Jeknil is a dead-simple static blog post generator designed to be as easy as possible to use. No dependencies, no unnecessary deployment process, just a single executable that turns Markdown into HTML.
If you're viewing this at, then you're looking at Jeknil own README turned into nice HTML, with a bit of manual editing since it's a bit hard to talk about Jeknil's variables when they're being replaced, as will be explained shortly. GitHub Repository
Make sure you have both the Nim compiler and the Nimble package manager
installed via nim -v
and nimble -v
respectively. If you don't, both can be
installed simultaneously here. Once both
are installed, just do nimble install jeknil
, and wait a moment for it to
compile. Once it's done, jeknil
will be available on your command line.
Follow the same instructions as above to ensure you have both the Nim compiler
and Nimble package manager. Once you do, clone this repository, then
navigate to the clone's folder. nimble install
will automatically download
required libraries, build Jeknil, and install it to your system. Alternatively,
you can also compile Jeknil with nim c -d:release ./src/jeknil.nim
, but this
method requires both manually installing dependencies and manually adding the
executable to the PATH, so it's not recommended.
jeknil [--options] [file(s)]
Run jeknil
without any arguments to display help information, including an
list of each flag and its function.
Whenever Jeknil is run, it checks for a file called template.html
in the
working directory. This file describes the format that should be used for posts.
This is primarily intended for specifying custom <head>
data, but can include
any valid HTML.
If you don't want to store your template in your working directory, the default
behavior can be overwritten with the -t:<dir>
(i.e. jeknil -t:./some_dir
The key part of template.html
is variables. Variabes are a word surrounded by
curly brackets, and are used to tell Jeknil where to place different data.
The currently available variables are:
- The title of your post, as defined in its Header*.{description}
- The description of your post, as defined in its Header.{content}
- The actual content of your post, as written in Markdown.{date}
- The date the post was generated in theYYYY-MM-DD
*Headers will be explained shortly.
Here is an example of a typical template, including a favicon set, external fonts, and a code block formatter.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="{description}">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="../favicons/16.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="../favicons/32.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="180x180" href="../favicons/180.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="192x192" href="../favicons/192.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="512x512" href="../favicons/512.png">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" charset="utf-8" />
<link href=";400;500;600;700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/prism.css">
<script src="./assets/prism.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/style.css">
<title>knaque's blog - {title}</title>
<span class="date"><i>last updated on {date}</i></span> - <a href="../index.html">homepage</a>
Once you've made a template, you can test it with jeknil -e
. This will
generate the file template-example_<date>.html
with some example content, allowing you
to quickly ensure everything is displaying as it should.
Now it's time to write a post. The only Jeknil-unique part of this process is
the Header, which is very similar to Jekyll's Front Matter. The Header
starts with ~!
and ends with !~
, or alternatively with standard HTML
comments. (Jeknil uses whichever it finds first. This is because using these
symbols more than once causes a parsing error.) At the moment, the Header is
used to define the {title}
and {description}
variables, therefore a standard
Header would be:
title: "An example title"
description: "An example description."
You must put each in quotes in order for it to be parsed properly. A Header can be anywhere in the document, but generally it's best to put it at the beginning.
Everything else is standard Markdown, and most things should be supported. You can even include HTML inside your markdown, allowing you to use things such as Classes and IDs to improve formatting. See this README's top banner for an example:
An HTML `<img>` with a class!
<img src="" alt="Jeknil Banner" title="Jeknil Banner" class="banner"/>
Then some Markdown images...
And finally, plain Markdown text...
Even the Template variables from before (except for {content}
) can be used in
your Markdown.
If you put the language just after the opening of a large code block
(i.e.```nim), a class for that language will automatically be added
in this case), meaning nothing extra is required to use a code
formatter; just include a one in your `template.html` and specify the language
in your Markdown.
Once you're done writing your post, simply run jeknil
and Jeknil
will output the generated file in your current working directory, with the
format <header title>_YYYY-MM-DD.html
for the file name.
If you don't want save your generated posts in your working directory, the
default behavior can be overwritten with the -o:<dir>
(i.e. jeknil -o:./some_dir
Jeknil can also generate multiple posts at once, simply by listing every post
separated by a space, i.e. (jeknil