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Add the Google reCAPTCHA style CAPTCHA into the Ask a Question, Contact Us and Create Account pages.


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Google reCAPTCHA Plugin v3.8 for Zen Cart

Released under the GPL License 2.0.

This Plugin provides Google reCAPTCHA functionality (v2/v3), for optional use on the pages with public forms such as:

  • Ask A Question
  • Back In Stock Notifications (plugin)
  • Contact Us
  • Create Account
  • Login
  • Write a Review


Tested with Zen Cart 2.1.0 (and previous), with php 8.4.


  1. In the /files directory are new files and examples of template override files. You may COPY all of them to, (as always) your DEVELOPMENT SERVER for testing first!
    All files are new/should not overwrite any core files.
    The folder
    can be used to compare to your existing template files for merging if you have already using a modified template file or can be copied directly if you are not using an overrides for that file.

  2. An API key pair is required from Google are required to use the reCAPTCHA.
    Go to
    and create the Google reCAPTCHA keys for your domain.
    A key pair is linked to a specific domain.
    Copy and save the two keys somewhere.
    You may generate pairs for your production server, local server, development server…etc.

  3. Open the configuration file for editing:


Paste the domain name, site and private keys where indicated.
All your domain-key pairs can be placed in the array in this file, so the correct pair will be automatically used for the correct domain. This allows testing in different environments without needing to change the pair definitions and keeping the file identical on all the sites.

Also set to 'true' the pages where you wish the reCAPTCHA to be used.
Login and Reviews are set to disabled by default. The others are enabled.

  1. You must manually insert this code snippet in the template files:
<?php //plugin Google reCaptcha
echo recaptcha_get_html(false, 'light', 'normal', 'margin:5px');
//eof plugin Google reCaptcha ?>

... in the position where you want the Captcha to display.



Examples are provided in the plugin's folder: /files_for_templates.

This reCaptcha function call has four optional parameters, all four in the above example can be omitted (“margin:5px” is not a default style). a) Wrap in a fieldset? false / true. Default is false. b) reCAPTCHA theme: light / dark. Default is light. c) reCAPTCHA size: normal (rectangular)/ compact (square). Default is normal. d) Additional styles for the container. These will not affect the reCaptcha, only the containing div.

<?php echo recaptcha_get_html(); // no parameters: displays a light, normal-size (rectangular) reCAPTCHA ?>
<?php echo recaptcha_get_html(true, 'dark', 'compact'); // displays a dark, compact (square) reCAPTCHA surrounded by a fieldset ?>

File descriptions


This observer watches the relevant page(s) headers that have contact forms, to manage the reCAPTCHA generation.


Functions used by the plugin.


The error message texts shown when the captcha is not validated.
Note that the text shown on the reCAPTCHA itself is Google-generated.


In here are the set of files from the Google reCAPTCHA library on GitHub:

The current version included here is tag v1.3.0 (newer versions may be available).

All files are unmodified, bar one: ReCaptcha.php, which has minor fixes for php 8.4



The language used in the reCAPTCHA is generated by Google and based on the shop session language or English. The error messages are defined in the plugin language file.

Back In Stock Notifications Plugin
Support for reCaptcha is built-into the plugin.


a) On the page appears the message
** reCaptcha: sitekey undefined **
This is a Google message. It means the request was sent to Google but the credentials used (domain, site key, secret key) don't match their data in some way.

a) Triple-check your installation and re-read the documentation.

a) Review the reCaptcha FAQ:

a) The reCaptcha does not display: the api.js is not even attempted to be downloaded/is not shown in the browser Developer Tools->Network->JS at all and you have Content-Security-Policy implemented:
This is mentioned in the reCaptcha FAQ. You will need to add the exceptions to the CSP Policy either at server or meta-tag level.
The minimum for the reCaptcha seems to be

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self';
script-src 'self' https: 'nonce-{NONCE}';
child-src 'self'">

and this will be additional to whatever is your already-working CSP policies/parameters as in this user example:

a) If you still cannot get it to work, post an issue here or in the relevant thread on the Zen Cart Forums -


a) If the PHP environment has 'allow_url_fopen' disabled and so 'file_get_contents' does not work. The code will drop to an alternative method using fsockopen. a) If the PHP environment does not have 'fsockopen' available. The code will drop to an alternative method using cURL.

How it Works

  1. The template file snippet gets the recaptcha html from the recaptcha_get_html function.
  2. The function decides if that page has been enabled for displaying the reCaptcha.
    If so, it returns the html necessary for the page to get the code from Google.
    If not, it returns a html comment to that effect, which can be seen in the page source (for debugging).
  3. When the form is submitted, a notifier in that specific page triggers the observer which creates the code to handle the response from Google (via api.js).
    If the response is ok, the global $error is returned as false and the form processing continues.
    If the response is not ok, the global $error is returned as true and a corresponding error message is displayed in the messageStack (in the case of BISN, outputted via the XHTML variable-substitution template).


2025+: See the commit history

2024 11 04: updated languages and error messages. Moved google code to vendors directory.

2024 09 05: torvista - reworked layout and readme. No funcionality changes.

2024 01 20: torvista - Reviewed and reworked support for Back in Stock Notifications. Multiple minor fettling.

2023 August torvista - update the Google reCaptcha source to tag 1.3.0. Add support for Back In Stock Notifications.

3.7 Nov 2022 torvista - Removed unnecessary header files for ZC158

3.6 Released as final version for Zen Cart 1.5.7

3.6 Oct 2022 torvista - Updated Readme for Content-Security-Policy. Added parameters type casting.

3.6 June 2022 torvista - added original template files for comparison, removed unneeded observer loader, updated readme.

3.6 May 2021 torvista - added template examples, sticky form fields, fix for reCaptcha not displaying when split login in use

3.5 Apr 2021 torvista – Updated with Google reCAPTCHA library 1.24

Custom code for Zen Cart removed from Google reCAPTCHA Library so it is a pure drop-in library.

Added support for multiple keys pairs: for use on production and testing servers without needing to change the defined key pairs.

Added options to enable/disable reCaptcha use per page: set in functions file.

Added checks for 'allow_url_fopen' and fsockopen being disabled, to automatically use alternative response methods.

Removed obsolete template files.

3.4 Apr 2019 - Updated to auto-disable if missing $publickey. Also included v139 files for convenience.

3.3 Dec 2018 - updated for PHP 7.X

3.2 Feb 2017 - Included modified v1.5.5 files for convenience.

3.1 7 July 15 Correct typo in Readme file, init $pages_to_check as array, correct misspelt directory name

3.0 7 July 15 Completely new version created to use Google reCaptcha v2 ('I am not a robot') Classes are namespaced

Optional curl and fsockopen methods included

2.0 21 Sept 12 Changed to use Zen Cart 1.5.1 notification hooks and an observer class. Added detection for SSL pages.

Uses zen_get_ip_address() instead of $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].

1.1 24 July 12 Corrected cut'n'paste error in /includes/modules/YOUR_TEMPLATE/create_account.php and updated Step 5 instructions to match.

1.0 21 July 12 Initial Version


Add the Google reCAPTCHA style CAPTCHA into the Ask a Question, Contact Us and Create Account pages.







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