This is a Xamarin.Forms sample app that lets people easily locate family and friends on a map.
Based on the concept of a family group we can create an account and we can register new users on the family group sharing a QR code.
Child accounts can be created without a login. This account won't be able to log out from the app, this should be done from an adult account. Adult accounts requires a login to the app.
We have the following modes:
Panic button: a child account can send a notification to the parent and receive a reception which is shown on a map.
Pick up me: we can send a notification to another account to pick up us and wait for the notification seeing the progress on a map if we choose the live mode.
Where are you?: we send a notification to another account and wait for the response to see on a map where is located the other person.
The main goal is an experiment with Xamarin.Forms using visual studio Xamarin extension.
Tech proposal:
- QR generation/loading
- Azure
- Maps (google map, apple map)
- Notifications
- Local storage
- P2P
- Social account login
- Localization
- Scheduler
External Links: