- huihua
- Development
- development notes
- combo array parsing
- number parsing
- token parsing
- test isms
- negative bug
- Creating the glyph list
- equality in haskell code
- Symbol Extraction
is a Haskell port of uiua
:set -Wno-type-defaults
:set -Wno-name-shadowing
:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set -XRebindableSyntax
:set -XQuasiQuotes
import Prelude qualified
import Prelude hiding ((.))
import Prelude qualified as P
import Harpie.Array qualified as D
import Harpie.Shape qualified as Shape
import Huihua.ArrayU as U
import Huihua.Array qualified as A
import Huihua.Stack
import Huihua.Examples
import Huihua.Glyphs as G
import Huihua.Stack qualified as S
import Huihua.Parse
import Huihua.Parse.FlatParse
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as C
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import MarkupParse
import Data.List qualified as List
import Prettyprinter hiding (equals)
Build profile: -w ghc-9.8.2 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
- huihua-0.0.1 (lib) (file src/Huihua/Array.hs changed)
Preprocessing library for huihua-0.0.1..
GHCi, version 9.8.2: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
[1 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Examples ( src/Huihua/Examples.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Parse.FlatParse ( src/Huihua/Parse/FlatParse.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Warning ( src/Huihua/Warning.hs, interpreted )
[4 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Array ( src/Huihua/Array.hs, interpreted )
[5 of 8] Compiling Huihua.ArrayU ( src/Huihua/ArrayU.hs, interpreted )
[6 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Stack ( src/Huihua/Stack.hs, interpreted )
[7 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Glyphs ( src/Huihua/Glyphs.hs, interpreted )
[8 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Parse ( src/Huihua/Parse.hs, interpreted )
Ok, 8 modules loaded.
Ok, 8 modules loaded.
run [i|⊡ [1_2 0_1 0_0] [1_2_3 4_5_6 ]|]
D.length $ A.first $ D.iota [2]
D.rank $ (D.asArray [8,3,9,2,0] :: Array Int)
A.pick (D.array [2,1] [2,1]) (D.asArray [8,3,9,2,0] :: Array Int)
run [i|⊡ 2_1 [8 3 9 2 0]|]
[6 2 1]
Right (UnsafeArray [2] [9,3])
A.range (D.toScalar 3)
A.range (D.asArray [3])
A.range (D.asArray [-2,3])
A.range (D.toScalar (-3))
UnsafeArray [3] [0,1,2]
UnsafeArray [3,1] [0,1,2]
UnsafeArray [2,3,2] [-1,0,-1,1,-1,2,-2,0,-2,1,-2,2]
UnsafeArray [3] [-1,-2,-3]
A.range (D.toScalar 4)
A.range (D.asArray [4])
D.range (D.asArray [4])
-- a = D.asArray [4]
a = D.toScalar [4]
D.join $ D.tabulateA (fmap abs a) (\s -> D.zipWithE (\ab si -> bool ab (negate one - ab) (si<0)) s (fmap signum a))
UnsafeArray [4] [0,1,2,3]
UnsafeArray [4] [0,1,2,3]
UnsafeArray [4,1] [0,1,2,3]
<interactive>:80:32: error: [GHC-83865]
• Couldn't match type ‘[a0]’ with ‘Int’
Expected: Array Int
Actual: Array [a0]
• In the second argument of ‘fmap’, namely ‘a’
In the first argument of ‘D.tabulateA’, namely ‘(fmap abs a)’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
(fmap abs a)
(\ s
-> D.zipWithE
(\ ab si -> bool ab (negate one - ab) (si < 0)) s (fmap signum a))’
