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Table of Contents

  1. huihua
  2. Development
    1. range
    2. member
    3. parser debug pipeline
  3. development notes
    1. pad
    2. find & mask
      1. tests
    3. find
    4. window
    5. keep
    6. ArrayH pretty
    7. doctest subscript bug
    8. reduce1U dev
  4. combo array parsing
  5. number parsing
  6. token parsing
    1. basics
    2. interp debug
      1. ex1
  7. NYI
  8. test isms
  9. negative bug
  10. Creating the glyph list
  11. equality in haskell code
  12. Symbol Extraction


img img

huihua is a Haskell port of uiua


:set -Wno-type-defaults
:set -Wno-name-shadowing
:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set -XRebindableSyntax
:set -XQuasiQuotes
import Prelude qualified
import Prelude hiding ((.))
import Prelude qualified as P
import Harpie.Array qualified as D
import Harpie.Shape qualified as Shape
import Huihua.ArrayU as U
import Huihua.Array qualified as A
import Huihua.Stack
import Huihua.Examples
import Huihua.Glyphs as G
import Huihua.Stack qualified as S
import Huihua.Parse
import Huihua.Parse.FlatParse
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as C
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import MarkupParse
import Data.List qualified as List
import Prettyprinter hiding (equals)

Build profile: -w ghc-9.8.2 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - huihua-0.0.1 (lib) (file src/Huihua/Array.hs changed)
Preprocessing library for huihua-0.0.1..
GHCi, version 9.8.2:  :? for help
[1 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Examples  ( src/Huihua/Examples.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Parse.FlatParse ( src/Huihua/Parse/FlatParse.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Warning   ( src/Huihua/Warning.hs, interpreted )
[4 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Array     ( src/Huihua/Array.hs, interpreted )
[5 of 8] Compiling Huihua.ArrayU    ( src/Huihua/ArrayU.hs, interpreted )
[6 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Stack     ( src/Huihua/Stack.hs, interpreted )
[7 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Glyphs    ( src/Huihua/Glyphs.hs, interpreted )
[8 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Parse     ( src/Huihua/Parse.hs, interpreted )
Ok, 8 modules loaded.
Ok, 8 modules loaded.

run [i|⊡ [1_2 0_1 0_0] [1_2_3 4_5_6 ]|]
D.length $ A.first $ D.iota [2]
D.rank $ (D.asArray [8,3,9,2,0] :: Array Int)
A.pick (D.array [2,1] [2,1]) (D.asArray [8,3,9,2,0] :: Array Int)
run [i|⊡ 2_1 [8 3 9 2 0]|]

[6 2 1]
Right (UnsafeArray [2] [9,3])


A.range (D.toScalar 3)
A.range (D.asArray [3])
A.range (D.asArray [-2,3])
A.range (D.toScalar (-3))

UnsafeArray [3] [0,1,2]
UnsafeArray [3,1] [0,1,2]
UnsafeArray [2,3,2] [-1,0,-1,1,-1,2,-2,0,-2,1,-2,2]
UnsafeArray [3] [-1,-2,-3]

A.range (D.toScalar 4)
A.range (D.asArray [4])
D.range (D.asArray [4])
-- a = D.asArray [4]
a = D.toScalar [4]
D.join $ D.tabulateA (fmap abs a) (\s -> D.zipWithE (\ab si -> bool ab (negate one - ab) (si<0)) s (fmap signum a))

UnsafeArray [4] [0,1,2,3]
UnsafeArray [4] [0,1,2,3]
UnsafeArray [4,1] [0,1,2,3]
<interactive>:80:32: error: [GHC-83865]
    • Couldn't match type ‘[a0]’ with ‘Int’
      Expected: Array Int
        Actual: Array [a0]
    • In the second argument of ‘fmap’, namely ‘a’
      In the first argument of ‘D.tabulateA’, namely ‘(fmap abs a)’
      In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
           (fmap abs a)
           (\ s
              -> D.zipWithE
                   (\ ab si -> bool ab (negate one - ab) (si < 0)) s (fmap signum a))’


i = D.toScalar 2 :: Array Int
a = D.array [2,2,3] [1,2,3,4,5,6,2,1,1,2,2,2] :: Array Int
A.indexOf i a
findI xs i' = fromMaybe (List.length xs) . List.findIndex (==i') . toList $ xs
(\x -> findI x (D.fromScalar i)) <$> (D.extractsExcept [D.rank a - 1] a)

UnsafeArray [2,2] [1,3,0,0]
UnsafeArray [2,2] [1,3,0,0]

a 2 i 1

i = D.asArray [4,5,6] :: Array Int
a = D.array [2,3] [1,2,3,4,5,6] :: Array Int
A.indexOf i a
fmap (findI (D.extractsExcept [D.rank a - 1] a)) (D.extractsExcept [D.rank i - 1] i)

