A Discord bot for TfL tube data
Get overall lines' status
Get a station's crowding and arrival information
A full list of features and commands is here.
You'll the .Net 8 SDK installed
dotnet tool restore
dotnet restore
dotnet build
Before you start, you'll need to first set up Mongo database, obtain a TfL App key and set up a Discord bot.
An Ubuntu image is prepared every release.
To install:
docker pull ghcr.io/tonycknight/tubescan:<latest tag>
To run:
docker run -it --rm -e TubeScan_Discord_DiscordClientId=<Discord bot Client ID> \
-e TubeScan_Discord_DiscordClientToken=<Discord bot Client Token> \
-e TubeScan_Mongo_Connection=<Mongo DB connection string> \
-e TubeScan_Mongo_DatabaseName=<Mongo DB database name> \
-e TubeScan_Tfl_AppKey=<TFL bot app key>
ghcr.io/tonycknight/tubescan:<image tag>