##Installation Include the loadServerData.js after including the jQuery
<script src="/path/to/loadServerData.js"></script>
Install using npm
npm install loadserverdata
You need create tag based on the set attribute.
<div id="server-call" set-timer='5000' set-url='server-file.php' set-load-text='Please wait loading...'></div>
<p id="pId" set-timer='5000' set-url='server-file.php' set-load-img='https://www.google.co.in/images/branding/googlelogo/1x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png' set-load-once='1'></p>
#Example :
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="loadServerData.js"></script>
<div id="server-call" set-timer='5000' set-url='server-file.php' set-load-text='Please wait loading...'></div>
- attribute trigger the server where given seconds. If the timer is below 5000 it will set default time as 5000 to avoid the server load.
- attribute fetch the data from the server.
- attribute display text content whenever response is delay. It's a optional if the attribute not set it will load default value "Please wait, we are fetching your data!"
- attribute display image whenever response is delay. It's a optional if the attribute not set it will load default value "Please wait, we are fetching your data!"
- attribute run at once or multi times 0/1.