Get your node modules with functions that return promises if you don't give them a callback.
If you request a module that is not supported, it will give you the default module instead.
These modules are currently supported: child_process, cluster, crypto, dgram, dns, fs, http, http2, https, inspector, net, realine, stream, timers, tls, zlib
PS: Currently not all functions are tested. But should work in theory. :-D
npm install pmod --save
const fs = require('pmod').fs;
fs.readFile('myfile', 'utf8').then(data => {
// do stuff with data
}).catch(err => {
// do stuff with err
The functions work as normal as well!
const fs = require('pmod').fs;
fs.readFile('myfile', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
// do stuff with err
} else {
// do stuff with data
Classes inside of modules have their prototype functions also modified.
This means that you can use promises in their async versions.
const fs = require('pmod').fs;
let stream = fs.createWriteStream('myfile'); // returns a fs.WriteStream object
.then(() => stream.write('next'))
.then(() => stream.write('last'))
.then(() => stream.end())
.catch(err => console.log(err));
There may be some class methods that have been forgotten, simply due to the fact that inherited class methods aren't usually listed in the node documentation.
Please create an issue and/or a pull request on github if that is the case.