Allows converting a Duration
to floating-point seconds, milliseconds and microseconds.
Additionally, it allows automatic formatting of a Duration
(it automatically chooses
a unit).
Minimum Rust version: 1.8.0
Add this crate to Cargo.toml
floating-duration = "0.1.2"
Now you can easily print a Duration
extern crate floating_duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use floating_duration::{TimeAsFloat, TimeFormat};
fn main() {
let start = Instant::now();
let result = (1..12).fold(1, |acc, x| acc * x);
println!("Needed {}", TimeFormat(start.elapsed()));
println!("In seconds: {}", start.elapsed().as_fractional_secs());
Contribution is very welcome!
Any contribution you submit is assumed to be dual-licensed under MIT/Apache-2.
floating-duration is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).