A dotnet CLI tool for key value pair management.
You'll need the .Net 8 runtime installed on your Windows machine.
is available from Nuget:
dotnet tool install kvps-cli -g
dotnet kvps
or if installed globally:
kvps -?
dotnet kvps set -?
Set a key's value, with optional tags:
dotnet kvps set <KEY> -v <value> -t <TAG1> -t <TAG2>
Get help:
dotnet kvps get -?
Return the given key's value:
dotnet kvps get <KEY>
Return only the key's value without metadata, with the value masked if it's not public:
dotnet kvps get <KEY> -vo
Reveal the key's value:
dotnet kvps get <KEY> -r
Return only the key's value without metadata, with the value unmasked:
dotnet kvps get <KEY> -vo -r
dotnet kvps del -?
Delete a given key:
dotnet kvps del <KEY>
dotnet kvps list -?
Display all keys:
dotnet kvps list
Display all keys that match any of the given tags:
dotnet kvps list -t <TAG1> -t <TAG2>
Store a key's value:
dotnet kvps set my_email_id -v joe@email.com
Later, extract the value:
$email = dotnet kvps get my_email_id -vo -r
.\Get-Data.ps1 -Email $email
Store some JSON:
dotnet kvps set json_test -v "{ myTenantId: '1234abcd' }" -p
$v = dotnet kvps get json_test -vo -r
$j = $v | ConvertFrom-Json
$j = dotnet kvps get json_test -vo -r | ConvertFrom-Json