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Lang:TypeScript CSS:PostCSS Build:Rollup Compiler:Babel Jest Code Coverage:100% code style: prettier npm Build status Storybook


An example of how to make a React component package. 🐒

Tinker with this component in Storybook.

See this package in action in this CodeSandbox. 🏜



import { MonkeySpan } from "monkeyspan";

function App() {
  return (
      <MonkeySpan label="a monkey emoji">🐵</MonkeySpan>

export default App;


Please note that this project follows the practices of Semantic Versioning and maintaining a CHANGELOG.

Making Changes

  1. Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed:

    npm install
  2. Make your changes

  3. Test them in Storybook and/or using a separate app (e.g npx create-react-app demo):

    If you want to test your changes in a separate app, Yalc is a fantastic tool for linking purposes.

    # in this project's root directory, run
    yalc publish
    # then in the root directory of the app you're using to demo this package, run:
    yalc add monkeyspan && npm run start

    You should now be able to use the package in that app, e.g.

    import { MonkeySpan } from "monkeyspan";
  4. Make sure your changes haven't broken anything:

    Run the tests and linting.

    npm run test

    Ensure the build will generate successfully.

    npm run build
  5. Commit your changes, open a pull request (npm run pr:create), and merge them to the main branch.

  6. See Publishing Releases.

Available Scripts

Command Params Example Purpose
build none npm run build Runs npm run build:types && npm run build:rollup
build:link none npm run build:link Generates a production build, then publishes it locally via yalc, and copies to your clipboard the command to run to complete the link within an app directory via `npm run build && npx yalc publish && echo "yalc add monkeyspan"
build:storybook none npm run build:storybook Generates a build for storybook using build-storybook.
build:storybook:docs none npm run build:storybook:docs Generates a build for storybook docs using build-storybook --docs.
build:rollup none npm run build:rollup Generates a build and source map (./dist/bundle.js, ./dist/ & ./dist/ using Rollup & Babel.
build:types none npm run build:types Runs npx tsc --project ./ --emitDeclarationOnly, which runs the typescript compiler to generate types files.
clean none npm run clean Runs npm run clean:eslint && npm run clean:css && npm run clean:prettier
clean:artifacts none npm run clean:artifacts Runs rm -rv ./dist ; rm -rv .babel-config-test ; rm -rv storybook-static, which attempts to delete artifacts created by other scripts.
clean:css none npm run clean:css Runs npx stylelint 'src/**/*.css' --fix, which attempts to resolve all stylelint issues in the project.
clean:eslint none npm run clean:eslint Runs npx eslint --fix ., which attempts to resolve all eslint issues in the project.
clean:prettier none npm run clean:prettier Runs npx prettier --write ., which attempts to resolve all prettier issues in the project.
pr:create none gh pr create --web --fill Pushes your branch up, opens your browser at the create PR page for your branch, and fills in commit log info automatically.
storybook none npm run storybook Starts storybook on port 6006 via start-storybook -p 6006.
storybook:docs none npm run storybook:docs Starts storybook on port 6006 in docs mode via start-storybook -p 6006 --docs.
storybook:nocache none npm run storybook:nocache Starts storybook on port 6006 without manager caching via start-storybook -p 6006 --no-manager-cache.
tag --value npm run tag --value=1.2.3 Runs npm run tag:create --value=<value> and npm run tag:release --value=<value>
tag:create --value npm run tag:create --value=1.2.3 Runs npx json -I -f ./package.json -e 'this.version=\"$npm_config_value\"' && npm i && git ci -am \"$npm_config_value\" && git tag $npm_config_value, which updates the package.json version to the value provided, updates the package-lock.json, generates a commit for the changes, and tags the commit using the value provided.
tag:release --value npm run tag:release --value=1.2.3 Runs git push origin $npm_config_value && gh release create $npm_config_value --title $npm_config_value --notes-file ./, which pushes the tag value provided to GitHub, then produces a release for it using the gh cli. You will need the gh cli for this command to work.
test none npm run test Runs npm run test:eslint && npm run test:css && npm run test:prettier && npm run test:types && npm run test:code
test:babel none npm run test:babel Runs npx babel src/ --out-dir .babel-config-test --extensions ".ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx", providing a glimpse at how babel's current config transforms the src code. Find the output in .babel-config-test/.
test:code none npm run test:code Runs the test suite via npx jest.
test:css none npm run test:css Runs stylelint suite via npx stylelint 'src/**/*.css'.
test:eslint none npm run test:eslint Runs npx eslint ., providing info about issues.
test:prettier none npm run test:prettier Runs npx prettier --check ., providing info about issues.
test:types none npm run test:types Runs npx tsc --project ./tsconfig.eslint.json --noEmit, which checks for typescript errors without emitting any files.

Publishing Releases

Please note that the following should be done on the main branch, except for under certain circumstances, e.g. patching an older version than the last.

In order to generate a release, you need to produce a new package version and a corresponding tag for said version.

For example, let's say you want to add a component or feature to this package.

To do so, you'd simply follow the instructions in Making Changes, then produce your version via:

  1. Determine what type of changes you've made per Semantic Versioning to identify what the next version for this package will be. Check the package.json's current version to begin.

  2. Add an entry to the CHANGELOG.

  3. Run the following command with your new version in place of <VERSION>:

    npm run tag --value=<VERSION>

    If it was successful, you'll get a link like<VERSION> at the end of output.

  4. Go to the URL provided by the script output to see your new release in GitHub.

  5. Go to the Actions tab for this project and you should see a job running for your release, which, if successful, will upload your new version of this package to npm.