newVote will indicate how much the votes property in the database should be updated by


    { inc_votes : 1 } would increment the current article's vote property by 1

    { inc_votes : -1 } would decrement the current article's vote property by 1

Responds with
  • the updated comment

DELETE /api/comments/:comment_id
  • delete the given comment by comment_id
Responds with
  • status 204 and no content

GET /api/users
Responds with
  • an array of user objects, each of which should have the following properties:
    • username
    • avatar_url
    • name

POST /api/users
Request body accepts
  • an object containing the following properties:
    • username
    • avatar_url
    • name
Responds with
  • the posted user

GET /api/users/:username
Responds with
  • a user object which should have the following properties:
    • username
    • avatar_url
    • name

GET /api
Responds with
  • JSON describing all the available endpoints on your API.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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