backend to our sweet final project that's gonna save the world ππ
##Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Prerequisites html5 Node environment mongo and mongoose
Dependencies: mongoose ^5.1.6 express ^4.16.3 body-parser ^1.18.3
Dev dependencies: mocha ^5.2.0 chai ^4.1.2 nodemon ^1.17.4 supertest ^3.1.0
All packages can be installed using: npm install ; dev dependencies can be installed with npm install -D
###Config You will need to create a file called 'index.js' in a folder called 'config'. The file should export the value of DB_URL depending on the process.env.NODE_ENV. For testing this should be set to localhost mongodb with standard port and db name final_project_test. For development, it should be set to localhost mongodb standard port and db name final_project_dev. For production, it should be set to the mlab link provided on request. The default running environment should be the development one.
###To seed the database Run 'npm run seed:dev' to seed the development database
###Testing When testing, the index.spec.js file will automatically set NODE_ENV to test, and will re-seed the database before each test.
To run the test suite run 'mongod' to connect to the mongodb and 'npm t' in a new terminal.
The tests are created to test each end point.
'Happy path' and errors for an end point have been tested in the same describe block. Individual tests can be run using '.only' after 'describe' or after 'it'.
##Deployment This database has been deployed on heroku and can be found here:
Authors Tom (, Jamie ( Howard ( and Vel (