UnsafeArray [] [1]
UnsafeArray [] [1]

a 1 i 1

i = D.array [3] [1,2,3] :: Array Int
a = D.array [5] [0,3,4,5,1] :: Array Int
A.indexOf i a
fmap (findI a) i

UnsafeArray [3] [4,5,1]
UnsafeArray [3] [4,5,1]

a 1 i 2

i = D.array [2,3] [1..6] :: Array Int
a = D.asArray [3,4,5] :: Array Int
A.indexOf i a
fmap (findI a) i

UnsafeArray [2,3] [3,3,0,1,2,3]
UnsafeArray [2,3] [3,3,0,1,2,3]

a 2 i 2

i = D.array [2,3] [1..6] :: Array Int
a = D.array [1,3] [4,5,6] :: Array Int
A.indexOf i a
fmap (findI (D.extractsExcept [D.rank a - 1] a)) (D.extractsExcept [D.rank i - 1] i)

UnsafeArray [2] [1,0]
UnsafeArray [2] [1,0]


-- Shape.takeIndexes [] [0]
-- D.join $ D.extracts [0] (D.toScalar 2)
-- D.join $ D.extracts [0] (D.asSingleton $ D.toScalar 2)

A.member (D.toScalar 2) (D.asArray [1,2,3])
A.member (D.asArray [2]) (D.asArray [1,2,3])
A.member (D.toScalar 5) (D.asArray [1,2,3])
A.member (D.asArray [1,2,3]) (D.asArray [0,3,4,5,1])
A.member (D.asArray [3,4,5]) (D.iota [2,3])
A.member (D.iota [2,3]) (D.asArray [2,3,4])
A.member (D.toScalar 2) (D.iota [2,3])

UnsafeArray [] [1]
UnsafeArray [1] [1]
UnsafeArray [] [0]
UnsafeArray [3] [1,0,1]
UnsafeArray [1] [1]
UnsafeArray [2,3] [0,0,1,1,1,0]
UnsafeArray [2] [1,0]

parser debug pipeline

x = [i|⍏ 6_2_7_0_1_5|]
runParser tokens x
parseT x
xis = parseT x & instructionize
interpI xis
run x

OK [GlyphToken Rise,DoubleToken 6.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 2.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 7.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 0.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 1.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 5.0] ""
[GlyphToken Rise,DoubleToken 6.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 2.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 7.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 0.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 1.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 5.0]
[IOp Rise,IArray (UnsafeArray [6] [6.0,2.0,7.0,0.0,1.0,5.0])]
Right (Stack {stackList = [ArrayU {arrayd = UnsafeArray [6] [3.0,4.0,1.0,5.0,0.0,2.0]}]})
[3 4 1 5 0 2]

i = parseT x
instructionize $ List.take 1 i


D.folds [0] sum (D.iota 5)

UnsafeArray [5] [0,1,2,3,4]

List.drop 2 xis
either viaShow pretty $ interpI $ List.drop 2 xis
a = (D.asArray [1,5,8,2] :: Array Double)
run [i|+0_1_0 0_4_3|]
run [i|+[0_1_0 0_4_3] [1_1_1 1_1_1]|]

[IOp Flip,IReduceOp Add,IOp Duplicate,IArray (UnsafeArray [4] [1.0,5.0,8.0,2.0])]
[1 5 8 2]
[1 5 8 2]
[0 5 3]
╷ 1 5 4
  1 2 1

runParser tokens "◌1 2"
runParser tokens [i|◌1 2|]
runParser tokens (encodeUtf8 [i|◌1 2|])

OK [] "\204\&1 2"
OK [GlyphToken Pop,IntToken 1,IntToken 2] ""
OK [GlyphToken Pop,IntToken 1,IntToken 2] ""

development notes


a = D.iota [2] :: Array Int
s' = [3,3] :: [Int]
pretty $ D.pad 69 s' a
pretty $ D.lpad 69 s' a


find & mask

findNoOverlap deconstruction

a = D.konst [4,4] 1 :: Array Int
i = D.konst [2,2] 1 :: Array Int
pretty $ fmap sig $ D.findNoOverlap i a


iexp = rerank (rank a) i
f = find iexp a
cl sh = List.filter (\xs -> P.not (any (>0) (List.init xs))) $ List.filter (P.not . (all (>=0))) $ D.arrayAs $ D.tabulate ((\x -> 2 * x - 1) <$> sh) (\s -> List.zipWith (\x x0 -> x - x0 + 1) s sh)
go r' s = D.index f s && all P.not (D.index r' <$> (List.filter (S.inside x (D.shape f)) $ fmap (List.zipWith (+) s) (cl (shape iexp))))
r = tabulate (shape f) (go r)

cl sh = List.filter (\xs -> P.not (any (>0) (List.init xs))) $ List.filter (P.not . (all (>=0))) $ D.arrayAs $ D.tabulate ((\x -> 2 * x - 1) <$> sh) (\s -> List.zipWith (\x x0 -> x - x0 + 1) s sh)
inside x' x = all id $ List.zipWith (\y' y -> y >= 0 && y < y') x' x
go r' s = D.index f s && all P.not (D.index r' <$> (List.filter (inside (D.shape f)) $ fmap (List.zipWith (+) s) (cl (D.shape iexp))))
r = D.tabulate (D.shape f) (go r)
pretty $ fmap sig $ D.find i a
pretty $ fmap sig r


a = D.iota [2,2] :: Array Int
i = D.toScalar 2 :: Array Int
D.find i a
D.findNoOverlap i a
A.find i a
A.mask i a

UnsafeArray [2,2] [False,False,True,False]
UnsafeArray [2,2] [False,False,True,False]
UnsafeArray [2,2] [0,0,1,0]
UnsafeArray [2,2] [0,0,1,0]

a = D.iota [4] :: Array Int
i = D.array [1] [2] :: Array Int
D.find i a
D.findNoOverlap i a
A.find i a
A.mask i a

UnsafeArray [4] [False,False,True,False]
UnsafeArray [4] [False,False,True,False]
UnsafeArray [4] [0,0,1,0]
UnsafeArray [4] [0,0,1,0]

a = D.iota [2,3,4] :: Array Int
i = D.array [2,2] [0,1,4,5] :: Array Int
D.find i a
D.findNoOverlap i a
A.find i a
pretty $ A.mask i a

UnsafeArray [2,2,3] [True,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False]
UnsafeArray [2,2,3] [True,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False]
UnsafeArray [2,3,4] [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

a = D.cycle [4,4] (D.iota [3]) :: Array Int
i = D.array [2] [1,2] :: Array Int
pretty $ D.find i a
pretty $ D.findNoOverlap i a
pretty $ A.find i a
pretty $ A.mask i a


a = D.konst [5,5] 1 :: Array Int
i = D.konst [2,2] 1 :: Array Int
D.find i a
pretty $ D.findNoOverlap i a
pretty $ A.find i a
pretty $ A.mask i a

UnsafeArray [4,4] [True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True]

a = D.cycle [4,4] (D.iota [3]) :: Array Int
i = D.array [2,2] [1,2,2,0] :: Array Int
D.find i a
pretty $ D.findNoOverlap i a
pretty $ A.find i a
pretty $ A.mask i a

UnsafeArray [3,3] [False,True,False,True,False,False,False,False,True]

run [i|⌕ [1_2 2_0] ↯4_4⇡3|]

╷ 0 1 0 0
  1 0 0 0
  0 0 1 0
  0 0 0 0

run [i|⦷ [1_2 2_0] ↯4_4⇡3|]

<interactive>:77:8: error: [GHC-83865]
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘template-haskell-’
                  with actual type ‘Array Int’
    • In the first argument of ‘template-haskell-’, namely
      In the expression:
          i "\10679 [1_2 2_0] \8623\&4_4\8673\&3"
      In the quasi-quotation: [i|⦷ [1_2 2_0] ↯4_4⇡3|]


run[i|⌕ [1_2 2_0] .↯4_4_4⇡3|]

╷ 0 1 0 0
╷ 1 0 0 1
  0 0 1 0
  0 0 0 0

  1 0 0 1
  0 0 1 0
  0 1 0 0
  0 0 0 0

  0 0 1 0
  0 1 0 0
  1 0 0 1
  0 0 0 0

  0 0 0 0
  0 0 0 0
  0 0 0 0
  0 0 0 0
╷ 0 1 2 0
╷ 1 2 0 1
  2 0 1 2
  0 1 2 0

  1 2 0 1
  2 0 1 2
  0 1 2 0
  1 2 0 1

  2 0 1 2
  0 1 2 0
  1 2 0 1
  2 0 1 2

  0 1 2 0
  1 2 0 1
  2 0 1 2
  0 1 2 0

a = D.cycle [4,4] (D.iota [3]) :: Array Int
i = D.array [2,2] [1,2,2,0] :: Array Int
pretty a
pretty i
pretty $ A.find a i
ws = (D.shape i) a
-- D.shape ws :: [Int]
-- pretty ws
-- pretty a
-- fmap (sig . (==i)) (D.extracts (D.arrayAs (D.iota [D.rank i]) <> [D.rank i * 2 .. (D.rank ws - 1)]) ws)



D.shape @[Int] $ [2,2] (D.iota [4,3,2])


pretty $ [2] (D.iota [4])


pretty $ [4] (D.iota [6])


Consistent for scalars [1] (D.toScalar 5)

UnsafeArray [1] [5]

run [i|
△ .◫2 .⇡4
△ .◫4 .⇡6
△ ◫2_2 .[1_2_3 4_5_6 7_8_9]
△ .◫¯2 .↯4_4⇡16
△ .◫¯3 .↯4_4⇡16
△ .◫¯1_2 .↯4_4⇡16


run [i|
△ ◫2 ⇡4


ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| [3 2]
╷ 0 1
  1 2
  2 3


i = D.asArray [3,2] :: Array Int
x = D.asArray [8,3,9,2,0] :: Array Int
D.asArray $ fold $ D.zipWithE (replicate) (D.cycle (D.shape x) i) x

UnsafeArray [13] [8,8,8,3,3,9,9,9,2,2,0,0,0]

i = D.asArray [3,2] :: Array Int
x = D.asArray [8,3,9,2,0] :: Array Int
x2 = D.iota [3,4] :: Array Int
D.join $ D.asArray $ fold $ D.zipWithE replicate (D.cycle (List.take 1 $ D.shape x2) i) (D.extracts [0] x2)

UnsafeArray [8,4] [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,8,9,10,11,8,9,10,11]

ArrayH pretty

x = D.array [2,2,2,2] ([0..14] <> [100]) :: Array Double
pretty x
pretty (ArrayH x)

UnsafeArray [2,2,2,2] [0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,100.0]
╷ .0 ..1
╷ .2 ..3
  .4 ..5
  .6 ..7

  .8 ..9
  10 .11

  12 .13
  14 100

import Data.Either
t = ptree (fmap showU x)
maxp = D.folds [1] (P.maximum . fmap P.length) (D.join $ D.asArray $ rights t)
s = fmap (fmap ((D.zipWithE (\m a -> lpad '.' m a) maxp))) t
sdoc = mconcat $ fmap (either (\n -> replicate (n-1) mempty) (pure . hsep . fmap pretty . D.arrayAs)) s
sdocMin = D.concatenate 0 (D.konst [max 0 (D.rank x - P.length sdoc)] mempty) (D.asArray sdoc)
rankPrefix = fmap pretty (D.reshapeDef " " [D.length sdocMin] (D.konst [D.rank x - 1] "╷"))
deco = zipWith (<+>) (D.arrayAs rankPrefix) (D.arrayAs sdocMin)
final = (pretty "╭─") <> line <> (vsep deco) <> hang 1 (line <> pretty "╯")

╷ .0 ..1
╷ .2 ..3
  .4 ..5
  .6 ..7

  .8 ..9
  10 .11

  12 .13
  14 100

x = D.array [2,2] [2, 2.222,200.001,200.01] :: Array Double
pretty (U.ArrayH x)
a = D.konst [2,2] (3 / P.pi) :: Array Double
pretty (U.ArrayH a)
a3 = D.konst [1,1,1] 1
pretty (U.ArrayH a3)
a1 = D.asArray [1..4]
pretty (U.ArrayH a1)

╷ ......2 .2.222
  200.001 200.01
╷ 0.954929658551372 0.954929658551372
  0.954929658551372 0.954929658551372
╷ 1
[1 2 3 4]


-- x = D.array [2,2] [2, 2.222,200.001,200.01] :: Array Double
-- x = D.array [1,1,1] [1] :: Array Double
x = D.array [2,2,2,2] ([0..14] <> [100]) :: Array Double
dtable = D.maps [1] (\a -> U.lpad '.' (P.maximum (P.length <$> a)) <$> a) (U.showU <$> x)
dtable1 = D.folds [0] (hsep . D.arrayAs . fmap pretty) dtable
dtableMin = D.concatenate 0 (D.konst [max 0 (D.rank x - 1 - D.length dtable1)] mempty) dtable1
rankPrefix = fmap pretty (D.reshapeDef "x" [D.length dtableMin] (D.konst [D.rank x - 1] "╷"))
decotable = D.zipWithE (<+>) rankPrefix dtableMin
final = (pretty "╭─") <> line <> ((vsep . D.arrayAs) decotable) <> hang 1 (line <> pretty "╯")

╷ .0 .1 .2 .3 ..4 ..5 ..6 ..7
╷ .8 .9 10 11 .12 .13 .14 100
UnsafeArray [2,2,2,2] [".0",".1",".2",".3","..4","..5","..6","..7",".8",".9","10","11",".12",".13",".14","100"]

doctest subscript bug

-- |
-- > run [i|ⁿ2 3|]
-- 9
-- > run [i|ⁿ2 [1 2 3]|]
-- [1 4 9]
-- >>> 1+1

-- | ₙ
-- > run [i|ₙ2 8|]
-- 4
-- > run [i|ₙ [2 3 4] [16 27 1024]|]

run [i|ⁿ2 3|]
run [i|ⁿ2 [1 2 3]|]
run [i|ₙ2 8|]
run [i|ₙ [2 3 4] [16 27 1024]|]
log 8 / log 2

-- | /ⁿ
-- >>> run [i|/ⁿ[]|]
-- 1
-- >>> run [i|/ⁿ [2]|]
-- 2
-- >>> run [i|/ⁿ 2_1|]
-- 2
-- >>> run [i|/ⁿ [1_2_3 4_5_6]|]
-- [4 25 216]

run [i|/ⁿ[]|]
run [i|/ⁿ [2]|]
run [i|/ⁿ 2_1|]
run [i|/ⁿ [1_2_3 4_5_6]|]

[4 25 216]

-- | /ₙ
-- >>> run [i|/ₙ[]|]
-- 1
-- >>> run [i|/ₙ [2]|]
-- 2
-- >>> run [i|/ₙ 2_1|]
-- 2
-- >>> run [i|/ₙ [1_2_3 4_5_6]|]
-- [4 25 216]

run [i|/ₙ[]|]
run [i|/ₙ [2]|] -- 2
run [i|/ₙ 2_8|] -- 3
run [i|/ₙ [1_2_3 4_5_6]|] -- [∞ 2.321928094887362 1.6309297535714575]
logBase 2 8

[Infinity 2.321928094887362 1.6309297535714573]

reduce1U dev

a = D.iota [3,4]
pretty a
(x D.:| xs) = a
D.extracts [1] xs
D.zips [0] (D.zipWithE (\x' xs' -> foldl' (+) (D.fromScalar x') xs')) (D.extracts [0] x) (D.extractsExcept [0] xs)

UnsafeArray [4] [0,1,2,3]
UnsafeArray [2,4] [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
UnsafeArray [4] [UnsafeArray [2] [4,8],UnsafeArray [2] [5,9],UnsafeArray [2] [6,10],UnsafeArray [2] [7,11]]
UnsafeArray [4] [12,15,18,21]

xy a = let (x D.:| xs) = a in D.zipWithE (\a as -> foldl' (+) a as) x (D.extractsExcept [0] xs)

let a3 = D.iota [2,3,4]
reduceU (+) zero a3
xy a3

UnsafeArray [3,4] [12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34]
UnsafeArray [3,4] [12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34]

import Prelude qualified
:t Prelude.mod infinity (Prelude.3)

Build profile: -w ghc-9.8.2 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - huihua-0.0.1 (lib) (file src/Huihua/ArrayU.hs changed)
Preprocessing library for huihua-0.0.1..
GHCi, version 9.8.2:  :? for help
[1 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Examples  ( src/Huihua/Examples.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Parse.FlatParse ( src/Huihua/Parse/FlatParse.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Warning   ( src/Huihua/Warning.hs, interpreted )
[4 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Array     ( src/Huihua/Array.hs, interpreted )

src/Huihua/Array.hs:495:35: error: [GHC-83865]
    • Couldn't match expected type: Array a -> Array b
                  with actual type: Array a
    • Possible cause: ‘D.reduces’ is applied to too many arguments
      In the expression: D.reduces [0] (foldl' (flip f) x) xs
      In an equation for ‘reduceNoIdentityU’:
          reduceNoIdentityU f (x D.:| xs)
            = D.reduces [0] (foldl' (flip f) x) xs
    • Relevant bindings include
        xs :: Array a (bound at src/Huihua/Array.hs:495:29)
        x :: Array a (bound at src/Huihua/Array.hs:495:22)
        f :: a -> a -> a (bound at src/Huihua/Array.hs:495:19)
        reduceNoIdentityU :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Array a -> Array b
          (bound at src/Huihua/Array.hs:495:1)
495 | reduceNoIdentityU f (x D.:| xs) = D.reduces [0] (foldl' (flip f) x) xs
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, three modules loaded.
<interactive>:1:13: error: [GHC-88464]
    Variable not in scope: infinity :: a -> c

<interactive>:1:23: error: [GHC-88464]
    Data constructor not in scope: Prelude :: b0 -> c

combo array parsing

x = [i|[2_1_0 0_4_3]|]
runParser tokens x
parseT x
parseT x & instructionize
interpI (List.reverse $ parseI x)
run x

OK [GlyphToken ArrayLeft,DoubleToken 2.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 1.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 0.0,DoubleToken 0.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 4.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 3.0,GlyphToken ArrayRight] ""
[GlyphToken ArrayLeft,DoubleToken 2.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 1.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 0.0,DoubleToken 0.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 4.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 3.0,GlyphToken ArrayRight]
[WArray (UnsafeArray [2] [IArray (UnsafeArray [3] [2.0,1.0,0.0]),IArray (UnsafeArray [3] [0.0,4.0,3.0])])]
Right (Stack {stackList = [ArrayU {arrayd = UnsafeArray [2,3] [2.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,3.0]}]})
╷ 2 1 0
  0 4 3

:t D.extracts [0,1]
let a = D.array [2,3,4] [0..23] :: D.Array Int

a' = D.extracts [0,1] a
:t D.drops [(0,0),(1,1)] a'

D.extracts [0,1] :: Array a -> Array (Array a)
D.drops [(0,0),(1,1)] a' :: Array (Array Int)

run [i|/>.[2_1_0 0_4_3]|]

[0 1]
╷ 2 1 0
  0 4 3

import Huihua.Glyphs
ts = parseT x
:t ts
-- assemble (aArrayLeft *> many aToken <* aArrayRight) [GlyphToken ArrayLeft,GlyphToken ArrayRight]
assemble (aArrayLeft *> many aToken) [GlyphToken ArrayLeft,GlyphToken ArrayRight]

ts :: [Huihua.Parse.Token]
Just ([GlyphToken ArrayRight],[])

number parsing

run "123. 5"


showU (P.negate 2)

showU (P.negate 2) :: Data.Text.Internal.Text

token parsing


runParser tokens "[@u @i @u @a]"

OK [GlyphToken ArrayLeft,CharacterToken 'u',CharacterToken 'i',CharacterToken 'u',CharacterToken 'a',GlyphToken ArrayRight] ""

runParser tokens [i|△."Hello, World!"|]

OK [GlyphToken Shape,GlyphToken Duplicate,StringToken "Hello, World!"] ""

runParser tokens [i|⊂ 1_2 3|]

OK [GlyphToken Join,IntToken 1,GlyphToken Strand,IntToken 2,IntToken 3] ""

P.length <$> C.unpack <$> allTheSymbols


interp debug

* not

x1 = "\194\172" :: ByteString
encodeUtf8 "¬"
C.putStrLn x1
runParser glyph "¬"
runParser glyph x1
runParser glyph (encodeUtf8 "¬")

OK Not ""
OK Not ""

bs = encodeUtf8 "¬ 3 [0 1]"
interp bs
C.putStrLn bs

That (Stack {stackList = [-2,[1, 0]]})
¬ 3 [0 1]

ToDo ex1

  • reverse order of arrays

  • reverse order of assembled ops

  • array left bug

  • implement in compute1

  • refactor

    • do away with raw Ints and Doubles

    bs = exPage1


C.putStr bs
-- C.lines bs
-- C.lines bs & fmap (runParser tokens)
-- C.lines bs & fmap (runParser_ tokens) & orderUiua
as = assemble' bs
interp as

"\n[1 5 8 2]\n/+. # Sum\n\226\167\187\226\136\182  # Length\n\195\183   # Divide\n"
[1 5 8 2]
/+. # Sum
⧻∶  # Length
÷   # Divide
Left EmptyStack1
Stack {stackList = *** Exception: NYI
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at <interactive>:47:92 in interactive:Ghci23

interp (assemble' exPage1)

Left EmptyStack1

shapes are ok …

:set -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns
(Stack (ItemArrayInt x:ItemArrayInt y:xs)) = s3
shape x
shape y
(ItemArrayDouble z) = binOpD (/) (ItemArrayInt y) (ItemArrayInt x)
shape z


C.lines bs & fmap (runParser_ tokens) & orderUiua & assemblef & foldr compute1 (Stack [])

Stack {stackList = [4.0]}


&p is an effect-only. Nothing is added or subtracted form the stack. --- scope use &i imports ~~~ test scope

All Functions

test isms

negative bug

This character doesn’t parse properly in a *.hs file. “¯”

:t Negative

Negative :: Glyph

Creating the glyph list

Note that direct comparison between a ByteString and it’s representation may not be what you expect eg

symNot = allTheSymbols List.!! 5
C.putStrLn symNot
"¬" == symNot
"\194\172" == symNot


xs = (zipWith (\s g -> [i|"#{s}" -> pure #{g}|]) allTheSymbols allTheGlyphs :: [ByteString])
traverse_ C.putStrLn xs

"." -> pure Duplicate
"," -> pure Over
"∶" -> pure Flip
";" -> pure Pop
"∘" -> pure Identity
"¬" -> pure Not
"±" -> pure Sign
"¯" -> pure Negate
"⌵" -> pure AbsoluteValue
"√" -> pure Sqrt
"○" -> pure Sine
"⌊" -> pure Floor
"⌈" -> pure Ceiling
"⁅" -> pure Round
"=" -> pure Equals
"≠" -> pure NotEquals
"&lt;" -> pure LessThan
"≤" -> pure LessOrEqual
"&gt;" -> pure GreaterThan
"≥" -> pure GreaterOrEqual
"+" -> pure Add
"-" -> pure Subtract
"×" -> pure Multiply
"÷" -> pure Divide
"◿" -> pure Modulus
"ⁿ" -> pure Power
"ₙ" -> pure Logarithm
"↧" -> pure Minimum
"↥" -> pure Maximum
"∠" -> pure Atangent
"⧻" -> pure Length
"△" -> pure Shape
"⇡" -> pure Range
"⊢" -> pure First
"⇌" -> pure Reverse
"♭" -> pure Deshape
"⋯" -> pure Bits
"⍉" -> pure Transpose
"⍏" -> pure Rise
"⍖" -> pure Fall
"⊚" -> pure Where
"⊛" -> pure Classify
"⊝" -> pure Deduplicate
"□" -> pure Box
"⊔" -> pure Unbox
"≅" -> pure Match
"⊟" -> pure Couple
"⊂" -> pure Join
"⊏" -> pure Select
"⊡" -> pure Pick
"↯" -> pure Reshape
"↙" -> pure Take
"↘" -> pure Drop
"↻" -> pure Rotate
"◫" -> pure Windows
"▽" -> pure Keep
"⌕" -> pure Find
"∊" -> pure Member
"⊗" -> pure IndexOf
"/" -> pure Reduce
"∧" -> pure Fold
"\" -> pure Scan
"∵" -> pure Each
"≡" -> pure Rows
"∺" -> pure Distribute
"⊞" -> pure Table
"⊠" -> pure Cross
"⍥" -> pure Repeat
"⊕" -> pure Group
"⊜" -> pure Partition
"⍘" -> pure Invert
"⋅" -> pure Gap
"⊙" -> pure Dip
"∩" -> pure Both
"⊃" -> pure Fork
"⊓" -> pure Bracket
"⍜" -> pure Under
"⍚" -> pure Level
"⬚" -> pure Fill
"'" -> pure Bind
"?" -> pure If
"⍣" -> pure Try
"⍤" -> pure Assert
"!" -> pure Call
"⎋" -> pure Break
"↬" -> pure Recur
"⚂" -> pure Random
"η" -> pure Eta
"π" -> pure Pi
"τ" -> pure Tau
"∞" -> pure Infinity
"~" -> pure Trace
"_" -> pure Strand
"[" -> pure ArrayLeft
"]" -> pure ArrayRight
"{" -> pure BoxArrayLeft
"}" -> pure BoxArrayRight
"(" -> pure FunctionLeft
")" -> pure FunctionRight
"¯" -> pure Negative
"@" -> pure Format
"$" -> pure String
""" -> pure Binding
"←" -> pure Signature
"|" -> pure Comment

traverse_ C.putStrLn allTheSymbols

equality in haskell code

symNot = allTheSymbols List.!! 5
C.putStrLn symNot
-- traverse_ C.putStrLn (P.take 8 allTheSymbols)
"¬" == symNot
"\194\172" == symNot


Symbol Extraction

symbolsnippet :: ByteString
symbolsnippet = [i|
 <div class="glyph-buttons"><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="duplicate"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">.</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="over"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">,</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(:) flip"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">∶</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="pop"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">;</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="identity"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">∘</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="not"><div class="code-font monadic-function">¬</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="sign"><div class="code-font monadic-function">±</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(`) negate"><div class="code-font monadic-function">¯</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="absolute value"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⌵</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="sqrt"><div class="code-font monadic-function">√</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="sine"><div class="code-font monadic-function">○</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="floor"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⌊</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="ceiling"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⌈</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="round"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⁅</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(=) equals"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">=</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(!=) not equals"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">≠</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="less than"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">&lt;</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(<=) less or equal"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">≤</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="greater than"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">&gt;</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(>=) greater or equal"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">≥</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="add"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">+</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="subtract"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">-</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(*) multiply"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">×</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(%) divide"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">÷</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="modulus"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">◿</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="power"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">ⁿ</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="logarithm"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">ₙ</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="minimum"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↧</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="maximum"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↥</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="atangent"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">∠</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="length"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⧻</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="shape"><div class="code-font monadic-function">△</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="range"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⇡</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="first"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⊢</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="reverse"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⇌</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="deshape"><div class="code-font monadic-function">♭</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="bits"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⋯</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="transpose"><div class="code-font monadic-function trans">⍉</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="rise"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⍏</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="fall"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⍖</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="where"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⊚</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="classify"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⊛</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="deduplicate"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⊝</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="box"><div class="code-font monadic-function">□</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="unbox"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⊔</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="match"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">≅</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="couple"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⊟</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="join"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⊂</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="select"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⊏</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="pick"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⊡</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="reshape"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↯</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="take"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↙</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="drop"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↘</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="rotate"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↻</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="windows"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">◫</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="keep"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">▽</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="find"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⌕</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="member"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">∊</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="indexof"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⊗</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="reduce"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">/</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="fold"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">∧</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="scan"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">\\</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="each"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">∵</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="rows"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">≡</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="distribute"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">∺</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="table"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⊞</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="cross"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⊠</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="repeat"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⍥</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="group"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⊕</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="partition"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⊜</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="invert"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⍘</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="gap"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⋅</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="dip"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⊙</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="both"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">∩</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="fork"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⊃</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="bracket"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⊓</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="under"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⍜</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="level"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⍚</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="fill"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⬚</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="bind"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">'</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="if"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">?</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="try"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⍣</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="assert"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⍤</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="call"><div class="code-font variadic-function-button">!</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="break"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⎋</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="recur"><div class="code-font monadic-function">↬</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="random"><div class="code-font noadic-function-button">⚂</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="eta"><div class="code-font noadic-function-button">η</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="pi"><div class="code-font noadic-function-button">π</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="tau"><div class="code-font noadic-function-button">τ</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="infinity"><div class="code-font noadic-function-button">∞</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="trace"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">~</div></button><button class="glyph-button strand-span" data-title="strand">_</button><button class="glyph-button " data-title="array">[]</button><button class="glyph-button " data-title="box array">{}</button><button class="glyph-button " data-title="function">()</button><button class="glyph-button number-literal-span" data-title="negative (`)">¯</button><button class="glyph-button string-literal-span" data-title="character">@</button><button class="glyph-button string-literal-span" data-title="format/multiline string">$</button><button class="glyph-button string-literal-span" data-title="string">"</button><button class="glyph-button " data-title="binding (=)">←</button><button class="glyph-button " data-title="signature / terminate modifier">|</button><button class="glyph-button comment-span" data-title="comment"></button><!----></div>

bs = elements (markup_ Html symbolsnippet) !! 1
ts = [x | (Content x) <- toList bs]



mapM_ print ts


padSymbols = ".,:◌∘¬±¯⌵√∿⌊⌈⁅=≠<≤>≥+-×÷◿ⁿₙ↧↥∠ℂ⧻△⇡⊢⇌♭¤⋯⍉⍏⍖⊚⊛◴◰□⋕≍⊟⊂⊏⊡↯☇↙↘↻◫▽⌕⦷∊⊗⟔/∧\\∵≡⊞⍚⍥⊕⊜◇⋅⊙⟜⊸∩°⍜⊃⊓⍢⬚⍣⍤⚂ηπτ∞?⸮_[]{}()⟨⟩‿¯@$\"!^←↚~|#" :: ByteString

T.putStrLn $ decodeUtf8Lenient padSymbols

�E=`<d>e+-������� ������m��IOV������M�������������

padSymbols == (C.pack $ C.unpack padSymbols)


encodeUtf8 ".,:◌∘¬±¯⌵√∿⌊⌈⁅=≠<≤>≥+-×÷◿ⁿₙ↧↥∠ℂ⧻△⇡⊢⇌♭¤⋯⍉⍏⍖⊚⊛◴◰□⋕≍⊟⊂⊏⊡↯☇↙↘↻◫▽⌕⦷∊⊗⟔/∧\\∵≡⊞⍚⍥⊕⊜◇⋅⊙⟜⊸∩°⍜⊃⊓⍢⬚⍣⍤⚂ηπτ∞?⸮_[]{}()⟨⟩‿¯@$\"!^←↚~|#"
-- print $ C.singleton <$> C.unpack padSymbols


print $ decodeUtf8Lenient $ encodeUtf8 ".,:◌∘¬±¯⌵√∿⌊⌈⁅=≠<≤>≥+-×÷◿ⁿₙ↧↥∠ℂ⧻△⇡⊢⇌♭¤⋯⍉⍏⍖⊚⊛◴◰□⋕≍⊟⊂⊏⊡↯☇↙↘↻◫▽⌕⦷∊⊗⟔/∧\\∵≡⊞⍚⍥⊕⊜◇⋅⊙⟜⊸∩°⍜⊃⊓⍢⬚⍣⍤⚂ηπτ∞?⸮_[]{}()⟨⟩‿¯@$\"!^←↚~|#"
-- print $ C.singleton <$> C.unpack padSymbols


import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
symText =  ".,:◌∘¬±¯⌵√∿⌊⌈⁅=≠<≤>≥+-×÷◿ⁿₙ↧↥∠ℂ⧻△⇡⊢⇌♭¤⋯⍉⍏⍖⊚⊛◴◰□⋕≍⊟⊂⊏⊡↯☇↙↘↻◫▽⌕⦷∊⊗⟔/∧\\∵≡⊞⍚⍥⊕⊜◇⋅⊙⟜⊸∩°⍜⊃⊓⍢⬚⍣⍤⚂ηπτ∞?⸮_[]{}()⟨⟩‿¯@$\"!^←↚~|#" :: Text

T.putStrLn symText



A Haskell port of uiua







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