A collection of useful LaTeX templates. Pull requests are welcome.
- article_plus -- Article with some packages and setup.
- cheat_sheet -- A cheat sheet for mathematics.
- exam -- An exam based on the exam class.
- large_thesis -- A large thesis, such as a masters thesis.
- presentation_corporate -- A presentation with a non-academic look.
- presentation_uib -- A presentation template mimicking the UiB style.
- report -- A report with a non-academic look.
- thesis -- Small/medium sized thesis with some packages and setup.
- tools -- A collection of scripts and tools.
Here's a list of resources. Wikibooks is my favorite.
- [web] TeX Resources on the Web
- [web] LaTeX - Wikibooks
- [pdf] The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2
- [pdf] Introduction to LaTeX
- [pdf] Introduction to LaTeX
- [pdf] An introduction to LaTeX
- [pdf] Reference Sheet
- List of packages by popularity on arXiv
- What packages do people load by default in LaTeX? asked at tex.stackexchange.com