i = D.toScalar 2 :: Array Int
a = D.array [2,2,3] [1,2,3,4,5,6,2,1,1,2,2,2] :: Array Int
A.indexOf i a
findI xs i' = fromMaybe (List.length xs) . List.findIndex (==i') . toList $ xs
(\x -> findI x (D.fromScalar i)) <$> (D.extractsExcept [D.rank a - 1] a)
UnsafeArray [2,2] [1,3,0,0]
UnsafeArray [2,2] [1,3,0,0]
a 2 i 1
i = D.asArray [4,5,6] :: Array Int
a = D.array [2,3] [1,2,3,4,5,6] :: Array Int
A.indexOf i a
fmap (findI (D.extractsExcept [D.rank a - 1] a)) (D.extractsExcept [D.rank i - 1] i)
UnsafeArray [] [1]
UnsafeArray [] [1]
a 1 i 1
i = D.array [3] [1,2,3] :: Array Int
a = D.array [5] [0,3,4,5,1] :: Array Int
A.indexOf i a
fmap (findI a) i
UnsafeArray [3] [4,5,1]
UnsafeArray [3] [4,5,1]
a 1 i 2
i = D.array [2,3] [1..6] :: Array Int
a = D.asArray [3,4,5] :: Array Int
A.indexOf i a
fmap (findI a) i
UnsafeArray [2,3] [3,3,0,1,2,3]
UnsafeArray [2,3] [3,3,0,1,2,3]
a 2 i 2
i = D.array [2,3] [1..6] :: Array Int
a = D.array [1,3] [4,5,6] :: Array Int
A.indexOf i a
fmap (findI (D.extractsExcept [D.rank a - 1] a)) (D.extractsExcept [D.rank i - 1] i)
UnsafeArray [2] [1,0]
UnsafeArray [2] [1,0]
-- Shape.takeIndexes [] [0]
-- D.join $ D.extracts [0] (D.toScalar 2)
-- D.join $ D.extracts [0] (D.asSingleton $ D.toScalar 2)
A.member (D.toScalar 2) (D.asArray [1,2,3])
A.member (D.asArray [2]) (D.asArray [1,2,3])
A.member (D.toScalar 5) (D.asArray [1,2,3])
A.member (D.asArray [1,2,3]) (D.asArray [0,3,4,5,1])
A.member (D.asArray [3,4,5]) (D.iota [2,3])
A.member (D.iota [2,3]) (D.asArray [2,3,4])
A.member (D.toScalar 2) (D.iota [2,3])
UnsafeArray [] [1]
UnsafeArray [1] [1]
UnsafeArray [] [0]
UnsafeArray [3] [1,0,1]
UnsafeArray [1] [1]
UnsafeArray [2,3] [0,0,1,1,1,0]
UnsafeArray [2] [1,0]
x = [i|⍏ 6_2_7_0_1_5|]
runParser tokens x
parseT x
xis = parseT x & instructionize
interpI xis
run x
OK [GlyphToken Rise,DoubleToken 6.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 2.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 7.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 0.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 1.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 5.0] ""
[GlyphToken Rise,DoubleToken 6.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 2.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 7.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 0.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 1.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 5.0]
[IOp Rise,IArray (UnsafeArray [6] [6.0,2.0,7.0,0.0,1.0,5.0])]
Right (Stack {stackList = [ArrayU {arrayd = UnsafeArray [6] [3.0,4.0,1.0,5.0,0.0,2.0]}]})
[3 4 1 5 0 2]
i = parseT x
instructionize $ List.take 1 i
D.folds [0] sum (D.iota 5)
UnsafeArray [5] [0,1,2,3,4]
List.drop 2 xis
either viaShow pretty $ interpI $ List.drop 2 xis
a = (D.asArray [1,5,8,2] :: Array Double)
run [i|+0_1_0 0_4_3|]
run [i|+[0_1_0 0_4_3] [1_1_1 1_1_1]|]
[IOp Flip,IReduceOp Add,IOp Duplicate,IArray (UnsafeArray [4] [1.0,5.0,8.0,2.0])]
[1 5 8 2]
[1 5 8 2]
[0 5 3]
╷ 1 5 4
1 2 1
runParser tokens "◌1 2"
runParser tokens [i|◌1 2|]
runParser tokens (encodeUtf8 [i|◌1 2|])
OK [] "\204\&1 2"
OK [GlyphToken Pop,IntToken 1,IntToken 2] ""
OK [GlyphToken Pop,IntToken 1,IntToken 2] ""
