GATNN-VS is a neural network architecture, and a learning framework designed to yield a generally applicable tool for ligand-based virtual screening. Our approach uses the molecular graph as input, and involves learning a representation that places compounds of similar biological profiles in close proximity within a hyperdimensional feature space; this is achieved by simultaneously leveraging historical screening data against a multitude of targets during training. Cosine distance between molecules in this space becomes a general similarity metric, and can readily be used to rank order database compounds in LBVS workflows.
Checkout our paper: Improved Scaffold Hopping in Ligand-based Virtual Screening Using Neural Representation Learning
Project requires python 3.6+ and uses following dependencies:
- pytorch - deep learning framework
- dgl - for graph handling
- rdkit - for molecule processing
- Several utility packages: tqdm, hydra-core, omegaconf, pandas, cytoolz, feather-format
Please make sure that the first three dependencies are installed and working; just pip install
ing them probably isn't enough (rdkit doesn't even have a pypi package). The easyest way to set them up is probably through conda package manager.
Once the environment is set up, you can install GATNN-VS with pip:
$ pip install git+
All command line tools use hydra/omegaconf for parsing command line as well as the configuration. That way you can easily override any config parameter, e.g. for training.
To use trained model for screening, first you should create a fingerprint library:
$ python3 -m gatnnvs.embed input=INPUT_FILE \
[model=MODEL_PATH] [output=OUTPUT_PATH] [device=DEVICE]
Input should be a csv
file with a 'smiles' column. Molecules must consist only from C, N, O, S, Cl, F, Br, P and I atoms (and implicit Hs). If compound is a salt, only the largest component will be used.
Model is a directory with a following structure:
| +---config.yaml
If omitted, this tool will automatically download and use pretrained model.
Device is a pytorch device specifier. If omitted, will default to the first CUDA device.
Output will be a npy
file. Lines from the input file will correspond with rows in generated numpy array. If rdkit can't parse smiles, or molecule contains elements that are not accepted, appropriate rows will be filled with nan
s. Single GPU can compute roughly 3000 embeddings/sec, so for 1-2 million compounds this step should be done in minutes.
When fingerprint library is computed, you can use it to screen molecules:
$ python3 -m gatnnvs.screen query=QUERY_FILE library=LIBRARY_FILE \
[model=MODEL_PATH] [output=OUTPUT_PATH] [device=DEVICE]
Similarly to the embed
command, a query file is a csv
with a 'smiles' column, library is a file generated by embed
command and model is used to fingerprint query molecules.
Output is a csv
file with a following columns:
- index - row number of the input library array
- score_{i} - where {i} is a row number of a molecule from a query file. If a query molecule is rejected for some reason, it's score column will be missing from the output file.
- rank_{i} - integer rank of a score: highest score -> lowest rank
- max_score - max score this library molecule achieved across all query molecules
- argmax_score - index of a query molecule for which library molecule achieved maximal score
- max_score_rank - integer rank of a max_score
You can train your own model with:
$ python3 -m gatnnvs.train data=DATA rundir=RUNDIR [Options...]
Input data shoud be a feather
file with 'smiles' column and target columns. You can control what columns are considered 'target' by specifying target_prefix
option. Target columns should have values 'Active', 'Inactive' and 'Unknown'. For large datasets, it's best if target columns are of category
If provided with existing rundir, it will automatically resume training from the latest checkpoint.
You can download a pretrained model from
and extract it, or use a function ensure_model
from gatnnvs.pretrained import ensure_model
This function will download into $HOME/.local/share/gatnvs
if not already present there.
Once you downloaded the model you can initialize a network:
from gatnnvs.model import load_model
net = load_model()
You can pass a path of the model directory, if it isn't in the default location. The above function will automatically remove the last layer that predicts training targets, so the result of the net(g)
will be a molecular fingerprint.
Finally, you can generate some fingerprints and score their similarity:
import dgl
import torch
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from gatnnvs.embed import desalt_smiles
from gatnnvs.dataset import GraphDataset, is_mol_usable
from gatnnvs.model import load_model
from gatnnvs.screen import vscreen_np
# read some smiles from a file
data = pd.read_csv(infile)[['smiles']]
data['mol'] = s: AllChem.MolFromSmiles(desalt_smiles(s)))
data['usable'] =
usable = data[data.usable].reset_index(drop=True)
skipped = data[~data.usable].index.values
loader =
GraphDataset(usable, embed_only=True),
# generate fingerprints
net = load_model()
embs = []
with torch.no_grad():
for g in loader:
out = net(g)
embs = np.concatenate(embs)
query = embs[:5, :]
haystack = embs[5:, :]
# calculate scores (by default cosines) between them
scores = vscreen_np(query, haystack)
'scores' will be a numpy array of shape (len(hastack), len(query)).
You can also experiment with the network architecture and train your own model. The main building block is an AttnBlock
from gatnnvs.modules import Embed, GraphAttnPool, GraphLambda, AttnBlock, Linear
import torch
from torch import nn
input_emb_size = 32
gattn_emb_size = 32
gattn_heads = 16
final_emb = 1024
num_classes = 200
net = nn.Sequential(
# create node and edge embeddings
Embed(input_emb_size, input_emb_size),
# Size of an input embedding is input_emb_size, and of output embedding is gattn_emb_size * gattn_heads
AttnBlock(input_emb_size, gattn_emb_size, gattn_heads),
# Node and edge activation
GraphLambda(nn.PReLU(), node_key=None), GraphLambda(nn.PReLU(), edge_key=None),
# Now input_size == output_size == gattn_emb_size * gattn_heads
AttnBlock(gattn_emb_size * gattn_heads, gattn_emb_size, gattn_heads),
# Pooling node embeddings into unified molecular embedding
GraphAttnPool(gattn_emb_size, gattn_heads), torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(gattn_heads * gattn_emb_size), nn.PReLU(),
Linear(gattn_emb_size * gattn_heads, final_emb, bias=False),
# Final prediction layer
Linear(final_emb, num_classes, bias=True)
When emb_input_size == emb_out_size
you can use skip connections. There are Residual
and GatedResidual
modules implemented for graphs, as well as GRAttnBlock
that wraps regular AttnBlock
with gated connections:
from gatnnvs.modules import Embed, GraphAttnPool, GraphLambda, AttnBlock, GRAttnBlock, Linear
import torch
from torch import nn
input_emb_size = 32
gattn_emb_size = 32
gattn_heads = 16
final_emb = 1024
num_classes = 200
net = nn.Sequential(
# create node and edge embeddings
Embed(input_emb_size, input_emb_size),
# Size of an input embedding is input_emb_size, and of output embedding is gattn_emb_size * gattn_heads
AttnBlock(input_emb_size, gattn_emb_size, gattn_heads),
# Node and edge activation
GraphLambda(nn.PReLU(), node_key=None), GraphLambda(nn.PReLU(), edge_key=None),
GRAttnBlock(gattn_emb_size, gattn_heads),
# Pooling node embeddings into unified molecular embedding
GraphAttnPool(gattn_emb_size, gattn_heads), torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(gattn_heads * gattn_emb_size), nn.PReLU(),
Linear(gattn_emb_size * gattn_heads, final_emb, bias=False),
# Final prediction layer
Linear(final_emb, num_classes, bias=True)
It is expected that the available data is sparse, that is that not every molecule has known activity for every target. That's why a GraphDataset
class returns a triplet: (graph, active, valid)
, and a loss function masks out all invalid datapoints from loss calculation:
from gatnnvs.dataset import GraphDataset, make_graph_batch
from gatnnvs.modules import ValidBCELoss
train_ds = GraphDataset(train_data, target_columns=targets)
train_loader =
train_ds, drop_last=True, batch_size=256, shuffle=True, collate_fn=make_graph_batch)
loss_fn = ValidBCELoss()
for batch in train_loader:
g, a, v = batch
a =
v =
out = net(g)
loss = loss_fn(out, {'active': a, 'valid': v})
Look at the CLI training section for description of the expected data format.
Stochastic weight averaging is a simple procedure that improves generalization:
from gatnnvs.swa import last_n_swa
if epoch > cfg.train.start_swa:
# Average previous N checkpoints
swa_chk = last_n_swa(cfg.train.n_swa, epoch, checkpoints_dir, device='cpu')
# Evaluate and save SWA weights
net =
run_eval(cfg, net, loss_fn, swa_writer, epoch, i, eval_loader, label='SWA'), checkpoints_dir / f'{epoch}.last_{cfg.train.n_swa}.torch')
# Continue training from the last saved checkpoint
net.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoints_dir / f'{epoch}.torch')['model'])
Changes weight decay handling of Lamb optimizer analog to Adam -> AdamW. In some tests, it was slightly better than AdamW, although not used for final model.
from gatnnvs.optim import LambW
optim = LambW(net.parameters())
Code and pretrained models are licenced under GNU GPL v3 License.
If you use this code or our pretrained models for your publication, please cite the original paper:
author = {Stojanović, Luka and Popović, Miloš and Tijanić, Nebojša and Rakočević, Goran and Kalinić, Marko},
title = {Improved Scaffold Hopping in Ligand-Based Virtual Screening Using Neural Representation Learning},
journal = {Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling},
year = {2020},
doi = {10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00622},
note ={PMID: 32786700},
URL = {
eprint = {