ISO 3166 country definitions for Clojure(Script)
Clojure CLI/deps.edn (as Git):
io.github.totakke/clj-iso3166 {:git/tag "v0.4.0" :git/sha "3877e13"}
Clojure CLI/deps.edn (as Maven):
net.totakke/clj-iso3166 {:mvn/version "0.4.0"}
[net.totakke/clj-iso3166 "0.4.0"]
(require '[ :as c])
;;=> [{:name "Andorra", :numeric 20, :alpha3 "AND", :alpha2 "AD"}
;; {:name "United Arab Emirates", :numeric 784, :alpha3 "ARE", :alpha2 "AE"}
;; {:name "Afghanistan", :numeric 4, :alpha3 "AFG", :alpha2 "AF"}
;; {:name "Antigua and Barbuda", :numeric 28, :alpha3 "ATG", :alpha2 "AG"}
;; {:name "Anguilla", :numeric 660, :alpha3 "AIA", :alpha2 "AI"}
;; ...]
(c/name->country "Japan")
;;=> {:name "Japan", :numeric 392, :alpha3 "JPN", :alpha2 "JP"}
(c/numeric->country 380)
;;=> {:name "Italy", :numeric 380, :alpha3 "ITA", :alpha2 "IT"}
(c/alpha3->country "USA")
;;=> {:name "United States", :numeric 840, :alpha3 "USA", :alpha2 "US"}
(c/alpha2->country "EG")
;;=> {:name "Egypt", :numeric 818, :alpha3 "EGY", :alpha2 "EG"}
(require '[clj-iso3166.former-country :as fc])
(fc/name->former-country "Czechoslovakia")
;;=> {:name "Czechoslovakia",
;; :alpha4 "CSHH",
;; :former-code {:numeric 200, :alpha3 "CSK", :alpha2 "CS"},
;; :latter-codes [{:numeric 203, :alpha3 "CZE", :alpha2 "CZ"}
;; {:numeric 703, :alpha3 "SVK", :alpha2 "SK"}]}
(def yugoslavia (fc/alpha4->former-country "YUCS"))
(fc/migrate-country yugoslavia)
;;=> ({:name "Montenegro", :numeric 499, :alpha3 "MNE", :alpha2 "ME"}
;; {:name "Serbia", :numeric 688, :alpha3 "SRB", :alpha2 "RS"})
(require '[ :as c]
'[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(s/valid? ::c/alpha2 "JP")
;;=> true
(s/explain ::c/alpha3 "IT")
;; "IT" - failed: (re-matches #"[A-Z]{3}" %) spec:
Copyright © 2019 Toshiki Takeuchi
Distributed under the MIT License.