Configuration for core utilities
Neovim is installed under: C:\Opt\nvim-win64
Neovim/LazyVim configuration is under: C:\Users\tomgh\AppData\Local\nvim
Oh My Posh is installed in: C:\Opt\oh-my-posh
Oh My Posh configuration is in: C:\Opt\oh-my-posh\themes
My own theme (tomghuang.omp.json) is based on Powershell-nord-theme:
Clink is installed under: C:\Opt\clink
Clink configuration is under: C:\Users\tomgh\clink_settings C:\Users\tomgh\clink_aliases
To add the aliases into Clink, we have to use the following command in the Windows Terminal setting: %SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /s /k "C:\Opt\clink\clink_x64.exe inject --profile C:\Users\tomgh && doskey.exe /macrofile=C:\Users\tomgh\clink_aliases"
As you can see, the key is calling the doskey command and set the alias file with the /macrofile command-line option.
For more information:
Git configuration is under: C:\Users\tomgh.git-commit-template C:\Users\tomgh.gitconfig