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The Code of Conflict is not achieving its implicit goal of fostering civility and the spirit of 'be excellent to each other'. Explicit guidelines have demonstrated success in other projects and other areas of the kernel. Here is a Code of Conduct statement for the wider kernel. It is based on the Contributor Covenant as described at www.contributor-covenant.org From this point forward, we should abide by these rules in order to help make the kernel community a welcoming environment to participate in. Signed-off-by: Chris Mason <clm@fb.com> Signed-off-by: Dan Williams <dan.j.williams@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Corbet <corbet@lwn.net> Signed-off-by: Olof Johansson <olof@lxom.net> Signed-off-by: Steven Rostedt (VMware) <rostedt@goodmis.org> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org> Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
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Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct | ||
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++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | ||
Our Pledge | ||
========== | ||
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as | ||
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and | ||
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body | ||
size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and | ||
expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, | ||
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personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. | ||
Our Standards | ||
============= | ||
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment | ||
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include: | ||
* Using welcoming and inclusive language | ||
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences | ||
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism | ||
* Focusing on what is best for the community | ||
* Showing empathy towards other community members | ||
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: | ||
* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or | ||
advances | ||
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks | ||
* Public or private harassment | ||
* Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic | ||
address, without explicit permission | ||
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a | ||
professional setting | ||
Our Responsibilities | ||
==================== | ||
Maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior | ||
and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to | ||
any instances of unacceptable behavior. | ||
Maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject | ||
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are | ||
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any | ||
contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, | ||
offensive, or harmful. | ||
Scope | ||
===== | ||
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces | ||
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of | ||
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail | ||
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed | ||
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be | ||
further defined and clarified by project maintainers. | ||
Enforcement | ||
=========== | ||
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be | ||
reported by contacting the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) at | ||
<tab@lists.linux-foundation.org>. All complaints will be reviewed and | ||
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investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and | ||
appropriate to the circumstances. The TAB is obligated to maintain | ||
confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of | ||
specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. | ||
Maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may | ||
face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the | ||
project’s leadership. | ||
Attribution | ||
=========== | ||
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, | ||
available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html |
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@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Below are the essential guides that every developer should read. | |
:maxdepth: 1 | ||
howto | ||
code-of-conflict | ||
code-of-conduct | ||
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development-process | ||
submitting-patches | ||
coding-style | ||
on commit 8a104f8
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I am the only one who support a few points of the CoC? I guess so.
Perhaps so and how many lines of code you have contributed to the linux kernel?
This has nothing to do with right of self-expression but respect, and respect means treating other people equally regardless of their level of knowledge about programming or the kernel source code. The point of this CoC is to bring developers more together, otherwise the "unfriendliness" inside the community will persist and you know that is not healthy for a community.
Where you see unfriendliness (before this coc nonsense)? ok some can be that but like always, SO WHAT? some people can be arse on sunday nights. And for the community, it is healthy to release some steam every now and then and people ON THE COMMUNITY understand that.
If you don't agree with this CoC, well you are free to fork this kernel and develop your own with your ideologies. The rule of thumb is: adapt to it.
No that is the point, we dosnt accept this CoC overtaking Linux kernel, and we fight against it. Even Linus itself dosnt like it, even he was signed it (why he do something like that, perhaps we get answer for that later).
And about Linus "unfirendliness" behavior, he has to be that right to be what he want to be, he dosnt need to get pressure from anyone or anywhere. Kernel is his baby and we all others are just Linus little helpers. That is something what you proCoC and JWS crazy people need to know.
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@Megafan123, the intent of the Code of Conduct seems to be well meaning and inclusive...
However, as many have already stated, the policies are open to a lot of abuse...
We already have several accounts where such policies are used as leverage to create problems...
Conflicting ideologies that are not related to the code base itself should not be used against contributors... Only when a contributor is obstructed by another should maintainers seek conflict resolution.