a = D.iota [2] :: Array Int
s' = [3,3] :: [Int]
pretty $ D.pad 69 s' a
pretty $ D.lpad 69 s' a
findNoOverlap deconstruction
a = D.konst [4,4] 1 :: Array Int
i = D.konst [2,2] 1 :: Array Int
pretty $ fmap sig $ D.findNoOverlap i a
iexp = rerank (rank a) i
f = find iexp a
cl sh = List.filter (\xs -> P.not (any (>0) (List.init xs))) $ List.filter (P.not . (all (>=0))) $ D.arrayAs $ D.tabulate ((\x -> 2 * x - 1) <$> sh) (\s -> List.zipWith (\x x0 -> x - x0 + 1) s sh)
go r' s = D.index f s && all P.not (D.index r' <$> (List.filter (S.inside x (D.shape f)) $ fmap (List.zipWith (+) s) (cl (shape iexp))))
r = tabulate (shape f) (go r)
cl sh = List.filter (\xs -> P.not (any (>0) (List.init xs))) $ List.filter (P.not . (all (>=0))) $ D.arrayAs $ D.tabulate ((\x -> 2 * x - 1) <$> sh) (\s -> List.zipWith (\x x0 -> x - x0 + 1) s sh)
inside x' x = all id $ List.zipWith (\y' y -> y >= 0 && y < y') x' x
go r' s = D.index f s && all P.not (D.index r' <$> (List.filter (inside (D.shape f)) $ fmap (List.zipWith (+) s) (cl (D.shape iexp))))
r = D.tabulate (D.shape f) (go r)
pretty $ fmap sig $ D.find i a
pretty $ fmap sig r
a = D.iota [2,2] :: Array Int
i = D.toScalar 2 :: Array Int
D.find i a
D.findNoOverlap i a
A.find i a
A.mask i a
UnsafeArray [2,2] [False,False,True,False]
UnsafeArray [2,2] [False,False,True,False]
UnsafeArray [2,2] [0,0,1,0]
UnsafeArray [2,2] [0,0,1,0]
a = D.iota [4] :: Array Int
i = D.array [1] [2] :: Array Int
D.find i a
D.findNoOverlap i a
A.find i a
A.mask i a
UnsafeArray [4] [False,False,True,False]
UnsafeArray [4] [False,False,True,False]
UnsafeArray [4] [0,0,1,0]
UnsafeArray [4] [0,0,1,0]
a = D.iota [2,3,4] :: Array Int
i = D.array [2,2] [0,1,4,5] :: Array Int
D.find i a
D.findNoOverlap i a
A.find i a
pretty $ A.mask i a
UnsafeArray [2,2,3] [True,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False]
UnsafeArray [2,2,3] [True,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False]
UnsafeArray [2,3,4] [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
a = D.cycle [4,4] (D.iota [3]) :: Array Int
i = D.array [2] [1,2] :: Array Int
pretty $ D.find i a
pretty $ D.findNoOverlap i a
pretty $ A.find i a
pretty $ A.mask i a
a = D.konst [5,5] 1 :: Array Int
i = D.konst [2,2] 1 :: Array Int
D.find i a
pretty $ D.findNoOverlap i a
pretty $ A.find i a
pretty $ A.mask i a
UnsafeArray [4,4] [True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True]
a = D.cycle [4,4] (D.iota [3]) :: Array Int
i = D.array [2,2] [1,2,2,0] :: Array Int
D.find i a
pretty $ D.findNoOverlap i a
pretty $ A.find i a
pretty $ A.mask i a
UnsafeArray [3,3] [False,True,False,True,False,False,False,False,True]
run [i|⌕ [1_2 2_0] ↯4_4⇡3|]
╷ 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
run [i|⦷ [1_2 2_0] ↯4_4⇡3|]
<interactive>:77:8: error: [GHC-83865]
• Couldn't match expected type ‘template-haskell-’
with actual type ‘Array Int’
• In the first argument of ‘template-haskell-’, namely
In the expression:
i "\10679 [1_2 2_0] \8623\&4_4\8673\&3"
In the quasi-quotation: [i|⦷ [1_2 2_0] ↯4_4⇡3|]
run[i|⌕ [1_2 2_0] .↯4_4_4⇡3|]
╷ 0 1 0 0
╷ 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
╷ 0 1 2 0
╷ 1 2 0 1
2 0 1 2
0 1 2 0
1 2 0 1
2 0 1 2
0 1 2 0
1 2 0 1
2 0 1 2
0 1 2 0
1 2 0 1
2 0 1 2
0 1 2 0
1 2 0 1
2 0 1 2
0 1 2 0
a = D.cycle [4,4] (D.iota [3]) :: Array Int
i = D.array [2,2] [1,2,2,0] :: Array Int
pretty a
pretty i
pretty $ A.find a i
ws = D.windows (D.shape i) a
-- D.shape ws :: [Int]
-- pretty ws
-- pretty a
-- fmap (sig . (==i)) (D.extracts (D.arrayAs (D.iota [D.rank i]) <> [D.rank i * 2 .. (D.rank ws - 1)]) ws)
D.shape @[Int] $ D.windows [2,2] (D.iota [4,3,2])
pretty $ D.windows [2] (D.iota [4])
pretty $ D.windows [4] (D.iota [6])
Consistent for scalars
D.windows [1] (D.toScalar 5)
UnsafeArray [1] [5]
run [i|
△ .◫2 .⇡4
△ .◫4 .⇡6
△ ◫2_2 .[1_2_3 4_5_6 7_8_9]
△ .◫¯2 .↯4_4⇡16
△ .◫¯3 .↯4_4⇡16
△ .◫¯1_2 .↯4_4⇡16
run [i|
△ ◫2 ⇡4
ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| [3 2]
╷ 0 1
1 2
2 3
i = D.asArray [3,2] :: Array Int
x = D.asArray [8,3,9,2,0] :: Array Int
D.asArray $ fold $ D.zipWithE (replicate) (D.cycle (D.shape x) i) x
UnsafeArray [13] [8,8,8,3,3,9,9,9,2,2,0,0,0]
i = D.asArray [3,2] :: Array Int
x = D.asArray [8,3,9,2,0] :: Array Int
x2 = D.iota [3,4] :: Array Int
D.join $ D.asArray $ fold $ D.zipWithE replicate (D.cycle (List.take 1 $ D.shape x2) i) (D.extracts [0] x2)
UnsafeArray [8,4] [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,8,9,10,11,8,9,10,11]
x = D.array [2,2,2,2] ([0..14] <> [100]) :: Array Double
pretty x
pretty (ArrayH x)
UnsafeArray [2,2,2,2] [0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,100.0]
╷ .0 ..1
╷ .2 ..3
.4 ..5
.6 ..7
.8 ..9
10 .11
12 .13
14 100
import Data.Either
t = ptree (fmap showU x)
maxp = D.folds [1] (P.maximum . fmap P.length) (D.join $ D.asArray $ rights t)
s = fmap (fmap ((D.zipWithE (\m a -> lpad '.' m a) maxp))) t
sdoc = mconcat $ fmap (either (\n -> replicate (n-1) mempty) (pure . hsep . fmap pretty . D.arrayAs)) s
sdocMin = D.concatenate 0 (D.konst [max 0 (D.rank x - P.length sdoc)] mempty) (D.asArray sdoc)
rankPrefix = fmap pretty (D.reshapeDef " " [D.length sdocMin] (D.konst [D.rank x - 1] "╷"))
deco = zipWith (<+>) (D.arrayAs rankPrefix) (D.arrayAs sdocMin)
final = (pretty "╭─") <> line <> (vsep deco) <> hang 1 (line <> pretty "╯")
╷ .0 ..1
╷ .2 ..3
.4 ..5
.6 ..7
.8 ..9
10 .11
12 .13
14 100
x = D.array [2,2] [2, 2.222,200.001,200.01] :: Array Double
pretty (U.ArrayH x)
a = D.konst [2,2] (3 / P.pi) :: Array Double
pretty (U.ArrayH a)
a3 = D.konst [1,1,1] 1
pretty (U.ArrayH a3)
a1 = D.asArray [1..4]
pretty (U.ArrayH a1)
╷ ......2 .2.222
200.001 200.01
╷ 0.954929658551372 0.954929658551372
0.954929658551372 0.954929658551372
╷ 1
[1 2 3 4]
-- x = D.array [2,2] [2, 2.222,200.001,200.01] :: Array Double
-- x = D.array [1,1,1] [1] :: Array Double
x = D.array [2,2,2,2] ([0..14] <> [100]) :: Array Double
dtable = D.maps [1] (\a -> U.lpad '.' (P.maximum (P.length <$> a)) <$> a) (U.showU <$> x)
dtable1 = D.folds [0] (hsep . D.arrayAs . fmap pretty) dtable
dtableMin = D.concatenate 0 (D.konst [max 0 (D.rank x - 1 - D.length dtable1)] mempty) dtable1
rankPrefix = fmap pretty (D.reshapeDef "x" [D.length dtableMin] (D.konst [D.rank x - 1] "╷"))
decotable = D.zipWithE (<+>) rankPrefix dtableMin
final = (pretty "╭─") <> line <> ((vsep . D.arrayAs) decotable) <> hang 1 (line <> pretty "╯")
╷ .0 .1 .2 .3 ..4 ..5 ..6 ..7
╷ .8 .9 10 11 .12 .13 .14 100
UnsafeArray [2,2,2,2] [".0",".1",".2",".3","..4","..5","..6","..7",".8",".9","10","11",".12",".13",".14","100"]
-- |
-- > run [i|ⁿ2 3|]
-- 9
-- > run [i|ⁿ2 [1 2 3]|]
-- [1 4 9]
-- >>> 1+1
-- | ₙ
-- > run [i|ₙ2 8|]
-- 4
-- > run [i|ₙ [2 3 4] [16 27 1024]|]
run [i|ⁿ2 3|]
run [i|ⁿ2 [1 2 3]|]
run [i|ₙ2 8|]
run [i|ₙ [2 3 4] [16 27 1024]|]
log 8 / log 2
-- | /ⁿ
-- >>> run [i|/ⁿ[]|]
-- 1
-- >>> run [i|/ⁿ [2]|]
-- 2
-- >>> run [i|/ⁿ 2_1|]
-- 2
-- >>> run [i|/ⁿ [1_2_3 4_5_6]|]
-- [4 25 216]
run [i|/ⁿ[]|]
run [i|/ⁿ [2]|]
run [i|/ⁿ 2_1|]
run [i|/ⁿ [1_2_3 4_5_6]|]
[4 25 216]
-- | /ₙ
-- >>> run [i|/ₙ[]|]
-- 1
-- >>> run [i|/ₙ [2]|]
-- 2
-- >>> run [i|/ₙ 2_1|]
-- 2
-- >>> run [i|/ₙ [1_2_3 4_5_6]|]
-- [4 25 216]
run [i|/ₙ[]|]
run [i|/ₙ [2]|] -- 2
run [i|/ₙ 2_8|] -- 3
run [i|/ₙ [1_2_3 4_5_6]|] -- [∞ 2.321928094887362 1.6309297535714575]
logBase 2 8
[Infinity 2.321928094887362 1.6309297535714573]
a = D.iota [3,4]
pretty a
(x D.:| xs) = a
D.extracts [1] xs
D.zips [0] (D.zipWithE (\x' xs' -> foldl' (+) (D.fromScalar x') xs')) (D.extracts [0] x) (D.extractsExcept [0] xs)
UnsafeArray [4] [0,1,2,3]
UnsafeArray [2,4] [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
UnsafeArray [4] [UnsafeArray [2] [4,8],UnsafeArray [2] [5,9],UnsafeArray [2] [6,10],UnsafeArray [2] [7,11]]
UnsafeArray [4] [12,15,18,21]
xy a = let (x D.:| xs) = a in D.zipWithE (\a as -> foldl' (+) a as) x (D.extractsExcept [0] xs)
let a3 = D.iota [2,3,4]
reduceU (+) zero a3
xy a3
UnsafeArray [3,4] [12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34]
UnsafeArray [3,4] [12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34]
import Prelude qualified
:t Prelude.mod infinity (Prelude.3)
Build profile: -w ghc-9.8.2 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
- huihua-0.0.1 (lib) (file src/Huihua/ArrayU.hs changed)
Preprocessing library for huihua-0.0.1..
GHCi, version 9.8.2: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
[1 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Examples ( src/Huihua/Examples.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Parse.FlatParse ( src/Huihua/Parse/FlatParse.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Warning ( src/Huihua/Warning.hs, interpreted )
[4 of 8] Compiling Huihua.Array ( src/Huihua/Array.hs, interpreted )
src/Huihua/Array.hs:495:35: error: [GHC-83865]
• Couldn't match expected type: Array a -> Array b
with actual type: Array a
• Possible cause: ‘D.reduces’ is applied to too many arguments
In the expression: D.reduces [0] (foldl' (flip f) x) xs
In an equation for ‘reduceNoIdentityU’:
reduceNoIdentityU f (x D.:| xs)
= D.reduces [0] (foldl' (flip f) x) xs
• Relevant bindings include
xs :: Array a (bound at src/Huihua/Array.hs:495:29)
x :: Array a (bound at src/Huihua/Array.hs:495:22)
f :: a -> a -> a (bound at src/Huihua/Array.hs:495:19)
reduceNoIdentityU :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Array a -> Array b
(bound at src/Huihua/Array.hs:495:1)
495 | reduceNoIdentityU f (x D.:| xs) = D.reduces [0] (foldl' (flip f) x) xs
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, three modules loaded.
