Fluxomajic is a GeoServer plugin developed as a new pluggable SLD geometry transformation that renders the state of flows related to linestring and their associated information (i.e.: traffic state). It takes the following input parameters:
- Linestring collection
- Offset
- Width
- Drive side
- Number of quadrants
- ENDCAP style
- JOIN style
The output is a new polygonal geometry that follows the shape of the source linestrings directly in your WMS request:
Fluxomajic version number is 3.x-geoserver.a.b.c
- 3 is the main version (Fluxomajic comes from a long path...)
- x is the minor version (bugs and minor improvement)
- geoserver.a.b.c is the supported version of Geoserver
- Make sure each dependency in the POM is aligned with the Geotools version used in your GeoServer. As an example version 9.0 for GeoServer 2.3:
- Use Maven to build
mvn clean install