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I think it's worth pointing out that, after scrolling through this long, long list of angry comments, seemingly all of the dissenting voices of folks who are willing to show their real face appear to present as male. There is no risk in being a male in open source, even less if you're white, straight, and cisgendered. The CoC isn't necessarily for folks like that; it's for the folks who don't feel safe in showing who they are online for fear of the abusive comments like the ones here.
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I am pretty sure you just went against one of the rules in the CoC by assuming someone's gender. Just because some individuals present themselves as a cisgendered male, doesn't mean that they actually are.
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I think it's worth pointing out that, after scrolling through this long, long list of angry comments, seemingly all of the dissenting voices of folks who are willing to show their real face appear to present as male. There is no risk in being a male in open source, even less if you're white, straight, and cisgendered. The CoC isn't necessarily for folks like that; it's for the folks who don't feel safe in showing who they are online for fear of the abusive comments like the ones here.
Code has no gender, nobody cares about the gender or your hair colour, people care about work, why would you go contribute to a project and then show who you are, because you are proud of it?
Also there is a double standard here, the person who wrote the CoC says it's within her right to insult developers whatever way she wants in twitter, because it's not in the project discussion?!
Aren't people suppose to be safe from harassment even if they are cis white males?
Just saying this fells like if you a white male shut up and should be ashamed to even have a job!
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I am widely against the adoption of this CoC, it either should be rewriten and reviewed or the covenent leader @CoralineAda should be kicked out for having double standards and not following her own rules.
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After having only muted this thread in my email, the thread must have spilled over and another round of notifications of comments has reminded me of it.
This thread has been very useful to me and I'm sure to a number of other prominent hiring managers. Here, in one easy to find place, is a list of people who are publicly saying they cannot support agreeing to accountability for being decent and professional to other human beings. Cool! A lot of you are on my never-hire list now.
Found the Github unsubscribe button this time.
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This thread has been very useful to me and I'm sure to a number of other prominent hiring managers. Here, in one easy to find place, is a list of people who are publicly saying they cannot support agreeing to accountability for being decent and professional to other human beings. Cool! A lot of you are on my never-hire list now.
No one here is disagreeing to be decent and professional to other people. Interesting that you'd shame people here having a discussion and then run off by muting the thread. Very professional.
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well... decent and professional is grounds for meritocracy, so you are not in compliance with the covenant or the CoC.
The never-hire list is also against the CoC, that is grounds for not respecting other peoples views, profiling, etc, am I missing something here?
I don't have a never-hire list because I try to be professional and decent and i do like diversity, unlike you!
But hey Cool, if you ever need advice on leadership give me a call ;)
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Let's be clear here why this implementation is especially problematic...
It has less to do with the Code of Conduct itself, moreover the politics behind it.
Linus has been well known to be opposed to these kinds of things.
Disputes have been claimed such as in 2015. Even when Code Of Conflict was in effect.
Shortly before The CoC is implemented, anti-white, white-guilt propaganda is spewed by the maintainer.
CoC is implemented, Linus stops working on Linux temporarily.
Linus shows clear disdain for what happened... And it's clear from his open letter there are some seriously concerning attributes from a political and reputation standpoint.
I don't think everyone has followed this correctly, or understand why this is concerning. These are double standards being implemented, and are being sidestepped for nepotism.
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Agreed. I’d be full support of a Code of Conduct if it weren’t for the political tendencies hidden in them.
The absolute main reason people are “overreacting” to this CoC is because it just appeared out of nowhere without a warning.
Linux is an open source project that millions of volunteers around the world devoted their free time to make the absolute best code possible for the kernel. Linux isn’t owned by some corporation that requires a CoC, this is all purely a volunteer project.
So yes, people do have the right to “overreact” to this CoC.
And you... I hope you’re trolling...
Probably not, but I like to think so. No one is that dense.
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It has less to do with the Code of Conduct itself, moreover the politics behind it.
So to be clear:
Source code submissions should be treated at face value, without ever considering the behaviour of their submitters, their impact on collaborative development, and so on and so forth
But the Code of Conduct should not be treated at face value, and instead we should draw on the politics of the person who wrote it, the decision-making process that resulted in this commit, and the mystery surrounding Linus' temporary hiatus.