<interactive>:1:13: error: [GHC-88464]
Variable not in scope: infinity :: a -> c
<interactive>:1:23: error: [GHC-88464]
Data constructor not in scope: Prelude :: b0 -> c
x = [i|[2_1_0 0_4_3]|]
runParser tokens x
parseT x
parseT x & instructionize
interpI (List.reverse $ parseI x)
run x
OK [GlyphToken ArrayLeft,DoubleToken 2.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 1.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 0.0,DoubleToken 0.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 4.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 3.0,GlyphToken ArrayRight] ""
[GlyphToken ArrayLeft,DoubleToken 2.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 1.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 0.0,DoubleToken 0.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 4.0,GlyphToken Strand,DoubleToken 3.0,GlyphToken ArrayRight]
[WArray (UnsafeArray [2] [IArray (UnsafeArray [3] [2.0,1.0,0.0]),IArray (UnsafeArray [3] [0.0,4.0,3.0])])]
Right (Stack {stackList = [ArrayU {arrayd = UnsafeArray [2,3] [2.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,3.0]}]})
╷ 2 1 0
0 4 3
:t D.extracts [0,1]
let a = D.array [2,3,4] [0..23] :: D.Array Int
a' = D.extracts [0,1] a
:t D.drops [(0,0),(1,1)] a'
D.extracts [0,1] :: Array a -> Array (Array a)
D.drops [(0,0),(1,1)] a' :: Array (Array Int)
run [i|/>.[2_1_0 0_4_3]|]
[0 1]
╷ 2 1 0
0 4 3
import Huihua.Glyphs
ts = parseT x
:t ts
-- assemble (aArrayLeft *> many aToken <* aArrayRight) [GlyphToken ArrayLeft,GlyphToken ArrayRight]
assemble (aArrayLeft *> many aToken) [GlyphToken ArrayLeft,GlyphToken ArrayRight]
ts :: [Huihua.Parse.Token]
Just ([GlyphToken ArrayRight],[])
run "123. 5"
showU (P.negate 2)
showU (P.negate 2) :: Data.Text.Internal.Text
runParser tokens "[@u @i @u @a]"
OK [GlyphToken ArrayLeft,CharacterToken 'u',CharacterToken 'i',CharacterToken 'u',CharacterToken 'a',GlyphToken ArrayRight] ""
runParser tokens [i|△."Hello, World!"|]
OK [GlyphToken Shape,GlyphToken Duplicate,StringToken "Hello, World!"] ""
runParser tokens [i|⊂ 1_2 3|]
OK [GlyphToken Join,IntToken 1,GlyphToken Strand,IntToken 2,IntToken 3] ""
P.length <$> C.unpack <$> allTheSymbols
* not
x1 = "\194\172" :: ByteString
encodeUtf8 "¬"
C.putStrLn x1
runParser glyph "¬"
runParser glyph x1
runParser glyph (encodeUtf8 "¬")
OK Not ""
OK Not ""
bs = encodeUtf8 "¬ 3 [0 1]"
interp bs
C.putStrLn bs
That (Stack {stackList = [-2,[1, 0]]})
¬ 3 [0 1]
reverse order of arrays
reverse order of assembled ops
array left bug
implement in compute1
- do away with raw Ints and Doubles
bs = exPage1
C.putStr bs
-- C.lines bs
-- C.lines bs & fmap (runParser tokens)
-- C.lines bs & fmap (runParser_ tokens) & orderUiua
as = assemble' bs
interp as
"\n[1 5 8 2]\n/+. # Sum\n\226\167\187\226\136\182 # Length\n\195\183 # Divide\n"
[1 5 8 2]
/+. # Sum
⧻∶ # Length
÷ # Divide
Left EmptyStack1
Stack {stackList = *** Exception: NYI
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at <interactive>:47:92 in interactive:Ghci23
interp (assemble' exPage1)
Left EmptyStack1
shapes are ok …
:set -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns
(Stack (ItemArrayInt x:ItemArrayInt y:xs)) = s3
shape x
shape y
(ItemArrayDouble z) = binOpD (/) (ItemArrayInt y) (ItemArrayInt x)
shape z
C.lines bs & fmap (runParser_ tokens) & orderUiua & assemblef & foldr compute1 (Stack [])
Stack {stackList = [4.0]}
is an effect-only. Nothing is added or subtracted form the stack.
test scope
This character doesn’t parse properly in a *.hs file. “¯”
:t Negative
Negative :: Glyph
Note that direct comparison between a ByteString and it’s representation may not be what you expect eg
symNot = allTheSymbols List.!! 5
C.putStrLn symNot
"¬" == symNot
"\194\172" == symNot
xs = (zipWith (\s g -> [i|"#{s}" -> pure #{g}|]) allTheSymbols allTheGlyphs :: [ByteString])
traverse_ C.putStrLn xs
"." -> pure Duplicate
"," -> pure Over
"∶" -> pure Flip
";" -> pure Pop
"∘" -> pure Identity
"¬" -> pure Not
"±" -> pure Sign
"¯" -> pure Negate
"⌵" -> pure AbsoluteValue
"√" -> pure Sqrt
"○" -> pure Sine
"⌊" -> pure Floor
"⌈" -> pure Ceiling
"⁅" -> pure Round
"=" -> pure Equals
"≠" -> pure NotEquals
"<" -> pure LessThan
"≤" -> pure LessOrEqual
">" -> pure GreaterThan
"≥" -> pure GreaterOrEqual
"+" -> pure Add
"-" -> pure Subtract
"×" -> pure Multiply
"÷" -> pure Divide
"◿" -> pure Modulus
"ⁿ" -> pure Power
"ₙ" -> pure Logarithm
"↧" -> pure Minimum
"↥" -> pure Maximum
"∠" -> pure Atangent
"⧻" -> pure Length
"△" -> pure Shape
"⇡" -> pure Range
"⊢" -> pure First
"⇌" -> pure Reverse
"♭" -> pure Deshape
"⋯" -> pure Bits
"⍉" -> pure Transpose
"⍏" -> pure Rise
"⍖" -> pure Fall
"⊚" -> pure Where
"⊛" -> pure Classify
"⊝" -> pure Deduplicate
"□" -> pure Box
"⊔" -> pure Unbox
"≅" -> pure Match
"⊟" -> pure Couple
"⊂" -> pure Join
"⊏" -> pure Select
"⊡" -> pure Pick
"↯" -> pure Reshape
"↙" -> pure Take
"↘" -> pure Drop
"↻" -> pure Rotate
"◫" -> pure Windows
"▽" -> pure Keep
"⌕" -> pure Find
"∊" -> pure Member
"⊗" -> pure IndexOf
"/" -> pure Reduce
"∧" -> pure Fold
"\" -> pure Scan
"∵" -> pure Each
"≡" -> pure Rows
"∺" -> pure Distribute
"⊞" -> pure Table
"⊠" -> pure Cross
"⍥" -> pure Repeat
"⊕" -> pure Group
"⊜" -> pure Partition
"⍘" -> pure Invert
"⋅" -> pure Gap
"⊙" -> pure Dip
"∩" -> pure Both
"⊃" -> pure Fork
"⊓" -> pure Bracket
"⍜" -> pure Under
"⍚" -> pure Level
"⬚" -> pure Fill
"'" -> pure Bind
"?" -> pure If
"⍣" -> pure Try
"⍤" -> pure Assert
"!" -> pure Call
"⎋" -> pure Break
"↬" -> pure Recur
"⚂" -> pure Random
"η" -> pure Eta
"π" -> pure Pi
"τ" -> pure Tau
"∞" -> pure Infinity
"~" -> pure Trace
"_" -> pure Strand
"[" -> pure ArrayLeft
"]" -> pure ArrayRight
"{" -> pure BoxArrayLeft
"}" -> pure BoxArrayRight
"(" -> pure FunctionLeft
")" -> pure FunctionRight
"¯" -> pure Negative
"@" -> pure Format
"$" -> pure String
""" -> pure Binding
"←" -> pure Signature
"|" -> pure Comment
traverse_ C.putStrLn allTheSymbols
symNot = allTheSymbols List.!! 5
C.putStrLn symNot
-- traverse_ C.putStrLn (P.take 8 allTheSymbols)
"¬" == symNot
"\194\172" == symNot
symbolsnippet :: ByteString
symbolsnippet = [i|
<div class="glyph-buttons"><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="duplicate"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">.</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="over"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">,</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(:) flip"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">∶</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="pop"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">;</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="identity"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">∘</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="not"><div class="code-font monadic-function">¬</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="sign"><div class="code-font monadic-function">±</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(`) negate"><div class="code-font monadic-function">¯</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="absolute value"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⌵</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="sqrt"><div class="code-font monadic-function">√</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="sine"><div class="code-font monadic-function">○</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="floor"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⌊</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="ceiling"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⌈</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="round"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⁅</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(=) equals"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">=</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(!=) not equals"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">≠</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="less than"><div class="code-font dyadic-function"><</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(<=) less or equal"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">≤</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="greater than"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">></div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(>=) greater or equal"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">≥</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="add"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">+</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="subtract"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">-</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(*) multiply"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">×</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="(%) divide"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">÷</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="modulus"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">◿</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="power"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">ⁿ</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="logarithm"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">ₙ</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="minimum"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↧</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="maximum"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↥</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="atangent"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">∠</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="length"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⧻</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="shape"><div class="code-font monadic-function">△</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="range"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⇡</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="first"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⊢</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="reverse"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⇌</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="deshape"><div class="code-font monadic-function">♭</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="bits"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⋯</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="transpose"><div class="code-font monadic-function trans">⍉</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="rise"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⍏</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="fall"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⍖</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="where"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⊚</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="classify"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⊛</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="deduplicate"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⊝</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="box"><div class="code-font monadic-function">□</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="unbox"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⊔</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="match"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">≅</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="couple"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⊟</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="join"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⊂</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="select"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⊏</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="pick"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⊡</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="reshape"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↯</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="take"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↙</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="drop"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↘</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="rotate"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">