This library provides interfaces and implementations for Redis clients and multiplexers. It also has a very tight relationship with go-redis in order to reuse it's signatures and return types.
Clients interfaces are Client
and LockerClient
. The last one guarantees that implementers are
both Client
and Locker
implementers must expose functions to lock access to keys, in order to prevent race
conditions. The implementation provided, BaseClient
, is for a LockerClient
is an interface implemented by BaseMux
. It's purpose is to use multiple redis instances as
shards where operations over a key consistently happen in the same instance during a time interval
either set through a TTL or manually invalidated by calling Invalidate(Hash) error
present in
mappings are also stored and retrieved through a redis client.
and BaseMux
have open-tracing support and provide WithContext(context.Context)
If any changes are made to interfaces and/or new interfaces are added, check make mocks
and run it.
- Tests
- BaseMux implements Mux?
- BaseClient implements Client?
- Tracing
- ErrClient
- Mocks
- Docs
- ErrClient Pipeliner?