For people who profess to believe in the "meritocracy" and who want to keep politics "out" of Linux development, y'all sure are hypocrites.
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Another major problem with the CoC is the type of people who would oversee its implementation - meddling busybodies who enjoy controlling the interactions between people who they don't know.
Probably best to keep these people away from any productive fields of endeavor.
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@DrPizza... Complete obfuscation of the core central reason for this argument...
Also, it's a markdown file that directly relates to policies (politics) revolving around the code... And I've never said I was opposed to policies.
The two links above clearly indicate some serious problems.
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The CoC maintainer has clearly stated its political multiple times. She is also extremely racist against white males.
Why was this accepted so easily? Is there something behind this that we dont know about?
Seriously, what the hell is this? https://twitter.com/CoralineAda/status/1029162264979546112
Are those death threats? And that was as early as August...
I think it's worth pointing out that, after scrolling through this long, long list of angry comments, seemingly all of the dissenting voices of folks who are willing to show their real face appear to present as male. There is no risk in being a male in open source, even less if you're white, straight, and cisgendered. The CoC isn't necessarily for folks like that; it's for the folks who don't feel safe in showing who they are online for fear of the abusive comments like the ones here.
So the majority who are against the CoC are male isnt because the majority of the industry is male? You SJWs are so into skin colors and genders that you cant think clearly anymore...
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@iderik, the same points keep being rehashed, but do not get addressed due to nepotism...
But again, we refuse to address these problems... And instead, do not rationalize how serious these problems are and allow them to grow into bigger ones... I've been consistent this entire thread about why I've been vocal about this problem, considering the timeline of events and the history of the community leaders.
If these policies are used only with selective bias and serve no purpose for actual accountability... I can’t rationalize the existence or the endorsement of them...
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This thread has been very useful to me and I'm sure to a number of other prominent hiring managers. Here, in one easy to find place, is a list of people who are publicly saying they cannot support agreeing to accountability for being decent and professional to other human beings. Cool! A lot of you are on my never-hire list now.
At first, I thought it was joke. But after some time i understood, that it was real words from real man, boss of real company.
It makes me sad. I've thought that people like this (SJW scum and their supporters) lives only at twitter.
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I think this is overrated. It might be bad, and so on, but it is definetly NOT going to destory linux, hell....
Politics are not something to put in a software code of conduct, anyway.
The destruction of Linux is Impossible as of now simply because companies like Google who support it exist. I think many people haven't realised this but the death of linux cannot come before the death of entire Google, because it would mean the death of Android and ChromeOS, and Google simply won't let that happen. And im not a fan of google, actually close to downright hating them (by privacy), but they will not just watch in this worst-case-scenario.
There are also developers who actually signed the coc, another reason it won't die....
Also FreeBSD has a 99% simmilar CoC, so it is not different with linux alternatives.....
Keep in mind, its just my opinion. Take it with a grain of salt.
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@DarkWav even if it were to die (which it wont). It would be revived as an OSS project by them anyway.
The point is that the document does not serve its purpose... Was created by a racist heterphobe that cannot acknowledge they are racist towards white men... And, has no intention of following the rules specified by their own document.
This then leads to latter part of the document which verbosely specifies that maintainers can do whatever they please... Which was always the case to begin with...
I suppose considering the history of this document... Thousands of people clearly outlining the problems with it... Yet, people still endorsing its existence several years later was supposed to be the logical fallacy of me even being vocal about this problem...
So in hindsight, me and everyone else are basically just over reacting because the document changes nothing... We've already observed with the Opal repository... That with or without this document, any sort of piece of text or opinion conveyed by an individual can be used against them, even if the interpretations of the information are misrepresented or twisted for a specific agenda...
This is a classic case of "The Wisdom or Madness of Crowds": https://ncase.me/crowds/
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Something that I think is a good thing is that a snapshot of the Contributor Covenant was taken and the original need not be tracked, allowing Linux to distance itself from the author. Because there are things outside of the CoC that author has already written, and more that I speculate they will yet write, which are just vitriol.
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Undo it!
