Parsing and printing for the dot language of graphviz.
- A close rendition of the dot language specification
- Supports inexact printing . parsing round trip; forgetting comments, separator choice and whitespace.
- Treats attribute keys and values as ByteStrings. No Type safety of Attributes is attempted.
- Uses command-line graphviz programs `dot` and `neato` to augment dot graph specifications
- Supports conversion from and to algebraic-graphs.
- Support rendering dot graphs using chart-svg.
- Uses flatparse for speedy parsing.
Graphviz documentation:
Graphviz practical examples:
The graphviz library aims for comprehensive typing of graphviz attributes and syntax. As a result, it is quite large and somewhat incomplete. In contrast, dotparse parsing is simpler, more robust and faster. It is also somewhat tied to fgl and I wanted to try a different graph library.
dotgen is a dot graph printer but not a parser. It supports a monadic style of printing. Specifically, it supports generation of unique names if that is an important feature of the problem domain.
Target calligraphy for enhanced source code visualization.
Broaden support to include fgl and containers.
Support parsing of library graphs from cabal.
Explore tagged partial birectional isomorphism style.
Steal design ideas from jordan.
Starting with a Graph from algebraic-graphs:
import qualified Algebra.Graph as G
exAGraph :: G.Graph Int
exAGraph =
G.edges $
[(v, (v + 1) `mod` 6) | v <- [0 .. 5]]
<> [(v, v + k) | v <- [0 .. 5], k <- [6, 12]]
<> [(2, 18), (2, 19), (15, 18), (15, 19), (18, 3), (19, 3)]
ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci|
Overlay (Connect (Vertex 0) (Vertex 1)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 1) (Vertex 2)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 2) (Vertex 3)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 3) (Vertex 4)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 4) (Vertex 5)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 5) (Vertex 0)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 0) (Vertex 6)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 0) (Vertex 12)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 1) (Vertex 7)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 1) (Vertex 13)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 2) (Vertex 8)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 2) (Vertex 14)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 3) (Vertex 9)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 3) (Vertex 15)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 4) (Vertex 10)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 4) (Vertex 16)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 5) (Vertex 11)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 5) (Vertex 17)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 2) (Vertex 18)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 2) (Vertex 19)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 15) (Vertex 18)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 15) (Vertex 19)) (Overlay (Connect (Vertex 18) (Vertex 3)) (Connect (Vertex 19) (Vertex 3))))))))))))))))))))))))
Convert to a dotparse Graph
exGraph = defaultGraph & addStatements (toStatements Directed (Char8.pack . show <$> exAGraph))
Encode graph as a ByteString (prior to processing via graphviz)
BS.putStr (dotPrint defaultDotConfig exGraph)
digraph {
node [height=0.5;shape=circle]
graph [overlap=false;size="1!";splines=spline]
edge [arrowsize=0.5]
"5" -> "17"
"5" -> "11"
"5" -> "0"
"4" -> "5"
"4" -> "16"
"4" -> "10"
"3" -> "9"
"3" -> "4"
"3" -> "15"
"2" -> "8"
"2" -> "3"
"2" -> "19"
"2" -> "18"
"2" -> "14"
"19" -> "3"
"18" -> "3"
"15" -> "19"
"15" -> "18"
"1" -> "7"
"1" -> "2"
"1" -> "13"
"0" -> "6"
"0" -> "12"
"0" -> "1"
Directly create an SVG from the dotparse Graph
(\b f -> processDotWith Directed ["-Tsvg", "-o", "other/" <> f <> ".svg"] b) (dotPrint defaultDotConfig exGraph) "exdirect"
ByteString of the processed Graph
BS.putStr =<< processDot Directed (dotPrint defaultDotConfig exInt)
Graph augmented by graphviz
exGraphAugmented <- processGraph exGraph
:t exGraphAugmented
exGraphAugmented :: Graph
SVG production via chart-svg
import Chart (writeChartOptions)
writeChartOptions "other/exga.svg" (graphToChart exGraphAugmented)
:set -XOverloadedLabels
:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set -Wno-type-defaults
:set -Wno-x-partial
:set -XImportQualifiedPost
import Chart
import Optics.Core
import FlatParse.Basic qualified as FP
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import Algebra.Graph qualified as G
import Data.Monoid
import GHC.Exts
import DotParse
import DotParse.Examples
import DotParse.Examples.AST
import DotParse.Examples.NumHask
import Data.Proxy
print "ok"
[6 of 7] Compiling DotParse.Examples.NumHask ( src/DotParse/Examples/NumHask.hs, interpreted ) [Source file changed]
Ok, 7 modules loaded.
Round-trip test
g <- processGraph (dotGraphNH Directed)
writeChartOptions "other/nh12.svg" (graphToChartWith (defaultChartConfig & set #chartVshift (-4) & set #textSize 12) toLinkNH g)
g1 = dotAST allSC componentEdges
BS.writeFile "other/" $ dotPrint defaultDotConfig g1
dot other/ -Tsvg >other/chart-svg-ast.svg