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Resistor is a complement to the InfluxData Kapactor tool and has 3 functional components.

  • Alert filtering system: it acts as alert filter for diferent WebHooks , it can filter by ALERTID's, time and tags, without need to change tasks variables or template definition. It can exclude alerts only on some devices or a group of them based on tags.

  • Easy alert management: it can deploy alerts based on basic templates.

  • It has and resistor_udf with habilty to inject some tags / fields over datapoints depending on the value for another tag ( by example the deviceid)

If you wish to compile from source code you can follow the next steps

Run from master

If you want to build a package yourself, or contribute. Here is a guide for how to do that.


  • Go 1.5
  • NodeJS >=6.2.1

Get Code

go get

Building the backend

cd $GOPATH/src/
go run build.go setup            (only needed once to install godep)
godep restore                    (will pull down all golang lib dependencies in your current GOPATH)

Building frontend and backend in production mode

npm install
PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH
npm run build:pro #will build fronted and backend

Creating minimal package tar.gz

npm run postbuild #will build fronted and backend

Creating rpm and deb packages

You will need previously installed the fpm/rpm and deb packaging tools

go run build.go latest

Recompile backend on source change (only for developers)

To rebuild on source change (requires that you executed godep restore)

go get
npm start

will init a change autodetect webserver with angular-cli (ng serve) and also a autodetect and recompile process with bra for the backend

Running first time

To execute without any configuration you need a minimal config.toml file on the conf directory.

main resistor tool

cp conf/sample.resistor.toml conf/resistor.toml

resistor Injector

cp conf/sample.resinjector.toml conf/resinjector.toml

Setup templates.

Resistor alert config are related to the kapacitor templates, So resistor has these enbedded templates, you can generate and also upload to the resistor engine thougth its HTTP API with the script, you can setup

export RESISTOR_URL="http://localhost:6090"
export RESISTOR_USER="mysuperadmin_user"
export RESISTOR_PASS="mysuperadmin_pass"

First Setup Guide

Now you wil be able to configure metrics/measuremnets and devices from the builting web server at http://localhost:6090 or http://localhost:4200 if working in development mode (npm start)

Resistor depends on InfluxDB and Kapacitor Tools. Be sure you have InfluxDB and Kapacitor Installed. When first executed , you will want.

  1. Add all your InfluxDB instances.
  2. Add all your Kapacitor instances. And configure them with the resInjetor UDF, you can do that by adding this config to the [udf .functions] config section at all your /etc/kapacitor/kapacitor.conf files.
           socket = "/tmp/resInjector.sock"
           timeout = "10s"
  1. Build a product/measurment/fields/tags catalog.(with these 2 steps)
  • import all your influx catalog first
  • Organize measurements by product and product by product_groups then.
  1. Import The base Templates.

When done you will be ready to create basic alerts for all your products.

Template naming standars