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This really assuages a lot of my concerns regarding this CoC. Linus seems to understands lots of our concern. THis makes me hopeful.
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ah so if you're not in the pro-coc camp then you're a "white supremacist racist transphobic nazi", that seems fine indeed
to see linus even use their language outside of clear ridicule is like seeing a person you've known all your life join ku klux klan out of the blue, just soulcrushing
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ok project admins. you know what the MAJORITY OF THIS COMMUNITY think about this CoC. So dont be ass.
Change things back how they was and then start listening your community. we really dosnt need this kind of change.
Minority who like this CoC, please remove you from this community, you are free to fork (copy and change that version how you like) this kernel project.
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@CoralineAda Please remember what this community means to the world at large. The project is run on servers, phones, cars, aircraft, spacecraft, medical devices and so on and so forth. I simply can't stress enough how important it is that the quality of the code here remains high. People's lives are literally at stake here. Make no mistake, people have died due to software failing them.
And to keep software from failing, the community has developed a righteous zeal of keeping bad code away. It hasn't always been perfect, but it does its best. Someone else has already stated this, but the unfortunate side effect of this is that someone, somewhere, will feel discriminated against simply because a maintainer didn't like the code.
Note that it's not the race or sexual orientation or political views of the contributor that matters. It's the quality of the code output.
You can keep the CoC there if you really want. Just know that someone can and will use this as an attempt to get their code in no matter how bad it is.
Please don't let that happen. People's lives are at stake.
(Also note that before you decide this comment is written by a straight white male, I'm actually a brown demisexual male, formerly asexual.)
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I think that this is mostly a kind of "revenge" from @CoralineAda
Herself said that she's against meritocracy multiple times...
After having been fired from github for not being productive enough (what a coincidence).
She's just the kind of person who's lazy and wants to still be accepted for not doing anything meaningful in her life.
Anyway, as long as this "code of conduct" exists, I won't contribute to any open source project that is under it and won't make any of my code open source anymore
programming is NOT about feelings, it's about productivity, efficiency and full meritocracy, a programmer with more skills IS a programmer with more value, it doesn't matter what you think is fair, this is life, and this is why we all work hard to improve and help each other with this goal of becoming better people.
people in the open source community don't even care or know about your race/gender/sexual orientation, they care about the code you're comitting to the project, if you feel like your code wouldn't be accepted, then I guess you should mostly wonder about your own capacities.
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You are probably a bit of a blamer - most of us are. But why should we give it up? In this witty sequel to our most watched RSA Short, inspirational thinker Brené Brown considers why we blame others, how it sabotages our relationships, and why we desperately need to move beyond this toxic behaviour.
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100% of donations received go towards funding diversity programs.
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100% of donations received go towards funding diversity programs.
They completely lost their mind
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100% of donations received go towards funding diversity programs.
They completely lost their mind
Something happened that's for sure, cause last time I checked code talks and BS walks. Code has no colour, race or gender...
Also it is a bit discriminatory, in Asia white and black people are minorities I don't see anything pointed out there.
In Africa... well first world problems are hunger and corruption in most countries there, and kids die without discrimination, diseases don't pick genders, so these donations might be offensive to a starving child I am glad CoC tought about that.
so this is kind of a hypercritical and nonsensical since most countries in Europe actually started working years ago to end discrimination and get more people in tech and we have to take this American society BS all day of people that take offence easily but never are concerned about how easy they offend.
Shame to see linux foundation turned into a political movement where most projects that adopt such a CoC you are a criminal just by being white and male...
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100% of donations received go towards funding diversity programs.
They completely lost their mind
Something happened that's for sure, cause last time I checked code talks and BS walks. Code has no colour, race or gender...
Also it is a bit discriminatory, in Asia white and black people are minorities I don't see anything pointed out there.
In Africa... well first world problems are hunger and corruption in most countries there, and kids die without discrimination, diseases don't pick genders, so these donations might be offensive to a starving child I am glad CoC tought about that.so this is kind of a hypercritical and nonsensical since most countries in Europe actually started working years ago to end discrimination and get more people in tech and we have to take this American society BS all day of people that take offence easily but never are concerned about how easy they offend.
Shame to see linux foundation turned into a political movement where most projects that adopt such a CoC you are a criminal just by being white and male...
and straight, don't forget that being straight is bad for them too
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100% of donations received go towards funding diversity programs.
They completely lost their mind
Time to fork
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Leaving this here, seemed fitting. Some Tweets have already been pulled.
TLDR in reference to Charles Max Woods, (cmaxw) :
The Linux Foundation Verified account @linuxfoundation
Replying to @nebrius @kubecon@nebrius @sarahmei
@KimCrayton1 Hi all, We have reviewed social and videos and determined that the Event Code of Conduct was violated and his registration to the event has been revoked. Our events should and will be a safe space:
Only thing that needs to be stamped out is cancel culture before it cancels us. It started withe this very change to the Linux Kernel. One of many examples since this pile of trash landed.
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Where did Sander Visser's comment go? The tone policing video he posted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YO1DTeGxog
Anyway, this is what happens when you become dependent on foundation money. You get owned and castrated. Never thought I'd see Torvalds in this kind of position. The Linux Foundation is fucked and now the Free Software Foundation is fucked as well after they got rid of Stallman. Someone give Torvalds his balls back.
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1 day ago
Hahahaha Linux devs got hijacked by a bunch of crazy people - that's what you get when you lack strong will
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This has gone too far... this is a consequence of not having enough world history in classes in the USA, polarizing only polarizes more, for any action there is a opposite and reaction, COMMON SENSE should rule!
This is not common sense, a racist complains about someone else having a different opinion and that someone gets banned... how is that not a hypocritical approach to the COC...
Congratulations you just proved the what everyone feared... Linux Is Dead and I am so sad for it!
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Wow so the original comment got removed from GitHub?
Meanwhile my twitter account is suspended for voicing my opinion to the Linux foundation. Shylock taking over everything.
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Removing comments from GitHub? What's next ...
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If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
- George Washington
Charles Wood should take advantage of this opportunity to start a new community.
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just wait until they ban someone from france
In France, it's illegal to discriminate for political reasons, it means that the linux Foundation could be sued if they ban someone who didn't violate the written rules
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@pikachuk Well i'm french and from france but i don't think i could be banned for expressing my disagreement for all that bs
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@pikachuk Well i'm french and from france but i don't think i could be banned for expressing my disagreement for all that bs
I said that banning from public spaces for political disagreements is illegal, disagreeing in itself isn't
edit : didn't read correctly your message
I was mostly talking about the case of the guy who got banned for "tone policing" he got banned just after someone told to ban him while showing a picture where he was calmly telling to people to be civil and an other picture where he was showed supporting trump
it was kinda obvious the reason why they acted, they considered the fact to support trump as being against the coc in itself due to their vision of the party, however, if they act the same way in other countries, they may get sued over it.
I don't even support trump, but anyone should be allowed to support whoever they want, open source projects are there for code only anyway, not personal opinions
Illegal by law or by constitution? Also there's a jurisdiction issue as French laws do not apply to the rest of the world and France has very little power over an American breaking French law. But usually these things are only illegal by constitution, which means the government can't discriminate against you (which they do anyway), but citizens can do it just fine.
On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 5:21 PM LAMCILAK Theo @.***> wrote: just wait until they ban domeone from france In France, it's illegal to discriminate for political reasons, it means that the linux Foundation could be sued if they ban someone who didn't violate the written rules — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <8a104f8?email_source=notifications&email_token=ABRU5LZLJTW4H2Q77DEWCFDQTLJZJA5CNFSM4FVMQBBKYY3PNVWWK3TUL52HS4DFVVBW63LNNF2EG33NNVSW45FKMNXW23LFNZ2F62LEZYBCIDBQ#commitcomment-35916848>, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABRU5LZ4ZJUQQ3VBGCGIVV3QTLJZJANCNFSM4FVMQBBA .
By law as from what I know, it's in the article 225-1
it's by law considered as discrimination and punishable
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@kareldonk I removed it myself, I had a second thought and don't want to get involved in this war.
