This application consists of two containers. warsjawa which is web container. db which is mongo container.
Build mongodb image. Run it with --name parameters
. For example
$ docker build -tag db .
$ docker run --name db -d db
In order to create web:
$ docker build -t warsjawa .
In order to run the web:
$ docker run -d -p --link db:db -p 80:80 -p 81:81 warsjawa
Warsjawa site will be available on docker IP on port 80. API is available at :81/api
(OSX Only) Rebuild your boot2docker image with sharing additions: see. Replace boot2docker.iso
and mount User's folder: VBoxManage sharedfolder add boot2docker-vm -name home -hostpath /Users
Run the container.
$ docker run -i -t -p 80:80 -v [WARSJAWA REPOSITORY PATH]:/warsjawa warsjawa /bin/bash
Go to app folder, do cool stuff.
$ cd /warsjawa/app
Rebuild page.
$ sh
Start the server and enjoy.
$ nginx -c /warsjawa/app/nginx.conf &
Just push to the master.
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