It is a fork of yokawasa/kubectl-plugin-ssh-jump. I had some ideas how can I improve this plugin, thus the fork. Currently, there is only a manual installation, but maybe I will add this plugin to krew. I do not know yet.
A kubectl plugin to SSH into any machine within a network using a SSH jump host Pod.
A jump host
Pod is an intermediary Pod through which a connection can be made to any machine within a network.
Here is an scenario where you want to connect to a machine, but you have to go through a jump host Pod, because of firewalling, access privileges. etc. There is a number of valid reasons why the jump hosts are needed.
This plugin needs the following programs:
- ssh (>=8.5)
- ssh-agent
- ssh-keygen
# Get source
$ git clone
$ cd kubectl-plugin-ssh-jump
$ chmod +x kubectl-ssh-jump
# Add kubeclt-ssh-jump to the install path.
$ sudo cp -p kubectl-ssh-jump /usr/local/bin/kubectl-ssh_jump
Then, run:
$ kubectl plugin list
The following kubectl-compatible plugins are available:
$ kubectl ssh-jump
<dest_node> Destination node name or IP address with user name
-i, --identity <identity_file> Identity key file, or PEM(Privacy Enhanced Mail)
-c, --context <context_name> You can user other context
--image <image> Your custom image
-P, --port <port> SSH port for target node SSH server (default:22)
--port-forward <local_port>:<remote_port> If you just want to enable port forwarding
--port-forward-bind-address <address> Address to bind (optional, default:
-a, --args <args> Args to exec in ssh session
-h, --help Show this message
$ kubectl ssh-jump -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem
$ kubectl ssh-jump -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem --context prod
Port forward example:
$ kubectl ssh-jump -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem --port-forward 37017:27017
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at