↻</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="windows"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">◫</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="keep"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">▽</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="find"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⌕</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="member"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">∊</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="indexof"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⊗</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="reduce"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">/</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="fold"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">∧</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="scan"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">\\</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="each"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">∵</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="rows"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">≡</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="distribute"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">∺</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="table"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⊞</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="cross"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⊠</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="repeat"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⍥</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="group"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⊕</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="partition"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⊜</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="invert"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⍘</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="gap"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⋅</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="dip"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">⊙</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="both"><div class="code-font monadic-modifier">∩</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="fork"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⊃</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="bracket"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⊓</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="under"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⍜</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="level"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⍚</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="fill"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⬚</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="bind"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">'</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="if"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">?</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="try"><div class="code-font dyadic-modifier">⍣</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="assert"><div class="code-font dyadic-function">⍤</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="call"><div class="code-font variadic-function-button">!</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="break"><div class="code-font monadic-function">⎋</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="recur"><div class="code-font monadic-function">↬</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="random"><div class="code-font noadic-function-button">⚂</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="eta"><div class="code-font noadic-function-button">η</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="pi"><div class="code-font noadic-function-button">π</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="tau"><div class="code-font noadic-function-button">τ</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="infinity"><div class="code-font noadic-function-button">∞</div></button><button class="glyph-button glyph-title" data-title="trace"><div class="code-font stack-function-button">~</div></button><button class="glyph-button strand-span" data-title="strand">_</button><button class="glyph-button " data-title="array">[]</button><button class="glyph-button " data-title="box array">{}</button><button class="glyph-button " data-title="function">()</button><button class="glyph-button number-literal-span" data-title="negative (`)">¯</button><button class="glyph-button string-literal-span" data-title="character">@</button><button class="glyph-button string-literal-span" data-title="format/multiline string">$</button><button class="glyph-button string-literal-span" data-title="string">"</button><button class="glyph-button " data-title="binding (=)">←</button><button class="glyph-button " data-title="signature / terminate modifier">|</button><button class="glyph-button comment-span" data-title="comment"></button><!----></div>
bs = elements (markup_ Html symbolsnippet) !! 1
ts = [x | (Content x) <- toList bs]
mapM_ print ts
padSymbols = ".,:◌∘¬±¯⌵√∿⌊⌈⁅=≠<≤>≥+-×÷◿ⁿₙ↧↥∠ℂ⧻△⇡⊢⇌♭¤⋯⍉⍏⍖⊚⊛◴◰□⋕≍⊟⊂⊏⊡↯☇↙↘↻◫▽⌕⦷∊⊗⟔/∧\\∵≡⊞⍚⍥⊕⊜◇⋅⊙⟜⊸∩°⍜⊃⊓⍢⬚⍣⍤⚂ηπτ∞?⸮_[]{}()⟨⟩‿¯@$\"!^←↚~|#" :: ByteString
T.putStrLn $ decodeUtf8Lenient padSymbols
�E=`<d>e+-������� ������m��IOV������M�������������
padSymbols == (C.pack $ C.unpack padSymbols)
encodeUtf8 ".,:◌∘¬±¯⌵√∿⌊⌈⁅=≠<≤>≥+-×÷◿ⁿₙ↧↥∠ℂ⧻△⇡⊢⇌♭¤⋯⍉⍏⍖⊚⊛◴◰□⋕≍⊟⊂⊏⊡↯☇↙↘↻◫▽⌕⦷∊⊗⟔/∧\\∵≡⊞⍚⍥⊕⊜◇⋅⊙⟜⊸∩°⍜⊃⊓⍢⬚⍣⍤⚂ηπτ∞?⸮_[]{}()⟨⟩‿¯@$\"!^←↚~|#"
-- print $ C.singleton <$> C.unpack padSymbols
print $ decodeUtf8Lenient $ encodeUtf8 ".,:◌∘¬±¯⌵√∿⌊⌈⁅=≠<≤>≥+-×÷◿ⁿₙ↧↥∠ℂ⧻△⇡⊢⇌♭¤⋯⍉⍏⍖⊚⊛◴◰□⋕≍⊟⊂⊏⊡↯☇↙↘↻◫▽⌕⦷∊⊗⟔/∧\\∵≡⊞⍚⍥⊕⊜◇⋅⊙⟜⊸∩°⍜⊃⊓⍢⬚⍣⍤⚂ηπτ∞?⸮_[]{}()⟨⟩‿¯@$\"!^←↚~|#"
-- print $ C.singleton <$> C.unpack padSymbols
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
symText = ".,:◌∘¬±¯⌵√∿⌊⌈⁅=≠<≤>≥+-×÷◿ⁿₙ↧↥∠ℂ⧻△⇡⊢⇌♭¤⋯⍉⍏⍖⊚⊛◴◰□⋕≍⊟⊂⊏⊡↯☇↙↘↻◫▽⌕⦷∊⊗⟔/∧\\∵≡⊞⍚⍥⊕⊜◇⋅⊙⟜⊸∩°⍜⊃⊓⍢⬚⍣⍤⚂ηπτ∞?⸮_[]{}()⟨⟩‿¯@$\"!^←↚~|#" :: Text
T.putStrLn symText