A program to predict BAC in bloodstream giving a set of drinks by assuming mass conservation.
- python 3
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- scipy
Body Mass: M (in kg)
Gender : man/woman
Mass to blood ratio: Cs (L/kg) : 0.067 L/kg
Proportion of alcohol absorbed : Abs : 10% for man, 12% for woman
Time of alcohol absorption : tabs (between 15 and 60 min, depending on amount and type of food in stomach)
initial BAC : a0 (by default, 0 g/L)
simulation lenght : in hours
time step integration, in seconds (by default, 1s)
start time of simulation (0 s by default)
For each drink:
- Volumne ingested (in mL)
- Strenght of alcoholic drink (divided by 100, ej. beer of 5% graduation is 0.05)
- initial time of ingestion (in seconds since start time)
- final time of ingestion (in secods from start time of simulation)
An implementation of Python program is provided in Cogorza.py file. The same implementation is provided in jupyter notebook version (Cogorza.ipynb).
BACPY.csv is the output data file provided by running the program
The "Ouput" folder, a set of output examples are presented as png files. Example:
To run it using python :
- In CLI, just type "python Cogorza.py"