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Where did Sander Visser's comment go? The tone policing video he posted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YO1DTeGxog
All he said was:
"So the things that people warned for and found very dangerous appear to be true, and this CoC is now used to bully/exclude people."
"People are now banned by the Linux foundation under a vague term "Tone policing"." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YO1DTeGxog)
"It would nice to see a revised code of conduct to prevent this kind of behavior."
This is where we are at. People are afraid to make simple innocuous statements. People are afraid to render a reasonable opinion using free speech within the bounds of law. We now all live in digital North Korea and the though and language police are real. NEWSPEAK is mandated, WRONGTHINK will be stamped out. Any behavior deemed "aberrant" by the unseen, unelected and the energetic vocal minority will lead to deplatforming and loss of jobs and many other forms of ostracization. What is most sad is someone with vast political capital so spend (torvalds) has help send the world careening into 1984-esque dystopia - and on top of that the kernel as been instrumented to help police states and big tech spy (things like ebpf and android provide vast troves of gleaned data to governments and big tech). The real issues never get discussed and on top of that everyone's fragile feelings must be protected.
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I'm just amazed that there are so many adopters of the contributor convenant: https://www.contributor-covenant.org/adopters - I remember it had split the Node.js community for years because of language policing (a main contributor used the word "he" instead of "they" - sooooo "evil"). Every year new words are added to the ban list and "they" have no fear of condemning and punishing speech retroactively. They just make up this garbage as they feel like it and use it to destroy people's lives. It is destructive and needs to be stopped.
Linux (and all open source projects) should adopt their own contributor conduct guidelines and not submit their contributors to this self-described "living document" (read that to mean they can change it however they feel at any time). When open-source projects adopt this nebulous contributor convenant, what they are really doing is sicking a group of anti-meritocratic authoritarians/fanatics on their contributors who have done nothing other than give their time, energy and work product towards the greater good - nobody deserves this and certainly not open-source contributors.
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To really feel sick, watch Greg discuss this -
LPC2018 - Linux's Code of Conduct Panel
They were never interested in discussion, rather compliance. You can almost see a few of them get triggered as this "discussion" progressed.
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One interesting and kind of ironic thing with this talk: considering all the "inclusive" nonsense in the CoC, their interpretation of this is based on common law a highly Anglocentric system. They also mention how governments around the world work, how they interpret the laws, etc. Most of the world operates on the basis of civil law:
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I think the war the CoC anti-meritocratic activists are bringing to the Linux Community, and Linux itself, is against (free) speech itself. They embed themselves in organizations and police the expressions of the contributors autocratically - threatening them into silence. They have targeted tech, of which Linux powers the vast majority of it, in order to control it. We give way to being silenced now and tomorrow they will attempt to control minds via the digital medium and they will exploit open source software as a bludgeon against dissenters. If the talented contributors, who certainly believe in meritocracy, do not resist together (unified) they will be assimilated or chewed up and spit out singularly. It may now be the right time for the top contributors to seriously discuss and consider forking.
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More and more projects are now establishing Codes of Conduct to keep bigots at bay. Womp womp to everyone who now have lesser places to be racist and sexist!
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@IverCoder sorry but there arent any "bigots" or "racist" or "sexist" on here, only "sexist" are those who think that it is part of identity, only crazies think like that.
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More and more projects are now establishing Codes of Conduct to keep bigots at bay. Womp womp to everyone who now have lesser places to be racist and sexist!
Like Linus in his recent rant where he displayed blatant Russophobia? Strange how he was not sanctioned?
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@IverCoder If by bigot you mean anyone that disagrees with you, take long, hard look in the mirror, the only thing separating you from the Spanish inquisition is you can't burn people alive, yet.
Bigot (noun) - A person who regards his own faith and views in matters of religion as unquestionably right, and any belief or opinion opposed to or differing from them as unreasonable or wicked. In an extended sense, a person who is intolerant of opinions which conflict with his own, as in politics or morals; one obstinately and blindly devoted to his own church, party, belief, or opinion.
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bigot (noun) - anyone I don't like
From the creator of the CoC: