DEPRECATED 1/25/2024
- Nodejs (v10)
- Kafka (v2)
Configuration for the application is at config/default.js
The following parameters can be set in config files or in env variables:
- LOG_LEVEL: the log level
- PORT: the server port
- KAFKA_URL: comma separated Kafka hosts
- KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT: Kafka connection certificate, optional; if not provided, then SSL connection is not used, direct insecure connection is used; if provided, it can be either path to certificate file or certificate content
- KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT_KEY: Kafka connection private key, optional; if not provided, then SSL connection is not used, direct insecure connection is used; if provided, it can be either path to private key file or private key content
- KAFKA_GROUP_ID: Kafka group id
- CREATE_DATA_TOPIC: Kafka topic related to creation
- UPDATE_DATA_TOPIC: Kafka topic related to update
- DELETE_DATA_TOPIC: Kafka topic related to deletion
- AUTH0_URL: Auth0 URL, used to get TC M2M token
- AUTH0_AUDIENCE: Auth0 audience, used to get TC M2M token
- TOKEN_CACHE_TIME: Auth0 token cache time, used to get TC M2M token
- AUTH0_CLIENT_ID: Auth0 client id, used to get TC M2M token
- AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET: Auth0 client secret, used to get TC M2M token
- AUTH0_PROXY_SERVER_URL: Proxy Auth0 URL, used to get TC M2M token
Also note that there is a /health
endpoint that checks for the health of the app. This sets up an expressjs server and listens on the environment variable PORT
. It's not part of the configuration file and needs to be passed as an environment variable
Configuration for the tests is at config/test.js
, only add such new configurations different from config/default.js
- WAIT_TIME: wait time used in test, default is 1000 or one second
- LEADERBOARD_API_URL: Leaderboard API URL used in testing
- SUBMISSION_API_URL: Submission API URL used in testing
contains details to setup and manage Kafka server, below provides details to setup Kafka server in Mac, Windows will use bat commands in bin/windows instead- download kafka at
- extract out the downloaded tgz file
- go to the extracted directory kafka_2.11-
- start ZooKeeper server:
bin/ config/
- use another terminal, go to same directory, start the Kafka server:
bin/ config/
- note that the zookeeper server is at localhost:2181, and Kafka server is at localhost:9092
- use another terminal, go to same directory, create some topics:
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic submission.notification.create
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic submission.notification.update
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic submission.notification.delete
- verify that the topics are created:
bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
, it should list out the created topics - run the producer and then write some message into the console to send to the topic
:bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic submission.notification.create
- In the console, write some message, one message per line:
- optionally, use another terminal, go to same directory, start a consumer to view the messages:
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic submission.notification.create --from-beginning
- writing/reading messages to/from other topics are similar
- From the project root directory, run the following command to install the dependencies
npm i
- To run linters if required
npm run lint
npm run lint:fix # To fix possible lint errors
- Start the processor
npm start
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m init
- heroku create
- heroku config:set KAFKA_URL=... AUTH0_URL=...
- git push heroku master
Ensure that Kafka is up and running and the topics
submission.notification.create, submission.notification.update and submission.notification.delete
are created in Kafka -
to start leaderboard api, all operations are underleaderboard-api
project root folder -
Set the necessary environment variables and then run
npm start
command to start processor app(Under this project's root folder) -
Attach to the topic
using Kafka console producerbin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic submission.notification.create
Write the following message to the Console
You could see in the console that message will be processed, and find the following message:
Record with Challenge ID # 30051825 and Member ID # 8547899 does not exists in database. Creating the record
. Also check the leaderboard-api console for more information(Console in step 2) -
Attach to the topic
using Kafka console producerbin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic submission.notification.update
Write the following message to the Console
You could see in the console that message will be processed, and find the following message:
Record with Challenge ID # 30051825 and Member ID # 8547899 exists in database. Updating the score
. Also check the leaderboard-api console for more information(Console in step 2) -
Attach to the topic
using Kafka console producerbin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic submission.notification.delete
Write the following message to the Console. Also check the leaderboard-api console for more information(Console in step 2)
{ "topic":"submission.notification.delete", "originator":"submission-api", "timestamp":"2018-08-06T15:46:05.575Z", "mime-type":"application/json", "payload":{ "resource":"review", "id": "49871146-eb0a-4d0e-ab9a-adc94018c5da" } }
You could see in the console that message will be processed
Note: you need to stop the processor app before execute test.
- Run the following command to execute unit test and generate coverage report
npm run test
- Run the following command to execute e2e test and generate coverage report
npm run e2e