Currently support iOS only
- Install latest version of Xcode
- Run npm install
- Add firebase API keys to /credentials/firebaseConfig.js
- Add GoogleService-Info.plist to ios/
- Add Google place API key to /credentials/PLACE_API_KEY.js
- Replace react-native-fm-picker module with the one on github:
- Majority of the development will be in /js
- Open ios/Fitly.xcworkspace in Xcode
- Choose the device to build on, and click build
- The packager will open and build the file, this can take a while
- If testing on physical device, configure your development server's ip address, refer to here:
Get the icon names at or for the react-native-vector-icons library
- The React-Native-FMPicker module is out of date. Manually replace the index.js file in the node_modules/react-native-fm-picker with
- Directly running 'react-native link' will cause numerous modules to fail, if you need to link a new module, only link that specific module, i.e. run 'react-native link #module name#' 3.Pod install React throws an error which cause Google maps to have issue installing
More TODOs can be found in the code. This list will grow.
- compress images for faster loading
- validate user input
- forget password feature
- stylistic details
Local Storage
- Persist redux store
Profile Tab
- show list of followers, followings and sessions when they are clicked
- disallow photo duplication for uploads
- let user create workouts
- invite others for workouts
- push notifications
- feeds
- include feeds for likes, replies
- refactor with listView
Search Tab
- use elasticsearch and index database
- create query API
Activity Tab
- search activity
- show upcoming activities that are close to the user
- allow user to choose what activities to show geographically
Notification Tab
- mimic the feeds
Connect Tab
- implement backend service
- manage notifications