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Merge pull request #194 from TeroFrondelius/JSON
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Json format return message for lintserver()
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Michael-Klassen authored Mar 7, 2017
2 parents 1fb7cec + 38ccf65 commit 1dfcfd4
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Showing 4 changed files with 326 additions and 39 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion REQUIRE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
julia 0.4
julia 0.5
JSON 0.6.0
Compat 0.15.0
84 changes: 83 additions & 1 deletion docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -209,10 +209,92 @@ Make Julia start listening on a given port and return lint messages to requests
This feature is useful when you want to lint julia code in a non julia environment.

Existing plugins:

* Sublime Text: [SublimeLinter-contrib-julialintserver](
* linter-julia for Atom: [linter-julia](

The protocol for the server is:
The new protocol for the server is JSON in both input and output:
Only the two first `"file"` and `"code_str"` are mandatory fields. For the output
there are four different protocols from which the `"lint-message"` is the direct
match of `LintMessage` and this way will be always up to date, but can also break.
Other three types are for convenience, they give you the opportunity to
directly pass the messages forward for example Atom linter. Here is one full example,
[to see more examples, see the tests.](
julia> using Lint

julia> using JSON

julia> if is_windows()
pipe_lm = "\\\\.\\pipe\\testsocket"
else # linux, osx
pipe_lm = tempname()

julia> server_lm = @async lintserver(pipe_lm,"lint-message")
Server running on port/pipe /tmp/julial73DPo ...
Task (queued) @0x00007f1b20a38280

julia> input = Dict("file" => "none", "code_str" => "something")
Dict{String,String} with 2 entries:
"file" => "none"
"code_str" => "something"

julia> conn = connect(pipe_lm)
Base.PipeEndpoint(open, 0 bytes waiting)

julia> JSON.print(conn, input)

julia> out = JSON.parse(conn)
1-element Array{Any,1}:
Dict{String,Any}(Pair{String,Any}("line",1),Pair{String,Any}("scope",""),Pair{String,Any}("message","use of undeclared symbol"),Pair{String,Any}("file","none"),Pair{String,Any}("code","E321"),Pair{String,Any}("variable","something"))

julia> out[1]
Dict{String,Any} with 6 entries:
"line" => 1
"scope" => ""
"message" => "use of undeclared symbol"
"file" => "none"
"code" => "E321"
"variable" => "something"

`lintserver(port,style)` style will accept four values:

1. "lint-message", which is the preferred and shown in above example
2. ["standard-linter-v1"](
3. ["vscode"](
4. ["standard-linter-v2"](

If any of the above four JSON formats is not answering your needs, please make a
[new pull request]( The file you want
to edit is [Lint.jl](
and the function is called `convertmsgtojson`. It is enough to add one `elseif`
block, here is one of them as an example:
elseif style == "standard-linter-v2"
push!(output, Dict("severity" => etype,
"location" => Dict("file" => file,
"position" => errorrange),
"excerpt" => code,
"description" => "$evar: $txt"))


The old protocol for the server is:

1. The file path followed by a new line
2. The number of bytes of code being sent followed by a new line
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126 changes: 106 additions & 20 deletions src/Lint.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Lint
using Base.Meta
using Compat
using Compat.TypeUtils
using JSON

if isdefined(Base, :unwrap_unionall)
using Base: unwrap_unionall
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ function lintinclude(ctx::LintContext, file::AbstractString)

Lint all *.jl files at a given directory.
Lint all .jl ending files at a given directory.
Will ignore LintContext file and already included files.
function lintdir{T<:AbstractString}(dir::T, ctx::LintContext=LintContext())
Expand All @@ -358,34 +359,118 @@ function lintdir{T<:AbstractString}(dir::T, ctx::LintContext=LintContext())

function readandwritethestream(conn)
# println("Connection accepted")
# Get file, code length and code
file = strip(readline(conn))
# println("file: ", file)
code_len = parse(Int, strip(readline(conn)))
# println("Code bytes: ", code_len)
code = Compat.UTF8String(read(conn, code_len))
# println("Code received")
# Do the linting
msgs = lintfile(file, code)
# Write response to socket
for i in msgs
write(conn, string(i))
function convertmsgtojson(msgs, style, dict_data)
if style == "lint-message"
return msgs
output = Any[]
for msg in msgs
evar = msg.variable
txt = msg.message
file = msg.file
linenumber = msg.line
# Atom index starts from zero thus minus one
errorrange = Array[[linenumber-1, 0], [linenumber-1, 80]]
code = string(msg.code)
if code[1] == 'I'
etype = "info"
etypenumber = 3
elseif code[1] == 'W'
etype = "warning"
etypenumber = 2
etype = "error"
etypenumber = 1

if style == "standard-linter-v1"
if haskey(dict_data,"show_code")
if dict_data["show_code"]
msgtext = "$code $evar: $txt"
msgtext = "$evar: $txt"
msgtext = "$code $evar: $txt"
push!(output, Dict("type" => etype,
"text" => msgtext,
"range" => errorrange,
"filePath" => file))
elseif style == "vscode"
push!(output, Dict("severity" => etypenumber,
"message" => "$evar: $txt",
"range" => errorrange,
"filePath" => file,
"code" => code,
"source" => "Lint.jl"))
elseif style == "standard-linter-v2"
push!(output, Dict("severity" => etype,
"location" => Dict("file" => file,
"position" => errorrange),
"excerpt" => code,
"description" => "$evar: $txt"))

return output

function filtermsgs(msgs,dict_data)
if haskey(dict_data,"ignore_warnings")
if dict_data["ignore_warnings"]
msgs = filter(i -> !iswarning(i), msgs)
if haskey(dict_data,"ignore_info")
if dict_data["ignore_info"]
msgs = filter(i -> !isinfo(i), msgs)
if haskey(dict_data,"ignore_codes")
msgs = filter(i -> !(string(i.code) in dict_data["ignore_codes"]), msgs)
return msgs

function readandwritethestream(conn,style)
if style == "original_behaviour"
# println("Connection accepted")
# Get file, code length and code
file = strip(readline(conn))
# println("file: ", file)
code_len = parse(Int, strip(readline(conn)))
# println("Code bytes: ", code_len)
code = Compat.UTF8String(read(conn, code_len))
# println("Code received")
# Do the linting
msgs = lintfile(file, code)
# Write response to socket
for i in msgs
write(conn, string(i))
write(conn, "\n")
# Blank line to indicate end of messages
write(conn, "\n")
dict_data = JSON.parse(conn)
msgs = lintfile(dict_data["file"], dict_data["code_str"])
msgs = filtermsgs(msgs, dict_data)
out = convertmsgtojson(msgs, style, dict_data)
JSON.print(conn, out)
# Blank line to indicate end of messages
write(conn, "\n")

function lintserver(port)
function lintserver(port,style="original_behaviour")
server = listen(port)
println("Server running on port $port ...")
println("Server running on port/pipe $port ...")
while true
conn = accept(server)
@async try
catch err
println(STDERR, "connection ended with error $err")
Expand All @@ -399,6 +484,7 @@ function lintserver(port)

# precompile hints

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